

Research on the Effect of the Conversation of Cropland to Forest Project and Follow-up Question in Heilongjiang Province

【作者】 张晓艳

【导师】 吴国春;

【作者基本信息】 东北林业大学 , 林业经济管理, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 退耕还林工程是党中央、国务院做出的一项重大战略决策,是我国生态建设的一件大事。它既关系到中华民族的生存环境的改善和国家的生态安全,同时也是促进当前农业经济结构调整和农民增收的一项重大举措,对改善我国农业和农村基础设施薄弱状况,促进国民经济健康发展,发挥了重大作用。本论文主要是对黑龙江省退耕还林工程实施效果的分析,因为国家对黑龙江省退耕还林工程投入了大量的资金,对退耕还林工程实施效果的分析是非常有必要的。本论文以可持续发展理论、经济学理论、公共物品理论为基础,通过查阅大量的文献资料和深入调查研究,分析了退耕还林工程产生的效果。最后得出了退耕还林工程对黑龙江省生态环境产生的影响、对退耕农户产生的影响、对农村劳动力结构产生的影响等。对退耕农户产生的影响是本论文研究的重点,这一部分本论文主要运用了统计线性回归模型,以尚志市100户退耕农户为样本,对退耕前后农户收入结构变化进行分析,最后得出退耕还林工程在一定程度上影响了退耕农户的收入结构变化。在调查过程中本论文也发现了退耕还林工程存在的后续问题,同时也提出了相应的对策建议。

【Abstract】 The project of conversation of cropland to forest is a major strategic decision,which made by the Party Central Committee and State Council,and this is really a major event of ecological construction in China.It related to the Chinese nation and the improvement of the living environment of the country’s ecological security,but also to promoting the economic restructuring of agriculture and incensement of farmer’s.What is more,a major measure to improve China’s agriculture and rural infrastructure,weak,and,which played a major role in promoting the healthy development of national economy.This paper is to the conversation of cropland to forest in Heilongjiang Province effect of the analysis,as the State of returning farmland to forest project in Heilongjiang Province has invested large amounts of funds,returning farmland to forest project on the effect of the analysis is very necessary.This paper is based on the theory of sustainable development, economic theory,and the theory of public goods.By looking through a large number of literature and in-depth investigations and studies,this paper analysis the effect of the project of conversion of cropland to forest.Finally comes out the impact of the ecological environment on the conversation of cropland to forest project in Heilongjiang Province.Farmers whose land has been reclaimed on the impact of this paper is the focus of the study,this part of the paper, used a statistical regression model to the city of Shangzhi,100 farmers whose land has been reclaimed as a sample.The writer analyses the income change of farmers whose land has been reclaimed before and after the project.At last,this paper drawled the conclusion that the project of conversion of cropland to forest works to a certain extent,affected the income of farmers whose land has been reclaimed structural changes.In the course of the investigations, the paper not only found the existence of the follow-up question on the project of conversion of cropland to forest,but also put forward the corresponding measures to make up the problem.
