

【作者】 王超

【导师】 王林;

【作者基本信息】 山东师范大学 , 中国近现代史, 2009, 硕士

【摘要】 近代以来,西方文明强势东来,传统中国由强变弱。面对西方的冲击,中国开始了学习西方的艰难历程。从经世致用到洋务思想,中国向西方学习的思路一步步深入。早期维新派是中国第一批具有初步资产阶级思想的知识分子,在学习西方的道路上又向前迈了一步。在早期维新派的思想体系当中,社会救济思想占有重要地位。本文运用考据与实证、比较、阶级分析及定性分析等多种方法,对早期维新派的社会救济思想做全面考察,力争对这一内容有一个准确的分析和把握。文章共分为五大部分:第一部分着重论述了早期维新派社会救济思想兴起的社会背景与其思想来源,包括第一章和第二章。进入近代以来,晚清的衰落趋势加剧,清廷面临“数千年未有之变局”。鸦片战争以后,清政府内忧外患不断,经济衰竭,吏治朽败,灾荒频仍,传统社会救济事业功能和效用大打折扣。这一历史大背景是早期维新派社会救济思想萌发的最重要因素。作为从小深受传统儒学教育,成年后却又多次接触近代西方文明或思想的早期维新派代表人物,他们的社会救济思想,一方面来源于中国传统文化中的相关思想,如儒家大同观念、佛道因果报应学说等等;另一方面,也深受西方社会救济思想和实践的影响,比如西方传教士在华社会救济事业的刺激、西学书报的影响以及早期维新思想家海外经历的感悟。第二部分,即文章的第三章,介绍了早期维新派的救荒赈灾思想。晚清灾荒频仍,致使百姓流离失所、民不聊生。对于灾荒的频频发生,百姓的朝不保夕,早期维新思派思想家们不仅积极的阐发救灾举措,积极投入到义赈等救荒事业中去,而且又对灾荒“屡治不靖”的原因进行了深入的探讨,对西方先进的救荒赈灾思想做了较为详尽的介绍,为我国当时救荒赈灾思想的近代化起到了积极的促进作用。第三部分系统分析早期维新派的救贫济困思想。在对近代百姓贫困原因的分析中,早期维新派从人口众多、外资入侵、农政荒疏、战乱与政治腐败等几个方面进行了分析,提出了即使今天看来仍不失为先进的一些观点。在具体的救贫主张中,他们不仅注意利用和改革传统的社会救济机构,还特别注重对西方先进社会救济思想的介绍,提出在中国仿建西方社会救济机构的主张。这一部分的内容,可以看作是早期维新派社会救济思想中最具有近代化特色的地方。第四部分阐释了早期维新派社会救济思想的妇女救助思想。早期维新派思想家特别注重对社会弱势群体的关注和救助,尤其是对社会底层妇女。早期维新派从国家富强的角度阐述了救助妇女的重要意义,进而针对当时迫害妇女的陋习提出了针对性的救助主张,如兴女学、不缠足等等。而且在这一思想中,他们也引用了西方的大量事例,介绍了一些西方的相关救济机构,从而推动了当时妇女救助思想的近代化。第五部分,对早期维新派社会救济思想特征的总结。早期维新派的社会救济思想的重要特征,就是学习和引进当时西方先进的社会救济思想和理念,提出了养教并施等救济主张,对传统救济思想做了较大的突破,也开启了近代中国社会救济思想现代化的历程。系统研究早期维新派的社会救济思想,有利于对中国社会救济思想近代化历程的全面考察,推动中国社会救济思想史研究的不断深入,同时为今天我国的社会保障事业地发展提供借鉴。

【Abstract】 In modern times,with the invasion of western culture,ancient China became weak.China began the hard processes of studying from statecraft ideology to westernization thought.The early reform group includes a group of intellectuals who had the preliminary bourgeois thought in China,and they promoted the development of studying from western.Social relief thought occupied an important position in the thought system of early reform group.The thesis uses various research methods including textual criticism,empiricism,comparison,class analysis and qualitative analysis etc.,focuses on the comprehensive survey of social relief though by the early reform group,in order to get an accurate analysis and understanding.Chapter one and chapter two compose Part one,this part describes the social background and thought origin of the rise of social relief thought.From the Opium War,the Qing government was beset by enemies from within and without;its economics began to crock up with disaster and famine.The traditional social welfare lost its functions and utilities.This is the most important element of the history background of the social relief thought.The representatives of the early reform group had been educated systematic Confucianism from early age,while they got contacts with the modern western civilization when they grew up.Therefore,their social relief thought derived from the related thoughts of Chinese traditional culture,such as great harmony concept of Confucianism,karma of Buddhism and Taoism.At the same time,their social relief thought was also influenced by western social relief thought,such as the stimulus of western missionaries,the influence of western books and newspapers and the oversea experience of these early reform thinkers.Part two(Chapter three) introduces the thought to relieve disasters and famines by early reform group.Based on that history background,the thinkers not only elucidated disaster measures actively,put forward the career of disaster relief,but also discussed the reasons leading to endless and useless measures,gave the detailed introduction of western advanced relief thoughts.All of these made positive contribution to modernization of disaster and famine relief thoughts in our country.Part three analyses the poor relief thought by early reform group.The early reform group focused on some aspects causing the poverty of people in modern times,such as large population, invasion of foreign capital,out practice of farmland,wars and political corruption.They paid attention not only to use and reform traditional social welfare institutions,but also to the introduction of western advanced social relief thoughts.The content in this part can be seen as the most modern characteristic of the social relief thought by early reform group.Part four explains the women assistance thought in social relief thought by early reform group.The thinkers emphasized the focus and assistance to social-vulnerable groups especially the women who belonged to the uuderclass of society.They pointed out the importance of women to country,and then gave targeted suggestions such as ban feet binding and set up schools for women.They also adducted so many examples of western and introduced related social welfare institutions to promote the modernization of women assistance thought at that time.Part five summarizes the features of social relief thought by earliest reform group.The features included following aspects:they studied and introduced the social relief thoughts and ideas of western,proposed targeted suggestions and develop the traditional relief thoughts.The study can be helpful to understand the history of social relief thoughts in modern China comprehensively,as well as to promote the development of social security career in nowadays.
