

【作者】 赵婧

【导师】 施诚;

【作者基本信息】 首都师范大学 , 世界史, 2009, 硕士

【摘要】 葡萄牙是地理大发现的先驱,并通过海上探险和扩张建立起地跨欧洲、美洲、非洲、亚洲的庞大商业帝国。作为早期近代第一批全球扩张的欧洲国家,葡萄牙商业帝国建立的过程就是全球性多边贸易联系建立过程的一部分;葡萄牙帝国组织贸易的方式也必然成为早期近代世界贸易联系机制的一部分。本文通过考察葡萄牙帝国建立、鼎盛和衰落的过程来考察葡萄牙进行航路探索,建立贸易联系的动力和条件;通过考察葡萄牙与不同文明互动的过程来考察其贸易运行方式;通过考察葡萄牙帝国的衰落过程来理解葡萄牙帝国对早期近代世界贸易体系的影响。14世纪中期以后,葡萄牙民族国家逐渐形成,在经济和宗教因素的共同作用下产生了海外探险和扩张的强烈愿望。随着葡萄牙人地理知识的积累、航海和造船技术发展,逐渐具备了跨越地理屏障,向未知海域探险的条件。而民族国家的形成和社会政治条件也对其海上探险和扩张起到推动作用。在探索非洲沿岸的过程中,葡萄牙建立了联系欧洲、非洲和美洲的大西洋贸易体系,创立并发展了以奴隶贸易为基础的新大陆殖民地种植园经济。葡萄牙还经过探险开辟了好望角航线,闯入印度洋贸易体系,通过武装和垄断贸易参与并改变了印度洋贸易体系的运行方式。此后葡萄牙人继续航行至南中国海,直接沟通了东西方贸易,并占领澳门开展多边国际贸易,延伸和丰富了太平洋西部贸易网络,以商业贸易冲击了南中国海贸易圈的朝贡贸易体系。至此葡萄牙建立了地跨欧洲、美洲、非洲、亚洲的庞大帝国,并将贸易触角延伸到帝国之外的西班牙殖民地,沟通了地中海贸易圈、大西洋贸易圈、印度洋贸易圈、南中国海贸易圈和太平洋贸易圈,成为第一个编织早期近代世界多边贸易的国家。葡萄牙帝国在经营全球贸易的过程中所采用的手段深刻影响了早期近代世界贸易体系。首先,葡萄牙帝国海上探险和扩张增进欧洲人的地理知识,推动绘图、航海、造船技术的发展,使知识积累和技术进步日趋成为发展多边全球贸易关系的条件。其次,葡萄牙帝国在印度洋地区采用的武装和垄断贸易模式被其后继者继承并强化,范围从印度洋地区扩展到全球。最后,葡萄牙帝国在马德拉确立,在巴西得到显著发展的奴隶贸易为基础的新大陆殖民地种植园经济模式被西班牙、荷兰、英国和法国殖民者采用而扩展到整个新大陆地区,深刻影响了新大陆殖民地经济发展模式。

【Abstract】 Portugal was the pioneer of the Discovery.It established a vast commercial empire through Europe, America,Africa and Asia by exploration and expanding at seas. As one of the global expanding European countries in the early modern time, the process that Portugal established the commercial empire was right the process that multilateral global trade connection formed, the trade method of Portugal empire inevitably became the one of the ingredient of ealy modern world trade system. This dissertation will examine the establisment, zenith and decline of Portugal empire; the motives and conditions of exploration of the route to India; the method of trade between Portugal and other civilizations; and lastly the impact of Portugal empire on the early modern world trade system.Portugal national state gradually shaped after the mid-fourteenth century, material lust and religious fever brought about the wish to explorate overseas. Leading Geographical knowledge and navigation technology,and the formation of national state provided the conditions of overcoming geographical obstacles and explorating unknown seas for the Portugueses.In the precess of explorating African coasts, Portugal founded the Atlantic trade system connecting Europe, Africa, and America, on the basis of slave trade erected and developed plantation economy in the New World. Portugal also discovered the sea route to India, entered the established Indian trade circle, engaged and changed the operation ways of Indian ocean trade system by forced and monopoly trade. Then Portugal reached South Chinese Sea, occupied Macao, operate multilateral trade, extended west Pacific trade net, impacted chinese tribute-trade system in south Chinese Sea, opened directly the West--East trade. Thus Portugal built a vast empire which spaned from Europe, America, Africa to Asia, and extended its tentacles into Spanish colonies, connected Mediterranean trade circle, Atlantic trade circle with Indian Ocean trade circle, South Chinese Sea trade circle and Pacific trade circle, became the first country which knited early modern world trade net.The ways which Portugal pursued global trade influenced deeply on early modern world trade system. First, Portugal exploration and overseas trade riched European georgraphic knowledge, imporved cartography, shipbuilding and sailing technology, facilitated the development of early modern world trade. Secondly, the ways of forced and monopoly trade which Portugal empire used in Indian Ocean were succeeded and aggrandized by the later European colonists, and these ways thus spreaded over the world. Lastly, the plantation economy mode which Portugal empire first built at Madras Islands and developed in Braizil was also succeeded by Spanish, Dutch, England and France, impacted the New World economic development mode deeply.

  • 【分类号】F755.52
  • 【下载频次】473