

The General Layout Theory of Three-dimensional and Its Applied Research

【作者】 张圆

【导师】 王秋平;

【作者基本信息】 西安建筑科技大学 , 交通运输规划与管理, 2009, 硕士

【摘要】 随着三维设计软件技术的发展,其高效的设计方式与现在使用人机绘图相比,无论从质量还是速度上来说,都有着明显的优势。本文在原有平面总图设计的基础上,结合先进的三维软件设计技术,提出了三维总图设计理论和方法,并通过相关总图设计各部分具体的实例应用,对三维总图设计理论进行了诠释与证明。目的是找到一种三维总图设计方法,使它能够大幅度提高设计效率与设计成果的质量,并能够快速投入应用。论文把土木工程软件CIVIL3D应用于三维总图设计,通过实例验证三维总图设计的可行性与优缺点。论文进行了以下的研究工作:首先利用数字高程模型(DEM)数据建立原始自然地形模型,并对其进行高程、坡度、流域分析;其次对设计地面进行放坡处理与土方工程量计算,并将CIVIL3D应用于机场近、中、远期的用地规划;进而利用CIVIL3D与Google earth数据建立山区DEM,进行厂外道路三维建模设计;最后对机修厂建、构筑物进行三维建模与动画演示。通过以上的研究,得出以下结论:三维总图设计是未来发展的趋势;CIVIL3D软件应用于三维总图设计有着实用性和可行性;建立原始自然地面模型,通过三角网来进行土方计算,极大的降低了土方计算量和错误率;厂外山区道路三维建模后,道路设计中纵断面与横断面繁琐的数据对照提取工作可以在瞬间完成,并可以根据要求生成道路施工图。通过机修厂实例所创建的三维模型与动画演示,为总图设计成果的多样性及更高水平成果的展示提供了可能。三维总图设计利用软件智能进行出图,把设计工作与出图分开,极大的减轻了繁琐的绘图工作,使设计师能够投入更多的精力到设计中去。在三维设计环境中,设计师可在计算机屏幕上模拟出所设计的实际情况,对设计各方面的优点和问题进行评价。增强了设计的科学性和可靠性,并能及时发现和纠正设计阶段不易察觉的错误,在设计完成之前就对其进行优化,从而提高设计方案的可行性和实用性,提高了工作效率,设计周期明显缩短。

【Abstract】 With the development of three-dimensional design software technology,its efficient design and compared to the use of human-computer graphics now,in terms of quality and speed of speaking,have a distinct advantage.In this paper,based on the general layout theory,combination of the three-dimensional advanced software design technology,raised general layout of three-dimensional and methods,and made a interpretation and proof to the three-dimensional general layout theory through the specific examples of relevant parts of the general layout of the application.The purpose is to find three-dimensional design methods of general layout;it can significantly improve the design efficiency and design quality of results and applications to quickly input.This article applies CIVIL3D which is Civil Engineering software to the general layout of three-dimensional and uses three-dimensional examples to verify the feasibility of the general layout and the advantages and disadvantages.The paper of the research are as follows:First of all,the use of digital elevation model(DEM) data to establish the original natural terrain model,and its elevation,slope,watershed analysis;. followed by the design of ground slope to deal with in terms of earthworks and Airport civile3d applies to short-,medium-,long-term land-use planning;Use Google earth date and civil3d software to build up DEM of mountain,To establish the three-dimensional road modeling and use it to design;Finally establish the machine repair shop building model and demo animation.Through the above-mentioned studies,the following conclusions be made:the 3d general layout is the development trend in the future;Applies civi3d software to the three-dimensional general layout has the practicality and feasibility;The establishment of the original natural surface model,through triangulation calculation to carry out earthworks,which greatly reduces the amount of earthwork calculation and the error rate;plant after three-dimensional modeling of mountain roads,road design in the vertical section and cross-sectional data were extracted tedious work can be completed in an instant and can be generated in accordance with the requirements of road construction plans.Through the example of three-dimensional machine rapier factory model and the animation of demonstration,results for the general layout of a higher level of diversity and show the results of possible.The general layout of three-dimensional is to use intelligent software drawing the working drawings,the design work and a plan to separate the great graphics to reduce the red tape so that designers can allocate more energy to the design.In the three-dimensional design environment,designers can simulate a computer screen designed by the actual situation in various aspects of the design advantages and problems of evaluation.Enhance the design and reliability of the scientific and timely identify and correct the design stage is not easy to detect errors before the design is completed in its optimized design scheme so as to enhance the feasibility and practicality,improved efficiency,design cycle shortened significantly.

  • 【分类号】TP391.72;U412.6
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】367
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