

The Analysis of Technical Utilization Effectiveness of 2006 Man’s Sitting Volleyball National Championship

【作者】 王秀会

【导师】 孙平;

【作者基本信息】 北京体育大学 , 体育教育训练学, 2007, 硕士

【摘要】 2004年,中国女子坐式排球队获得残奥会历史上第一枚女子坐式排球赛的金牌。虽然夺得冠,但并不存在绝对的优势,在身体条件和后备人才方面还与斯洛文尼亚、波兰、美国存在一定的差距。在备战2008残奥会期间,采取有效的手段进一步提高运动技术水平,已是摆在我们面前的一大难题。坐式排球受身体条件和规则的限制,在技术运用等方面有其特殊性,本文通过文献资料法、录像观察和统计、数理统计法等方法,对2006年全国坐式排球锦标赛的男子前8名队伍的7场比赛进行分析研究,并对前4名队伍和5-8名队伍的各项技术运用效果进行对比分析,试图发现各项技术运用的合理性以及存在的问题,进而为坐式排球的发展提供一定的参考建议,使之在2008年残奥会上有新的突破。1.准备姿势和移动:坐式排球运动员主要依靠手臂和健全腿完成移动,不同残疾程度的运动员准备姿势和移动方式有所不同,完成不同技术的准备姿势、前后排的准备姿势也不同。2.坐式排球中有一般上手发球、大力上手发球和飘球三种发球方式。其中,大力发球的效果最好;飘球技术运用较少,破攻率较高;侧旋球在基层比赛有很好的效果。3.第一次击球技术中,正面双手传球效果最好,侧垫比正垫效果好。单手垫球到位率较低,不同名次队伍存在显著性差异;挡球运用较少,效果较差,但是在处理弧度高,力量大的来球时效果较好,不同水平队伍间的失误率存在显著性差异,说明挡球还有很大的发展空间。目前,挡球只是作为一项本能的应急击球技术,动作粗糙,击球效果差。4.第二次击球技术中,传球的效果最好;单手垫球技术虽然到位率较低,但是它是一项非常有效的防守技术,多用于处理困难球;正面双手垫球由于移动受限,击球范围小,作为组织进攻技术存在一定的局限性。扣球和快抹作为二次进攻技术运用效果较好。5.第三次击球技术中,不同水平队伍的前排进攻的效果存在显著性差异;后排进攻的失误率存在显著性差异,前4名的效果好。后排攻和快抹的运用效果存在显著性差异。6.坐式排球允许拦发球,但是效果差,单人拦发球占绝对的优势;集体拦网在拦扣球中占有绝对的地位,单人拦网无论在拦发还是在拦扣中都占有很重要的地位,因此应该重视单人拦网的训练,提高拦网的成功率。

【Abstract】 In 2004,the Chinese women’s sitting volleyball team obtain the first gold medal of women’s sitting volleyball tournament in the history of the Paralympic Games.Although the crown won,but there is no absolute advantages in physical condition and reserve personnel.There is a certain gap compare with Slovenia,Poland and the United States.In preparing for the 2008 Paralympic Games,to take effective measures to further raise the level of athletic skills,is a major challenge in front of us.Sitting Volleyball is restricted by Rules and physical conditions. There is particularity on the use of technology.Through the methods of documents,video observations and statistics,mathematical statistics and other methods,this paper analyse the seven matches which be played by the former eight teams on the 2006 National Championship.And then compared the effects of using technical between the top 4 teams and 5-8, trying to find the rational and the problems of various technical.Then proceed to references for the development of Sitting Volleyball,so that it have a new breakthrough in the 2008 Paralympic Games.1.Ready posture and movement:Sitting volleyball athletes complete the movement mainly depended on the arms and sound legs.The athletes with different disabilities have different Ready posture and movement manner,different technology for the completion and different positions have the different methods.2.The variety of Sitting Volleyball’s serving is single.There are only three ways which spinning service,smashing service and overhand floater.Among them,smashing service was the best;Floater is the less technology,a higher rate of broken offensive;Currently,Side spin have a good effect at the competitions ofgrassroots level.3.The first stroke technique,the effect of positive pass is the best,side hit is more effective than positive hit.Single hand hits is lower rate,there was a significant difference between the different sub-teams;Use less blocking the ball,the effect is not very good.But to the over "three-way" ball of higher radian and the strength,it is the better.There is significant difference in the rate of failure,so that block there is plenty of room for development.At present,only as an instinctive technical to block the ball at the emergency,rough,poor results.4.In the Second stroke technology,the effect of positive pass is the best;Single-hand hit is the lower rate,but it is a very effective defense techniques,and more to handle the difficult ball.Positive hitting is restricted by movement,hitting a small area,there are certain technical limitations as organized attacks.Spike and quickly erase as effective techniques at the second offensive.5.In the third stroke technique,the different rankings in the front ranks Of the attack there was a significant difference in the effection indexes;there was significant difference in the rate of failure of rear offensive,the top 4 good results.The top 4 and 5-8 back-offensive and quickly erase the application rate is not significantly different,but there was a significant difference between the results.6.Sitting Volleyball Rules allow interception serve,but the results poor,single interception serve absolute advantages;Spike interceptions in a collective block occupies the absolute status.Single block in interceptions made in interception or detained have occupied a very important position.It should be attached to a single block or single hand block training,and to improve the success rate block.

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