

Melon F2 Populations Traits Analyse and Genetic Map Primers Selected

【作者】 白戈

【导师】 王志民;

【作者基本信息】 上海交通大学 , 作物遗传育种, 2009, 硕士

【摘要】 甜瓜是世界十大水果之一,深受各国人民欢迎。因此提高甜瓜产量,品种的育种工作又十分重要的意义。在进行育种工作前,细致的田间工作是十分必要的。同时构建饱和的遗传图谱对于加快育种进度具有极大的帮助。本文对甜瓜F2群体的性状遗传进行分析,利用J28-1-4-2(H)-2-2-1和DC-4-1-7-2-1-4-1-1-1杂交得到203个F2个体,2007年对节间长,叶长,叶宽等九个性状进行调查,评价。对所得数据进行方差分析,相关分析,全子集法回归分析,通径分析。结果表明除了节间长性状外,其它的性状都呈正态分布,说明这些性状是数量性状。节间长性状呈双峰分布,与前人的研究结果存在着不同,说明短节间基因间存在着互作。所有测量的形状都与产量有极显著的相关。通径分析表明,节间长度对于果重的直接影响比较小,节间与产量的相关系数较大,主要是由其它性状间接造成的,所以说明节间性状不会影响产量。为甜瓜短节间育种提供理论基础。在进行遗传构图前,对引物进行与筛选是十分必要的,从而能够知道两个亲本之间遗传关系的远近,知道那对引物能够在亲本间存在多态性,从而节省大量的时间和经费。用100对ISSR引物对亲本进行筛选,有36对能得到比较好的条带,其中有11对引物能够有多态。704对AFLP引物组合,对亲本DNA进行PCR扩增。平均每对引物在聚丙烯酰胺胶上分离得到32.3条带,总共检测到了22739个AFLP标记。共计检验到2130条多态性条带,AFLP的多态比率为9.37%,平均每对引物有三个多态。说明亲本间多态性高,F2群体适合于下一步的遗传多图。

【Abstract】 Melon is one of tenth most famous fruits, liked by everyone. It is very important to breed new melon breed. So it is necessary to do field analysis before breed. At the same time, create a genetic map can improve the pace of breed.we analyze F2 population which drived from hybrid cross of‘J28-1-4-2(H)-2-2-1×DC-4-1-7-2-1-4-1-1-1,we investigate internode length, leaf width, leaf length, and other six traits. Analysed the data by variance analysis, correlation analysis, path analysis. The result reveal all traits observed in the population and the frequency of those was approximately normally disturbed expect internode length. The results suggested the traits except internode length were controlled by QTLs. The internode length was bimodal distributed, which was different from previously result, suggested it existed gene interaction. The correlation between all the investigated traits were significant. The result of path analysis reveal internode length had a low effect on fruit weight. The significant correlation coefficient between internode length and fruit weight may caused by other traits, which suggest the internode length may not affect the fruit weight. It will provide the theory for melon short internode breeding.It is very important to use the marker to screen the ploymorphology between the parents genome, in order to know the genetic relation between the parents, at the same time it can identify which primer can be used in the genetic map. It can save the money and time.We use 100 ISSR primers to screen the parents. About 36 primers of them amplified clear bands and 11 of them amplified polymorphic band. We use 704 AFLP primers to screen the parents genome, amplified 32.3 bands per primer, and amplified 22739 bands totally.All the primers amplified 2130 polymorphic bands, indicating ploymorphology rate is 9.37%, and three polymorphic bands per primer. So the parents have high ploymorphology between each other, the F2 population can be used in genetic mapping.

【关键词】 F2群体性状分析AFLPISSR引物筛选
【Key words】 F2 populationstraits analysisAFLPISSRprimers selected