

The Composition and Indicative Function of Carabid Beetles (Coleoptera: Carabidae) Community in Yeyahu Wetland Nature Reserve, Beijing

【作者】 高光彩

【导师】 付必谦;

【作者基本信息】 首都师范大学 , 生态学, 2009, 硕士

【摘要】 湿地是自然界最富生物多样性的生态景观和人类最重要的生存环境之一,但由于人类活动的干扰,目前许多地区的湿地发生着不同程度退化,因此国内外均很重视湿地环境的监测和恢复等研究工作,亟需寻找科学有效且可操作性高的评价指标,以建立评价湿地环境质量的指标体系。步甲是重要的昆虫类群之一,几乎分布于所有陆生生境,许多研究表明步甲与环境关系密切,不少学者认为可将其作为指示生物。但目前我国对湿地步甲群落的研究很少,亟需开展湿地步甲多样性和群落结构的研究,并在此基础上探讨步甲的指示作用,筛选可能的评价指标。我们于2007年4-10月在北京野鸭湖湿地两种保存较好的湿地植被类型和3种主要的退化植被类型中设立了32个样地,采用陷阱法对步甲群落进行了比较系统的调查,取得如下进展:(1)共捕获步甲(Coleoptera:Carabidae)2535只,隶属于19属52种。优势属为婪步甲属(Harpalus),共14个种,其次为通缘步甲属(Pterostichu)和青步甲属(Chlaenius),分别有6种和5种,优势种为毛婪步甲(Harpalus griseus(Panzer))、黄鞘婪步甲(Harpalus pallidipennisMorawitz)、尖角通缘步甲(Pterostichus eschscholtzii(Germar))、赤胸步甲(Dolichus halensisSchaller)和大头婪步甲(Harpalus capito Morawitz)。(2)野鸭湖湿地自然保护区步甲总个体数的高峰出现在8月,该月捕获个体数占全年总捕获数的48.4%;总物种数季节变化不大,7月最多。不同植被类型中步甲的季节动态差异较大,但除牛鞭草带外,其他植被类型中步甲个体数和物种数的高峰均出现在7~9月。(3)不同生境中步甲群落物种多样性指数存在明显的差异,总的来看,湿地景观保存较好的芦苇(Phragmites communis)带与球穗莎草(Cyperus glomeratus)带的群落多样性要高于3种退化的植被类型,猪毛菜(Salsota collina)带和牛鞭草带要高于退化芦苇(DegradatedPhragmites)带。属分类水平下保存较好的湿地生境与退化生境之间步甲群落多样性的差异较种分类水平更为明显。(4)利用系统聚类和对应分析等方法对各样地的步甲群落进行研究,结果显示,3种退化植被类型的步甲群落组成比较相似,两种保存较好的湿地植被类型虽然个体数和物种数均比较丰富,但在具体组成上还存在着比较明显的差异,因此对应分析图中两种植被类型样地各成一组。步甲群落组成与不同植被类型生境之间显示出明显对应关系,反映步甲与环境关系密切,且对生境具有选择性。(5)对步甲群落特征与环境因子进行的典范对应分析结果显示,野鸭湖湿地步甲群落的组成明显受到多种环境因子的综合作用。其中土壤含水量、植物生物量和盖度、枯落物盖度、干重和厚度的影响相对更加重要。(6)通过生物指示种分析,得出野鸭湖湿地不同生境的指示种,大部分指示种都有显著性差异,且与6个主要的环境因子关系密切。由于过于特化的物种可能难以指示类似生境类型的特征,我们进一步提出特异性和忠诚性中等的赤胸步甲和黄鞘婪步甲,用他们的相对数量关系作为指标之一。(7)保存较好的湿地生境中步甲的总生物量和平均生物量都显著高于退化的湿地生境,但平均生物量的差异不如总生物量明显,平均体长在保存较好与退化的湿地生境之间的区别较模糊。由此可见,在野鸭湖湿地中,步甲群落的总生物量的指示作用相对好一些。(8)根据2007年对野鸭湖湿地的调查和上述初步研究结果,我们初步提出步甲作为野鸭湖湿地生态环境指示生物比较合适的指标包括:不同生境步甲群落的个体数、物种数属数、属分类水平的Shannon-Wiener多样性指数、总生物量,物种指示值以及赤胸步甲优势比(RD)等。但这些指标是否科学合理,需要进一步更深入的研究并需收集更多的数据资料进行检验,而且在监测评价工作中如何具体应用以及适用的范围等也有待于进一步研究。

