

【作者】 赵云霞

【导师】 冯蒸;

【作者基本信息】 首都师范大学 , 汉语言文字学, 2009, 硕士

【摘要】 朱骏声的《说文通训定声》由三部分组成,即“说文”、“通训”、“定声”。全书共18卷,是一部按古韵部改编《说文解字》的书。后人对此书的价值给予了充分的肯定,而朱骏声亦被评为“说文四大家”之一。虽说朱骏声的《说文通训定声》是清代研究《说文》的重要成果,但是清人谈论它的,可谓绝无仅有,而现代研究者对它的关注程度也不是很高。讨论朱书的专篇论文数目有限,且多是集中在朱氏所创假借理论的得失评价或者对该著作的总体性概括评述方面。单峻峰先生首开先河,对《说文通训定声》的三个韵部的语音现象进行了研究,但是完全意义上来说,从音韵的角度对《说文通训定声》通假字所反映的语音现象进行整体性的研究目前基本属于空白。由于材料的纷繁性,而时间和经历有限的情况下,本文将把重点放在《说文通训定声》通假字的舌齿音声母研究上,力图为今后的上古音研究提供一些更充分的内部证据。本文共分上下两篇。上篇为研究篇,第一章绪论,主要简单介绍一下本文的选题意义及研究目的、前人既有的研究成果、写作原则和研究方法,概括的介绍一下朱骏声本人、《说文通训定声》一书及其中的[假借]理论。第二章到第五章为本文的重点,主要分析《说文通训定声》通假字舌齿音声母所反映的语音现象,对端(知)组、精(庄)组、章组、流音来、以母分别进行具体讨论。一方面,利用《说文通训定声》通假字所反映的语音现象来验证现有的上古音声母研究既有结论;另一方面,运用音韵学界既有结论来解释《说文通训定声》通假字例中出现的非常规语音现象,形成一种互证互用关系。第六章为结论,对资料中语音现象的分析所得结论给予了概括总结。下篇是资料篇,把[假借]条目下的所有通假字的舌齿音部分进行了整理,按互通情况制成通假字表,附于此处,便于核对和查找。

【Abstract】 Zhu Junsheng’s SHUOWEN TONGXUN DINGSHENG is important achievement on the study of Shuowen in Qing Dynasty,but people on that time scarcely talked about it,people of this generation pay little attention to it.Because of these,limit theses on this topic can be found,and they mostly concentrate on the aspects of appreciation about Tongjia theory which Zhu Junsheng created.Some people worked hard to summarize or generalize the advantages and disadvantages about the style of this book.Frankly speaking,to make a study of Tongjia words in SHUOWEN TONGXUN DINGSHENG in the view of phonology is even a gap,only Shan Junfeng make a similar study,but he made use of three parts of SHUOWEN TONGXUN DINGSHENG,this isn’t enough.This thesis will get whole Tongjia words of SHUOWEN TONGXUN DINGSHENG together, research mainly apico-dental initial of Tongjia words in SHUOWEN TONGXUN DINGSHENG,I hope my works can provide some evidences for further research in the ancient Chinese.This thesis is composed of two parts,one is to investigate,it is composed of six chapters,and contains one introduction,from the second chapter to the fifth chapter is the straight matter,and to focus on some special sound phenomenons,and give relatively sensible explains.The sixth will give a conclusion.The other is data and tables about phenomenon of Tongjia words.In a word,I hope my study can make up a deficiency,and stumilate further research.

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