
非繁殖期笼养白鹇(Lophura nycthemera)野放前后行为及性比影响的研究

Sex Ratio Effect and Behavioral Study of Captive Silver Pheasant (Lophura Nycthemera) before and after Wild-release in Non-breeding Period

【作者】 肖绍军

【导师】 刘丙万;

【作者基本信息】 东北林业大学 , 野生动植物保护与利用, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 野放是野生动物保护和恢复的一条重要途径。为利用笼养白鹇种群提高野生种群数量,从2006年9月到2008年1月,在广东象头山国家级自然保护区开展了白鹇野放试验。结果有:1.白鹇野放前后行为差异比较:1)从时间分配来看,雄性白鹇的休息、理羽、其他行为在野放前后存在极显著的差异(P<0.01),其中休息和其他行为时间在野放后增加;雌性白鹇的觅食、休息、理羽、其他行为在野放前后存在极显著的差异(P<0.01),其中,觅食和其他行为时间在野放后增加;2)野放后的白鹇展现出更多的行为,特别是与空间有关的社会行为增加明显。温度对白鹇的行为也有一定影响。2.野生雄性白鹇的观察:与野放后的雄性白鹇相比较,野生雄性白鹇取食行为与游走行为所占的时间比例较低,而休息行为与理羽行为的时间分配比例较高;并且,随着与人的不断接触,野生雄性白鹇与人的警戒距离越来越短。3.性别和性比对白鹇行为的影响:时间分配上,同一性比的雄性与雌性间存在差异:雌雄比为2:2时,雄性与雌性在游走和休息上的差异极显著(P<0.01);雌雄比为3:1时,雄性与雌性在取食和游走的差异极显著(P<0.01)。不同性比的同性间存在差异:雄性在雌雄比为2:2与3:1时游走的差异极显著(P<0.01);雌性在雌雄比为2:2与3:1时取食和游走的差异极显著(P<0.01),并在雌雄比为3:1与3:0时取食和游走的差异极显著(P<0.01);不同性比的白鹇个体之间亲疏关系不同,但总有两只雌性个体关系密切。4.性别和性比对白鹇生境选择的影响:1)在不同生境上活动的时间分配上,同一性比的雄性与雌性间存在差异:在雌雄比为2:2的情况下,雄性白鹇与雌性白鹇在干土地、低草地与在石头上活动的时间分配差异极显著(P<0.01);在雌雄比为3:1的情况下,雄性白鹇与雌性白鹇在干土地、高草地与低草地上活动的时间分配差异极显著(P<0.01)。不同性比的同性间在不同生境上活动的时间分配仍存在差异:雄性在雌雄比为2:2与3:1时在干土地、高草地、低草地、石头上活动的时间分配差异极显著(P<0.01);雌性在雌雄比为2:2与3:1时在干土地和低草地上活动的时间分配差异极显著(P<0.01),并在雌雄比为3:1与3:0时在石头上活动的时间分配差异极显著(P<0.01);2)不同性别的白鹇个体之间亲疏关系不同,但总有两只雌性个体关系密切。

【Abstract】 Wild-release is an important way to protect and restore endangered wildlife.In order to make use of captive Silver pheasant to increase the number of wild Silver pheasant,a wild-release trail of Silver pheasant in non-breeding period was conducted in Guangdong Xiangtoushan National Nature Reserve from September 2006 to January 2008.The result showed:1.Behavioral comparison of captive Silver Pheasant before and after wild-release:1) In behavioral time budget,the male showed stronger significant difference in time that was spent on resting,preening,other behaviors before and after wild-release(P<0.01).At the same time, the male spent more time on resting and other behaviors after wild-release.The female before and after wild-release showed stronger significant difference in time that was spent on foraging,resting, preening,other behaviors(P<0.01).At the same time,the female spent more time on foraging and other behaviors after wild-release;2) After wild-release,Silver pheasant displayed more behaviors and the social behaviors which related to space increased obviously.Behavioral ethogram of Silver pheasant was richer than that before wild-release.Temperature affected behaviors to certain degree.2.Observation of a wild male Silver pheasant:Compared to the male Silver pheasant after wild-release,the wild spent more time on resting and preening and less time on feeding and walking. Alert distance of the wild male Silver pheasant became shorter along with the increase of human disturbance.3.Influence of sex and sex ratio on behaviors of captive Silver Pheasant:In behavioral time budget,the male and the female showed obvious difference at different sex ratios:at the ratio of 2:2,walking and resting were significantly different between the male and the female(P<0.01);at the ratio of 3:1,feeding and walking were significantly different(P<0.01). The same sex showed obvious difference in behavioral time budget at different sex ratios:walking showed significant difference between the ratio of 2:2 and the ratio of 3:1 by the male(P<0.01);as to the female,feeding and walking showed significant difference between the ratio of 2:2 and the ratio of 3:1,feeding and walking showed significant difference between the ratio of 3:1 and the ratio of 3:0;The individuals kept intimate or aloof relations;however,two female individuals kept familiar relationship at different sex ratios.4.Influence of sex and sex ratio on habitat selection of captive Silver Pheasant:1)On habitat selection,the male and the female showed obvious difference under different sex ratios:At the ratio of 2:2,the time spent on dry soil,low grassland,and stone were significantly different between the male and the female(P<0.01);At the ratio of 3:1,the time spent on dry soil, high grassland and low grassland were significantly different(P<0.01).The same sex showed obvious difference at different sex ratios in habitat selection:The time spent on dry soil,high grassland,low grassland and stone showed significant difference between the ratio of 2:2 and the ratio of 3:1 by the male(P<0.01).The time spent on dry soil and low grassland showed significant difference between the ratio of 2:2 and the ratio of 3:1 by the female(P<0.01);The time spent on stone showed significant difference between the ratio of 3:1 and the ratio of 3:0 by the female(P<0.01);2) Individuals of different sexual Silver pheasant kept intimate or aloof relations,but two female Silver pheasant kept familiar relationship at three different sex ratios.

  • 【分类号】S865
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