【Abstract】 The wetland is an ecological landscape with the richest bio-diversity in nature and the most important natural resource that people depend,but characters of the wetland is degenerating at different degree because of human’s disturbing,great attention has been paid to the issues of wetland environmental monitoring and restoration at home and abroad,and the effective and scientific index with high operability is urgently needed,to constitute the index system for wetland environmental quality assessment.The carabid beetle is one of the most important groups of Coleoptera,almost distributed over all of the terricolous system.It showed closely relationship to the environment,and was considered as bioindicator of environment.However, there is few investigation about carabid beetles in wetland at home.Carabid beetles from 32 sampling sites with five main vegetation types,two well-conserved ones and three degraded ones,were investigated in Yeyahu Wetland of Beijing by pitfall traps from April to December,2007.The results are as follows:(1) A total of 2535 carabid beetles belonging to 19 genera and 52 species were collected, Harpalus,Pterostichu and Chlaenius were the dominant genera,including 14,6 and 5 species respectively,and the dominant species were Harpalus griseus(Panzer),Harpalus pallidipennis Morawitz,Pterostichus eschscholtzii(Germar),Dolichus halensis Schaller and Harpalus capito Morawitz.(2) August was the fastigium with the total number of carabid beetles individuals in Yeyahu Wetland,and the individual in this month took up 48.4%of annual ones.There was no remarkable different in the total species number,which was the most in July.The seasonal dynamics of carabid beetles in different vegetation types made a great difference.The number of individual and species were more in June,July and August,except Hemarthria altissima transect.(3) The carabid beetles community diversity have significantly differences in different habitat.The community diversity of the well-conserved Phragmites communis and Cyperus glomeratus transects were higher than the three degraded ones;Salsola collina transect and Degradated Phragmites communis transect were better than Hemarthria altissima ones.The generic diversity was more significantly different between the well-conserved and degraded habitat.(4) The similarity of carabid beetles community was conducted by clustering analysis and component analysis(CA).The results presents that the component of carabid beetles in three degraded transects were similar.The number of individual and species in well-conserved Phragmites communis and Cyperus glomeratus transects were abundant,but there were relatively obvious difference in component,so they were classified into two types in component analysis.The composition of carabid beetles community was intimately correlated with the habitat of different vegetation types,which suggested that carabid beetles have closely relationship to the environment,furthermore,it showed the habitat selection of carabid beetles.(5) The result of CCA,based on individual number of carabid beetles and environment variables,presented community composition was influenced by many environment variables, and soil water content,plant biomass and coverage,the coverage,dry weight and plant thickness of litter were more prominent..(6) The analysis of habitat indicator value of species showed the indicator species of different habitats in Yeyahu Wetland,most of which had significantly differences and closely relationship to 6 main environment variables.Some indicator species were highly specific and thus restricted to a single ecological state,so we made the relative amount of Dolichus halensis Schaller and Harpalus pallidipennis Morawitz with moderate specificity and fidelity as an indicator index.(7) The total biomass and the mean individual biomass of carabid beetles community in well-conserved habitat were more than the degraded ones,however,the difference of the total biomass was more significance.Thus the total biomass maybe a more proper indicate index in Yeyahu Wetland.(8) According to the investigation of Yeyahu Wetland in 2007 and the elementary analysis, we tentatively proposed carabid beetles can be used as the bioindicator of ecological environment in Yeyahu Wetland.The indicator indexs included the number of individual,species and genes,Shannon-Wiener generic diversity index,indicator value,total biomass and the relative amount of Dolichus halensis Schaller and Harpalus pallidipennis Morawitz(Ratio of Dolichus halensis,RD),However,if the index was scientifically rational,it need to investigate deeply and collect more data to test,moreover,the concrete application and the applicable Range requires further research.

  • 【分类号】Q968;X174
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