

Study of Various Vegetative Restoration Patterns on Species Diversity and Soil Nutrients and Creature Factors in Iron Tailings

【作者】 王艳超

【导师】 袁玉欣; 李玉灵;

【作者基本信息】 河北农业大学 , 生态学, 2009, 硕士

【摘要】 本文采用样地法对唐山不同植被恢复模式下铁尾矿物种多样性、土壤养分和土壤生物因子进行了调查。共计调查了12个样地,45个灌木样方和60个草本样方。取得以下研究结果:1不同恢复模式下铁尾矿植物群落中有灌木和草本植物共27科42属45种,并以温带植物区系为主,占总属数的52.38%。2铁尾矿样地人工林群落结构简单,主要分为灌木层和草本层两层。人工沙棘林和紫穗槐林植物群落的灌木层生长茂盛,盖度较大,荒坡样地灌木层不发达,盖度较小,在新尾矿地上不存在灌木层。草本层受灌木层盖度的影响较大。沙棘林和紫穗槐林植物群落的草本层生长不发达,盖度较低,主要为一些喜荫种类。说明人工植被恢复对尾矿的群落结构有明显改造作用。3在不同恢复模式样地中,总生物量差别较大,沙棘林的总生物量最多,达到14.25t·hm-2,紫穗槐林总生物量次之,达到11.64t·hm-2,它们都远远大于荒坡和新尾矿样地。就4个不同样地中灌木层而言,沙棘林、紫穗槐和荒坡生物量分别占群落总生物量的97.34%、94.26%和19.77%,新尾矿样地没有灌木出现。4个不同样地草本层中,沙棘林生物量最低,占群落总生物量的2.66%;紫穗槐林草本层生物量占群落总生物量的5.74%。荒坡样地草本层生物量最多,占总生物量的80.23%,新尾矿样地的草本层生物量虽然只有0.56t·hm-2,但它构成了其植物群落的全部生物量。4从物种丰富度、Simpson和Shannon-Weiner多样性指数来看,各样地从大到小依次为荒坡>沙棘林>紫穗槐林>新尾矿。从Pielou均匀度指数来看,各样地从大到小依次为新尾矿>荒坡>沙棘林>紫穗槐林;从Alatalo均匀度指数来看,其排列顺序与Pielou均匀度指数有所相同,各样地从大到小依次为新尾矿>沙棘林>荒坡>紫穗槐林。从相似性系数的结果可以看出,各样地之间的物种组成相似性系数较低,说明各样地之间的物种组成差异较大。据多样性阈值的分级评价标准,多样性评价结果显示:荒坡、沙棘林、紫穗槐属于类型Ⅱ,荒坡和人工林物种多样性丰富;新尾矿地属于类型Ⅳ,新尾矿地物种多样性一般。5各样地间土壤养分由多到少表现为荒坡>沙棘林>紫穗槐林>新尾矿。土壤养分在深度上分布状况均为0-20cm>20-40cm>40-60cm。说明在尾矿上种植沙棘林和紫穗槐林有利于营养成分积累。6在不同植被恢复模式下,细菌最多,放线菌次之,真菌最少。尾矿土壤微生物总量和主要类群数量由多到少表现为:荒坡>沙棘林>紫穗槐>新尾矿。尾矿之间微生物总量和各主要微生物类群的数量差异极显著。不同的取样深度土壤微生物的数量随土层深度的增加逐渐降低。7各林样地土壤酶活性指标大小顺序不完全一致,说明并不是一种酶含量高的其它酶的含量也一定高,因此仅从单一酶活性不能全面揭示土壤的酶活性特征。8从物种多样性与土壤有机质、速效钾、速效磷和碱解氮相关性可以看出,有机质、速效钾、速效磷是对铁尾矿地植物群落多样性具有较大影响的土壤因子。9植物多样性指数与土壤生物因子关系分析表明:唐山铁尾矿地区植被恢复演替过程中,土壤微生物和土壤酶活性与植物多样性之间存在一定的相关性,但因土壤酶类型的差异,土壤微生物和土壤酶活性与植物多样性相关性存在一定的差异。10土壤养分与生物因子之间的关系分析表明:土壤微生物、土壤酶与土壤养分循环、代谢有着重要的关系。可以将土壤微生物数量和土壤酶活性两者结合起来,作为评价土壤肥力的生物学指标。

