

Research of the Landscape Characteristics of Small Towns in Hebei Province

【作者】 李倩

【导师】 黄涛;

【作者基本信息】 河北农业大学 , 园林植物与观赏园艺, 2009, 硕士

【摘要】 小城镇发展是我国城市化战略的关键,不仅关系到新农村的建设,也关系到城乡的协调发展。在我国现阶段,城市化进程的不断加快,带来了小城镇经济的迅速发展。然而,在经济繁荣的同时,也出现了一些不良现象。小城镇那富含人文情趣的传统街区被推平,民俗的风情被消隐,历史的痕迹被抹去,小城镇的景观呈现出日益憔悴、衰败的景象,面对小城镇特色的消失、文化的丢弃、自然景观的破坏,人们越来越意识到塑造小城镇景观特色的迫切性和紧要性。特色是一个城镇可持续发展的动力,是一个城镇的灵魂。什么是景观特色,如何塑造一个城镇的景观特色,怎样制定景观特色保护与规划设计的对策是小城镇规划和建设中一个非常重要的命题,具有非常重要的意义。河北省小城镇沿渤海,环京津,具有优越的地理位置和悠久历史,自然景观、人文景观资源丰富,但多数地区的小城镇因为缺乏整体的景观设计理论指导,在快速的现代化建设中,景观难以因地制宜的适应千姿百态的自然和丰富多彩的文化环境要求,使小城镇原有的鲜明个性和地方特色逐渐消失。在河北省“三年大变样”活动的推动下,对如何规划建设本省小城镇的景观特色进行深入细致地研究是十分必要的。本文包括理论研究和实践应用研究两部分,研究思路是结合国内外相关研究理论,以地域资源环境条件为出发点,探讨自然要素和人文要素对小城镇景观设计的影响,提出构建具有特色的现代小城镇景观规划设计的原则和方法,并通过实例应用,使自然景观的规划设计同人文景观规划设计很好的结合起来,增强研究的可操作性,以期为河北省小城镇景观建设提供一定的参考。论文共分六章,第一章说明了研究背景,国内外相关研究现状,阐明重视小城镇景观特色建设的现实意义与目的,以及论文研究的思路和方法。第二章介绍了论文研究的理论基础,明确了研究对象和相关概念。第三章通过实地调研或调查表分析,研究河北省小城镇的景观建设优势以及现状建设问题。第四章对河北省小城镇景观特色规划设计实施进行研究,提出规划设计原则、不同层次的景观规划内容、针对不同类型小城镇的景观特色体现,以及景观要素特色设计的方法。第五章为景观特色规划设计实践应用,以河北省马兰峪镇和冉庄镇为例,分别针对自然景观和人文景观不同的景观特色提出了规划设计方案。第六章为结语,指出研究不足及今后研究发展方向。

【Abstract】 The development of small towns is the key of the urbanization strategy of China, it is not only related to the construction if new countryside, but also the coordinated and balanced program of development for city and countryside. At the present stage, the processes of urbanization is accelerating, extending the economy rapidly for the small towns. At the meantime of economy extended, some negative phenomenon raised. The human landscape such as traditional street, folk custom and the historical sign had been erase from those small towns, with the landscape of those small towns getting worse include the disappearance of small town features, people realized it is urgent to build the unique features. Since the unique features is the power of sustainable development for the small towns, and it is the soul of the town. What is the landscape characteristics, how to build the landscape characteristics for a particular town, how to make the rules to protect the feature and planning design become a critical topic for the small town planning program with important significance.The small towns of He Bei province around the Bohai sea, beside Beijing and Tianjin with perfect location, a long history, lots of natural landscape and human landscape, since most of these town are lack of theoretical monolithic designing directions, those features cannot properly meet the requirements of the natural and cultural environment, and this makes the feature and local color loose. With the constrictions program“Three years, great changes”pushes, is it very necessary to research on how to plan and construct the landscape characteristics for small towns in He Bei province. This thesis includes theoretical research and practical research, the train of thought is combining the research theory at home and abroad, start from the environmental conditions of area resources, discuss the influence on feature designing for small towns from human factors and natural factors, bring up the rules and methods of how to build the unique modern small town, by the applicable real life example, well gathering the plan designing for both human landscape and natural landscape, enhancing the operability of the research. Hopefully, this thesis can provide some suggestions for the constrictions of small towns in He Bei province.This thesis consist of six chapters. The first chapter illustrates the background of the research and the current research situation at home and abroad, clarifies the purposes and realistic significances for paying attention to build landscape features constrictions and the way of research for this thesis. The second chapter clarifies the theoretical principles for this research, defines the research objects and relative concepts. The third chapter provides the research on the landscape construction advantages and current construction problems in He Bei Province small towns, with the investigation and table data anywise. The forth chapter is the research on small town landscape characteristics plan designing in He Bei province, come up with the plan design principles, the plan designing content of landscape in different layers, to aim at different type if small town’s landscape features reflects and the way of landscape element unique design. The fifth chapter is about practice use of landscape feature unique designing, take Malanyu town and Ranzhuang town in He Bei province as examples, propose the plan designing proposal for unique features of human landscape and natural landscape respectively. The last chapter is summary, figure out the weakness of this research and furthering develop direction.
