

【作者】 王洪敏

【导师】 方敏;

【作者基本信息】 首都师范大学 , 中国近现代史, 2009, 硕士

【摘要】 抗战时期,陕甘宁边区的私营商业是在特定的历史时期、特定的区域内逐渐发展起来的。边区私营商业的发展历程同时也是中国新民主主义经济不断完善的过程。其发展为建国后的经济建设奠定了基础,积累了经验。全文共分三章:第一章从边区基本商业政策、边区商业管理机构的建立与演变、税收政策、边区政府其他私营商业政策等四个方面分析了边区的私营商业政策。第二章从商业领域、商人商户、商会、集市贸易四个方面分析了抗战时期陕甘宁边区私营商业的发展状况。私商的发展不仅有助于边区打破国民党的经济封锁,而且便利了边区军民的日常生活,促进了边区经济的繁荣。第三章分析了边区私营商业的特点。由于战争、地域限制、政府政策导向等等因素的影响使边区私营商业呈现出自身的特点。主要有:门类多、规模小、专业性不强;与边区公营商业相比,私商在数量上占优势,但资本大小却因区域不同而有所差异;区域发展不平衡;商业资本与土地关系密切;商业的战时化等。

【Abstract】 During he Anti—Japanese War, the private business of the Shaanxi—Gansu—Ningxia Borer Region develops in the particular historical period and the particular region gradually. The development of the private business is at the same time the constant perfection of the New Democratic Economy. And its development lays the foundation for the economic construction after the founding of the PRC and accumulates experience.The full text is divided into 3 chapters.ChapterⅠ, which can be divided into 4 aspects: the basic policy of the border, the establishment and evolution of the border business management institutions, tax policy and the other private business policy, analyses the private business policies of the Shaanxi—Gansu—Ningxia Borer Region during the Anti—Japanese War.ChapterⅡanalyses the development of the border private business from 4 aspects: business field, merchants and business, chamber of commerce and fair trade during the Anti—Japanese War. The development of the private business will not only help to break the economic blockade imposed by the KMT, but also to facilitate the daily lives of soldiers and civilians, and promote economic prosperity of the border.ChapterⅢanalyses the characteristics of the border private business. There are 6 main features: multi—category, small—scale, relational weak professional; compared with the border public business, the private is superior in numbers, but the capital vary because of the different regions; imbalance in regional development; commercial capital and land are a close relationship; business of the wartime.

  • 【分类号】F729;K265
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】165