

Study on Environmental Govern and Planning of Huanghuagou Site of the Front-area in Huangdi’s Mausoleum

【作者】 王博

【导师】 王军;

【作者基本信息】 西安建筑科技大学 , 建筑设计及其理论, 2009, 硕士

【摘要】 黄帝陵——中华民族的始祖轩辕黄帝的陵园,是海内外中华儿女拜谒、祭奠共同始祖的圣地。作为中国城市发展史上,依据汉代陵邑制度而造城出现的黄陵县,则担负着拱卫始祖圣地的责任。然而,进入二十世纪八十年代以来,随着我国经济快速发展,城镇建设的步伐也逐渐加快,由于保护思想还未被广大民众所接受,再加上保护措施的不得力,黄帝陵周边区域环境日益严峻,而本文的研究对象——黄帝陵庙前区黄花沟街区——地处黄帝陵名胜风景区与黄陵县城镇区域边缘,也是黄帝陵名胜风景区周边环境中较脆弱、易破坏和问题多的区域之一。本文立足于黄花沟街区的历史文化特色,由黄花沟街区在黄帝陵风景名胜区整体中的角色分析入手,通过实际调查研究及理论分析,运用可持续发展战略和“有机更新”的理论方法,从历史地段保护和城市规划的角度提出了对黄花沟历史地段整治的总体构架和传统民居集体有组织、小规模的改造模式,对传统城市规划、建筑设计和民居改造中比较难以协调的一些设计难点和要点展开探讨,并从协调政府、设计队伍、市民和开发商的角度,对地段的保护和开发提出了稳定渐进、可持续发展等管理策略,以增强其可实施性。到目前为止,虽然关于黄帝陵的研究成果较多,但仍有许多内容有待继续深入研究。本论文将在既有研究的基础上,力图深入系统地研究黄帝陵周边区域环境整治与规划理论与方法,以期为今后的相关研究提供一些参考。

【Abstract】 The Huangdi’s Mausoleum---Chinese nation’s first ancestor Huangdi’s cemetery, is everywhere China’s youth holds a memorial service for the common first ancestor the Holy Land.As the Chinese Urban development history,makes Huangling County which based on the Han Dynasty Lingyi system the city appears,then shoulders is protecting the first ancestor Holy Land’s responsibility.However,since the 1980s,has developed fast along with our country economy,town construction’s step also gradually speeds up,because the protection thought has not been accepted by the general populace,in addition protective measures’ ineffectual,the Huangdi’s mausoleum peripheral region environment day by day is stern,but this article object of study --- Huanghuagou Site of the front-area in Huangdi’s Mausoleum --- is located in the Landscape Area and Historic Relics of the Huangdi’s Mausoleum and Huangli town area,which is a most fragile and problematic area.This article based on the historical and cultural characteristics of Huanghuagou Site,and the Huanghuagou Site of the Landscape Area and Historic Relics of the Huangdi’s Mausoleum,starts the research by analyzing its role characteristics,through actual investigations and studies and theoretical analysis and application of "sustainable development strategy "and" organic updating the theory",and the history of the Town Planning and protection lot angle of the development history of Huanghuagou Site lot rectification of the overall structure and traditional folk houses collective organizations,the small transformation model,and the traditional town planning,design and people living in the transformation of the more difficult to coordinate the design and difficult points and discussion of the corresponding solutions.And,the coordination of the Government,design team,the public and developers in the context of lots in the Protection and Development made a number of management strategy to enhance their implementation.So far,although are many about Huangdi Mausoleum’s research results,but still had many contents to wait for continuing the deep research.The present paper in already will have in the research foundation,tries hard to study the Huangdi mausoleum peripheral region environment improvement and the plan theory and the method systematically thoroughly,will provide some references take the time as present’s related research.
