

Comprehensive Management Study of EPC-Pattern-Project Objectives Based on Dynamic Programming Theory

【作者】 田小玲

【导师】 张国志;

【作者基本信息】 东北林业大学 , 管理科学与工程, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 工程总承包不单是要求承包商承担项目的设计、施工和采购工作,关键是要求承包商作为总包方要建立健全、系统、完善、科学的总承包组织管理体系,特别是其目标管理必须体现工程项目全生命期的、集成化的特点,符合环境和历史的要求。而我国实行的工程总承包普遍存在理论不成熟,观念落后,形式重于实质的现象,在实施中存在许多误区,体现不出总承包的优势。因而,结合我国工程建设市场的实际情况以及我国推行工程总承包的现状,探讨EPC总承包模式的项目目标管理理论,实现工程工期、成本和质量目标的综合全局优化和协调管理,建立全新的与国际接轨的项目目标管理理念,对于从理论和实践方面提高我国建筑工程项目管理水平,增强总承包企业的市场竞争力及提高行业管理水平具有重要意义。本文的研究目的是建立能够同时考虑多个目标因素的优化模型,并寻求一种有效的求解方法,能够满足EPC总承包模式多阶段深度交叉、多目标综合控制、动态、主动管理的特点要求。目前我国工程总承包正处于试点推广阶段,其工程目标优化问题的研究具有现实意义。本文结合EPC总承包模式自身的特点,运用模糊优化理论与动态规划原理相结合来研究实现EPC总承包模式项目多目标的动态优化管理,就工程项目目标管理的关键要素(工期、成本、质量),建立了EPC模式下的项目目标综合全局优化模型,运用该模型对项目全过程实行“目标制定(方案选择)-偏差检查-偏差调整-绩效考核”动态循环管理,使各阶段各目标的综合效益达到最优,保证了目标变量的综合全局最优性,实现了总承包模式设计、采购、施工的深度交叉与协调,体现了全过程全方位最优控制思想,为EPC总承包模式项目目标管理系统的优化提供了一条值得探索的新途径,为我国现阶段全面推行工程总承包提供了参考。最后,通过一个具体的EPC总承包案例分析,进一步验证了本文所建模型的可行性和有效性,证明本文在模型的建立和求解算法上的研究确实可以为工程项目管理中的多目标优化问题提供一种新的切实可行的思路与方法。

【Abstract】 The project general contract requests the contractor not only to undertake the project design, the construction and the purchase work, but also to establish a systemic, consummate, scientific general contractor organizing management system. Especially its objectives management must manifest the engineering project entire lifespan, the integration, and conform to the environment and the historical request. But it has many erroneous zones seriously during the implementation of project general contract in our country universally. Such as its theory is not mature, the idea is backward; the form overweighs the substantive, and therefore can’t manifest superiority of general contract. Therefore, combining with the actual situation of project management as well as the present situation of carry out the project general contract in our country, this article study the project objectives management theory of EPC general contract pattern, and fulfill the comprehensive global optimization and the coordinated management of the construction time, cost and quality objectives, and finally establish the brand-new project objectives management idea joint with international trail. In this way, raise the architectural engineering project management level of our country from the theory and the practice aspect, and have important meaning to enhance the market competitiveness of the construction enterprises project management and to enhance the professional management level.The purpose of this passage is to establish an optimizing mode considering more than one objective and find an effective solving method, which can fulfill the characteristic of EPC general contract pattern. It is of great pratical importance at this stage.Unifying EPC general contract pattern’s own characteristics, this paper study fulfilling the EPC general contract pattern project various goals dynamic management utilizing fuzzy optimization theory unifying with the dynamic programming optimization principle. Propose the project objectives fuzzy optimization model of EPC pattern creatively, including plan optimal model, target deviation and adjusting model as well as project objectives management achievements inspection model. Utilize this model to implement "objectives constitute (select plans) - inspect deviation - adjust deviation - inspect achievements" dynamic loop management to the project entire process. Enable the combined benefit of various goals of each stage to of the EPC general contract pattern, and provide reference for comprehensively carrying out project general contract at present stage in our country. Finally, Confirm effecency and reliability of the model further through a practical EPC general contract construction case. Demonstrate the perforcemence of the models and methods could provide a new practical approach to multi-objective problems in construction project management.
