

The Research on Landscape Character of Small Tourism Towns Adjacent to Scenic Spot Planning

【作者】 贾漫丽

【导师】 杨建民;

【作者基本信息】 河北农业大学 , 园林植物与观赏园艺, 2009, 硕士


【摘要】 我国的风景名胜区众多,许多与风景区相邻的小城镇因拥有独特的自然景观资源而成为休闲旅游度假胜地。但是,随着旅游业的发展和城市化进程的加快,伴之而来的种种矛盾与问题引起了各界广泛的关注,如风景区的景观资源被破坏,城镇景观风貌趋同,地域特色的缺失,特别是在生态保护与开发建设压力并存的情况下,景观资源的发掘、提炼与建设性毁坏的矛盾已经显现,人们开始意识到对风景区旅游小城镇景观风貌进行保护和规划的重要性。本次论文研究力求通过分析评价风景区旅游小城镇景观风貌的现状,对城镇景观风貌定位、特色与发展思路有一个宏观的把握,从而制定对于风景区旅游小城镇景观风貌具有决定性、长期性、全局性影响的控制规划方案,为下一步城镇景观风貌建设提供合理的依据和指导。主要研究结果如下:1.首先论述了本文的研究背景,近年来国内外关于景观风貌规划的研究进展,以及目前我国风景区旅游小城镇景观风貌存在的共同而突出的问题。结合国内外的研究动态,提出进行该课题研究的目的与意义,最后制定本论文的研究框架。2.对景观风貌的相关概念进行阐述,并对现有城镇景观风貌规划理论与方法进行了整理、分析,总结经验,作为本次研究的理论支持。3.通过基础理论的研究和国内外实践案例分析,探索适用于风景地区旅游小城镇景观风貌规划的方法,并将分析所得的规划方法进行实践应用,制定了千岛湖城镇景观风貌规划的流程。4.以杭州千岛湖城镇景观风貌规划为例进行了个案研究,对千岛湖镇自然及人文景观风貌进行基础调研,主要包括景观资源特征、类型、评价,基于此确定了千岛湖城镇景观风貌发展的目标和定位。5.依据已确定的千岛湖城镇景观风貌控制规划流程进行实践操作,探讨千岛湖城镇景观风貌规划的策略与方法,从千岛湖城镇景观风貌格局构建、城镇景观系统控制规划、景观风貌分区引导三方面来塑造千岛湖城镇的整体景观风貌形象。文章最后一部分结论与讨论,在对文章研究内容进行总结的基础上,对整个研究过程进行了评价和反思,提出了文章的不足之处与改进方向。

【Abstract】 There are many Scenic Spots in our country. Even many small towns adjacent to Scenic Spots become Vacation paradise for Leisure Tourism due to their unique nature resources. However, with the development of tourism and fast-step of Urbanization, many negative impacts happen, for example, the damage of the nature resource, Landscape style of Towns Convergence, missing Geographical characteristics and so on. Especially Under the press of ecological protection and development, the contradiction between recombine and Constructive destructive landscape resources has been appeared. More and more people realize the importance to protect and plan the Landscape style of the town. Base on the analysis and evaluation of present landscape style of the tourism small towns near the Scenic Spots, we can get a Macro-grasp for their location, features and development thought so that we can make decisive, long-term and overall plan to give the reasonable basis and instruct for the construction of the small towns. The following are the main results:1. Discusses the study backgrounds of the thesis, the research progress at home and abroad of the landscape style in recent years, and the common and outstanding problems existing in the tourism towns at present. Based on the research dynamic, I state the objective and meaning of the thesis. Finally, make the framework of this thesis.2. To make a brief introduction to the related concepts and clarify, analyze, sum up experience the theory of the tourism town landscape style planning which are the supports of my thesis.3. By the study of basic theory and analysis of the practical cases, I try to find the method to plan the landscape style of tourism towns. And with the method applied for the Practice, I establish the flow for landscape style program of Qiandao Lake town.4. A case study was made of the planning of Qiandao Lake town landscape style, basic investigation the nature and humanistic landscape style of the town, include the features, the types, and the evaluation, Based on these, I confirm the purpose and orientation of its landscape development.5. According to the identified flow for landscape style program of Qiandao Lake town in the practice, Explore the method and strategic planning. The whole style planning of Qiandao Lake consists of pattern construction, system-control planning, and division guidance.The last part is conclusion for my thesis, on the base of summary the content of the article, Introspection of the whole research process, puts forward the suggestion and improvement for my paper.
