

Empirical Research into the Psychological Contract and Role Stress Effect on Job Engagement Based on JD-R Model

【作者】 侯理想

【导师】 王秀丽;

【作者基本信息】 内蒙古工业大学 , 企业管理, 2009, 硕士

【摘要】 工作投入是员工的自我与其工作角色的结合,是一种充满着持久的、积极的情绪与动机的完满状态。以人为本的现代人力资源管理需要企业员工长期处于这样一种状态中,它是员工充分享受工作,乐于工作的理想追求。因此管理心理学从过去对员工负性心理品质的研究转向了积极心理学的研究。本文在前人研究的基础上,借鉴工作投入、工作倦怠、心理契约和角色压力的研究成果,在JD-R模型中加入了心理契约、角色压力因素,构建了PC-JD-R模型。旨在研究心理契约、角色压力对工作投入、工作倦怠的影响。本研究利用业已成熟的问卷对呼和浩特市的典型企业员工及MBA学生进行调查,对回收的244份有效问卷运用SPSS15.0进行数据分析。通过提炼各变量所包含的维度,利用描述性统计、因子分析、相关性分析,回归分析、独立样本T检验等方法,充分挖掘了影响工作投入、工作倦怠的相关因素。研究结果表明:1.心理契约员工责任包含四个因子:工作态度、责任感知、情感承诺、革新求变;组织责任包含三个因子:组织支持、安全保障、创新空间。心理契约的满足与工作投入正相关(+0.667),与工作倦怠负相关(-0.445)。工作倦怠与工作投入在一定程度上负相关(-0.682)。2.组织支持促进员工奉献,降低玩世不恭;角色模糊将导致活力丧失、专注度不高、成就感低落;情绪衰竭的主要预测因素为角色过载。3.心理契约满足程度最低的“工作愿景”,是一种激励因素,组织履行得好将促进工作投入的三个层面,履行不好只会导致玩世不恭,而不会显著产生成就感低落和情绪衰竭。4.值得注意的是责任感知、工作态度、创新空间、专注与情绪衰竭正相关;专注与角色过载正相关;情绪衰竭与角色过载显著正相关,相关度高达0.535。本研究提出的PC-JD-R模型基本得到验证,心理契约满足程度高的员工与满足程度低的员工在工作投入、工作倦怠上具有明显区别,即满足了的心理契约将作为资源促进工作投入、未满足的心理契约将作为工作要求导致工作倦怠。这一研究为企业人力资源管理提供了可具指导意义的理论支持。

【Abstract】 Job Engagement is the combination the staff with their work role, it is a perfect state that is full of a lasting, positive emotions and motivation. People-oriented modern human resources management needs employees who keep on lasting in such a state; it is the full enjoyment of the work for employees, who willing to work in the pursuit of ideals. Therefore, research on management psychology is transformed from the former negative psychological quality of staff to the positive psychology. In this paper, based on previous studies, amounts of the achievements of Job Engagement, Job Burnout, Psychological and Role Stress have been drawing on; the JD-R model is joined the factors of Psychological Contract, Role Stress, and to build a PC-JD-R model. The purpose is to study the psychological contract, role stress that effect on job engagement and job burnout.In this study, the staff from a typical enterprise in Hohhot and MBA students has been conducted a survey that adopted a mature questionnaire, on the recovery of the 244 valid questionnaires were given data analysis by using SPSS15.0. Through refining the variables included in the dimension, the use of descriptive statistics, factor analysis, correlation analysis, regression analysis, independent samples T test are to fully exploit the relevant factors that impact on job engagement, job burnout. The results are shown that:First, the staff responsibility of the psychological contract contains four factors: work attitude, fulfill their duties, emotional commitment, innovation & change; organizational responsibility is consisted of three factors: organizational support, security, innovation space; the needs of psychological contract and work engagement is positive correlation (+0.667), but job burnout negative correlation (-0.445). Job burnout and job engagement to some extent is negatively correlated (-0.682).Second, organization support promotes employees who dedicated to work, and cynicism reduction; role ambiguity will lead to the loss of vigor, low absorption, reduced efficacy; emotional exhaustion is the main predictors of role overload.Third, the minimum of degree of psychological contract is the "Working Vision", which is an incentive, a good performance for organizations will promote three levels of job engagement, perform not good only lead to cynicism, and not significantly produce a sense of reduced efficacy and emotional exhaustion. Fourth, it need to pay attention to the factors of fulfilling their duties, work attitude, innovation space and absorption, which are a positive correlation with emotional exhaustion; and absorption and role overload are related; emotional exhaustion and role overload are significantly positive correlation, correlation as high as 0.535.PC-JD-R model put forward by this study has been basically verified: a high degree and a low level of psychological contract that need to meet with staff that have significant difference in job engagement and job burnout. That is, meet the needs of the psychological contract will serve as resources is to promote job engagement, unmet psychological contract will serve as job demand lead to job burnout. This study provides a guide to support the theory for human resources management of the enterprise.