【Abstract】 The species diversity, soil chemical factors and biological factors of different vegetation restoration patterns in Tangshan iron tailings were studied in the paper. By investigated 12 plots, 45 shrubs and 60 herbaceous patches the results showed as following:1 Flora analysis showed that there are 27 families, 42 genera, 45 species of seed plants. The flora has distinct warm temperate characteristics, and temperate genera account for 52.38% in total genera.2 The community structure was simple in different vegetation restoration patterns tailings, and it was divided into shrub layer and herb layer. The artificial Hippophae rhamnoides and Amorpha fruticosa forest glowed lush and cover a larger plant in shrub layer, they were shades plants understory plant. Plot slopes cover less shrub layer, and there was not shrub in the new tailings. It is show that dartificial vegetation restoration played a significant role on the community structure transformation in the tailings.3 The total biomass were differences in different vegetation restoration patterns tailings, the Hippophae rhamnoides forest has the most of the total biomass, reaching 14.25 t·hm-2, and the Amorpha fruticosa forest was next, reaching 11.64 t·hm-2, they were much greater than the slopes and the new tailings. It is significantly affected that artificial Hippophae rhamnoides and Amorpha fruticosa forest added to plant community biomass.4 From the species richness, Simpson index and Shannon-Weiner index, the range from large to small are ranked in descending order as follows: slope> Hippophae rhamnoides> Amorpha fruticosa >new tailings. Pielou evenness index showed that the range from large to small are ranked in descending order as follows: new tailings>slopes> Hippophae rhamnoides> Amorpha fruticosa; From the Alatalo evenness index, its order was differences with the Pielou evenness index, range from large to small was as follows: the new tailings> Hippophae rhamnoides >slopes> Amorpha fruticosa. According to the similarity coefficient, it is the lower coefficient, and the species composition was different in different vegetation restoration patterns tailings. The diversity of evaluation showed that: slopes, Hippophae rhamnoides, Amorpha fruticosa species were diversity; new tailings species diversity was general.5 For the soil nutrients in different vegetation restoration patterns tailings were ranked in descending order as follows: 0-20cm> 20-40cm> 40-60cm. The result showed that planting Hippophae rhamnoides and Amorpha fruticosa were beneficial to the nutrients formation.6 There were significant differences in the quantity of the mostly microorganism in different restoration patterns. Overall, the bacteria was most, and the autonomics was next with the fungi least. For the soil microorganism quantity and the enzyme activity in soil layer , in addition to catalase ,different restoration patterns are ranked in descending order as follows: slopes > Hippophae rhamnoides> Amorpha fruticosa >new tailings. Both the quantity of soil microorganism and the enzyme activity decreased as the depth of soil increased. There was positive relationship between the quantity of soil microorganism and the enzyme activity. It was concluded that artificial vegetation restoration could improve the quantity of soil microorganism and the enzyme activity.7 The soil enzyme activity was not exactly the same order in different woodland. It showed that the high content of an enzyme did not represent other enzymes must high also, so only a single enzyme activity can not fully reveal the characteristics of the soil enzyme activity.8 According to the result of the species diversity and soil organic matter, available potassium, available phosphorus and nitrogen correlation. The experimental results show that soil organic matter, available potassium, available phosphorus is the soil factors that have a greater impact on the diversity in iron tailings. And it would promote the species diversity if vegetation were planted in tailings.9 According to the relationship of diversity index and soil biological factors. In the process of restoration of vegetation succession, soil microbial, soil enzyme activity and plant diversity have a certain degree of relevance, but it was difference in the difference soil enzymes.10 According to the relationship of the soil chemical properties and soil biological factors. The results suggest that soil microorganisms, soil enzymes and soil nutrient cycling, metabolism have an important relationship. Therefore, a combination of both of soil microbial and soil enzyme activity could be considered as a means of soil biological fertility evaluation.
