

The Study on Optimization of the Industrial Structure in Yichun Area

【作者】 邱立红

【导师】 王永清;

【作者基本信息】 东北林业大学 , 林业经济管理, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 伊春地区位于黑龙江省东北部,区内自然资源优势明显,但由于该区是偏远地区又是欠发达地区,远离经济发达地区,投资环境差,属典型的资源依托型山区经济。近年来,该地区产业结构经过多次调整,有了一定改善,但就其现状来看,传统的产业格局并没有得到根本改观,产业经营效益还很低,还不适应新时期对产业发展的要求,迫切需要加大产业结构改革力度,充分合理的利用资源,提高林区人民的收入。产业结构的调整优化战略研究,对该地区乃至黑龙江省经济发展具有现实指导意义。本文分析概括了伊春地区产业结构的总体情况,并找出其存在的主要问题及产业结构发展的制约因素,同时通过产业结构优化模式的建立,探索今后一个时期三次产业结构优化方向。针对伊春地区主导产业衰退现象,根据主导产业选择基准,结合该地区的实际情况,建立了选择主导产业的指标体系,运用层次分析法,通过建立层次分析图、确定指标的权重、指标的标准化处理、综合评分等步骤,对该地区现有规模以上工业产业进行了定量分析,最后确立了木材精深加工业、黑色金属冶炼及压延加工业为该地区的主导产业,生态旅游业、森林培育业作为该地区潜在的主导产业。并依据产业结构政策理论,提出了伊春地区产业结构的政策建议,为实现该地区产业结构优化总体目标献计献策,实现该地区经济可持续发展。

【Abstract】 Yichun area lies in the northeast of Heilongjiang Province,its natural resource advantage is obvious in the district,however,because this area is the remote and less developed region, far away from economical developed areas,poor investment environment,it is the typical mountain-based economy relying on resources.Recent years,with many adjustments,the industrial structure has been improved.However,the traditional industrial frame has not changed ultimately,the benefit of industry is low,which can’t fit with the development of industry and need to induce the degree of innovation of industry structure to utilize fully resources and enhance the forest region people’s income.The strategic research on the adjustment for the industrial structure optimization has realistic directive significance for the economy development of this region and Heilongjiang Province.This paper analyzed the overall situation of the industrial structure in Yichun,identified the main problems and the restrictive factors,and explored the direction of optimizing the Three-industrial structure in the future through the establishment of optimization model.At the same time,in view of the decline of leading industry and weak economic development without vitality,based on the selection criterions of leading industry,and combied with the actual situation of Yichun,the paper built up an index system for the choice of leading industry and made a quantitative analysis on the industries with a certain scale in Yichun now by applying AHP,also with the help of four steps:construct the analytical hierarchy chart,determine the weight of index,the standardization of original data and a comprehensive evaluation. According to the analysis results,the leading industry was focus on the deep processing and utilization of woodworking,the smelting and calendering of ferrous metal,the coo-tourism industry will be taken as the potential leading industry.Finally,the paper proposed the countermeasures on promoting the optimization of industrial structure in Yichun area with the help the theory of industrial structure optimization,the policy theoty of the industrial structure, hoping that it can be useful for Yichun about its overall goal of industrial structure optimization and the sustainable economic development.
