

The Utilization Efficiency Experiment and Simulation Evaluation of Soil Water and Fertilizer under Different Groundwater Buried Depth

【作者】 孔繁瑞

【导师】 屈忠义;

【作者基本信息】 内蒙古农业大学 , 农业水土工程, 2009, 硕士

【摘要】 目前农田灌溉中的水肥利用效率及化肥淋失污染是农业水土工程研究中的重要问题之一,本文以内蒙古河套灌区主要粮食作物为研究对象,在巴彦淖尔市临河曙光试验站地中渗透仪试验场进行了不同地下水埋深条件下河套灌区现有灌溉制度、施肥制度中水肥利用效率和作物生长性状影响的对比研究,运用SWAP模型对葵花田间水量平衡分量进行模拟,对不同地下水埋深条件下、不同时期灌水的有效性进行了评价,取得以下主要研究成果和结论:(1)分析了不同地下水埋深下灌水对地下水的补给、利用量及作物生物性状(株高、叶面积指数)、产量的影响,得出在埋深为1.5-2.0m时植株株高、叶面积指数、产量等指标相对较高,随着埋深的增大,呈逐渐降低的趋势。使作物在不同阶段所受影响的程度有了直观的反应。(2)不同地下水埋深下的土壤含水率随着灌水的变化而变化,且对表层土壤的影响较显著;整个生育期内,埋深为1.5、2.0m土壤含水率高于埋深为2.5、3.0m处,地下水埋深较小时有利于作物的生长,此时蒸渗仪测桶有一定的返盐、积盐作用,所以地下水埋深不能太高,适宜的地下水埋深应在2.0m左右。(3)整个生育期内,对土壤中的硝态氮含量进行监测,得出施肥是硝态氮含量增加的主要原因;灌水对土壤中的硝态氮有淋洗作用;靠近地下水水位时硝态氮含量较低,且硝态氮含量主要分布在根系层,土壤在40-60cm处含量最高。(4)利用2007年葵花实测数据对SWAP模型进行水分运移参数的率定,并用2008年的实测葵花含水率数据进行检验,结果表明模拟效果理想,模拟得出了不同埋深下土壤中的水分平衡关系,对灌水进行有效性评价,得出葵花地下水埋深为1.5m、2.0m时灌水效率较高,地下水埋深为2.5m、3.0m时较低。

【Abstract】 At present, the utilization efficiency of water、fertilizer and chemical fertilizer pollution is one of the important problems in the agricultural water and soil engineering research. The major crops in Hetao Irrigation District were selected studying objective in this paper. The Influence of existing irrigation schedule and fertilizing scheme of main crops on utilization efficiency of soil water, fertilizer and crops growth characters under different water lever in the lysimeters located in Shuguang Irrigation Experiment Station of Bayannaor. Then, the SWAP model was applied for simulating water balance of sunflower to evaluate efficiency of irrigation water. At last, the main results and conclusions are following:(1)Analyzing the different ground water burying depth to ground water supplies、the using、the crops biology natural character target (crop high、leaf area index) and the yield influence. the plant high、leaf targets、yield are relatively high in the burying depth of 1.5-2.0m,along with burying depth enlargement reduced gradually. Which have an direct-viewing response on the crops different period affects.(2)The soil moisture content along with the change of the irrigation under different groundwater buried depth, And is remarkable to the surface layer soil’s influence; In the entire period of duration, the moisture content of 1.5、2.0m burying depth are higher than the2.5、3.0m burying depth;The ground water burying depth is small when is advantageous in crops’ growth, at the same time the steams infiltrates barrel return salty certainly, so the suitable ground water burying depth is about 2.0m.(3)In the entire period of duration, Carries on the monitor to the soil nitric nitrogen content, we will obtain fertilizer is the primary cause the nitric nitrogen content increases; The ground water have the drip washing function to soil nitric nitrogen; When approaches the water level surface the nitric nitrogen content are few, and the nitric nitrogen content mainly distributes in the root system level, the content is highest in the soil burying depth 40-60cm.(4)Using the sunflower actual moisture content data of 2007 to the SWAP model carries on the moisture content migration parameter to rating and determining, and carries on the caliberation with 2008 measured data, the simulation effect are very ideal. Which obtatin the soil water balance relations under the different burying depth, and carries on the valid appraisal to irrigation,The higher irrigation efficience are 1.5m and 2.0m buryed depth, the lower are 2.5m and 3.0m buryed depth.
