

A Study of Gender Differences on Teacher Talk in Chinese Senior Vocational College English Classrooms

【作者】 徐芳

【导师】 肖龙福;

【作者基本信息】 山东师范大学 , 外国语言学及应用语言学, 2009, 硕士

【摘要】 教师话语在组织课堂教学和语言习得中起着重要的作用。它既是教师在课堂上向学生传输知识的主要途径,也是外语课堂中学习者获得可理解性目标语输入的主要来源。随着语言教学理论及第二语言习得理论的发展,教师话语受到了越来越多的关注,但是基于性别的教师话语研究很少。本文目的在于初探中国高职英语课堂中教师话语的性别差异,从而给男教师及女教师提出更加有针对性、更加有利于语言教学及二语习得的建议。这是一篇关于中国高职英语课堂中教师话语的性别差异的实证研究。作者选取了中国高职英语课堂里的4位男教师及4位女教师为研究对象。通过对其课堂教学过程进行观察、录音并转写成文字材料的方式,研究男教师和女教师在话语量,提问,交互调整以及反馈四个方面的不同。研究结果发现,中国高职英语课堂中男教师和女教师在教师话语方面存在某些差异。因此根据调查结果及学者们对教师话语的研究,作者首先在教师话语和语言教学方面分别给男教师及女教师建议。例如,男教师在教学过程中多使用能提高课堂交流的提问和交互调整,以及能提高学生积极性的有效的积极反馈等。女教师在教学过程中要注意减少自己的话语量增加学生的话语量来更有效的提高教学质量。在本文研究高职英语课堂教师话语中,我们不但发现了男教师与女教师之间教师话语的差别,同时发现了男女教师话语中普遍存在的一些问题。由此作者基于学者们对教师话语的研究对教师话语提出四点综合建议:减少教师话语量,提高学生话语量;增加参考性问题,鼓励学生参与课堂互动;增加确认核实和澄清请求两种交互调整方式来促进意义协商;实行更加有效的积极反馈。通过这些建议提高教师话语及语言教学的质量,从而增加学生学习外语的信心和兴趣,更好地促进语言习得。

【Abstract】 Teacher talk is of great importance for the English language teaching process and the second language acquisition. In EFL classrooms, teacher talk refers to the use of the language and the target language of the learner, which is adopted by the teacher. With the developments of theories of language teaching and second language acquisition, teacher talk has already attracted the scholars’and teachers’attention. But teacher talk related to gender differences in language is neglected by the researchers.There are male and female teachers in Chinese senior vocational college English classrooms. Although in the classrooms the teachers should follow some regular speaking ways or form some formal characteristics, they definitely show different language features because they are social persons of different genders. These features may influence the atmosphere of the classes and the acquisition of the students. This thesis aims to find out whether there are gender differences of teacher talk or not and what these differences are between male teachers and female teachers in Chinese senior vocational college English classrooms.This thesis is an empirical study to analyze gender differences on teacher talk in Chinese senior vocational college English classrooms in order to emphasize the importance of teacher talk and classroom interaction and also to make it more beneficial to learners. It introduces some observations and investigations of teacher talk in Chinese senior vocational college English classrooms, with focus on 4 male and female teachers separately. Then by comparing and analyzing four aspects: namely teacher talk time, question, interactional modification and feedback, the author concludes that there are differences of teacher talk between male and female teachers.On the basis of the research results, some implications and suggestions on teacher talk to male and female teachers are put forward. For example, male teachers ought to apply more questions especially referential questions, more interactional modifications especially confirmation checks and clarification checks, and more positive feedbacks especially“praise plus appraisals”feedbacks during the teaching processes in Chinese senior vocational college English classrooms. And female teachers ought to maximize student talk time and minimize teacher talk time to make it more effective for the students’acquisition.It’s necessary for teachers to cultivate awareness of gender differences on teacher talk. This can not only improve the teachers’teaching abilities, but also give the students more convenient and trusted environments for the second language learning and acquisition. The teachers should be alert to these gender differences on teacher talk and apply more favorable teacher talk methods to the teaching processes.The research results also show some problems of teacher talk in the senior vocational college classrooms. There is a need for teachers to pay attention to the effectiveness of teaching methodology and techniques, such as how to decrease teacher talk time and increase student talk time, propose more referential questions, confirmation and clarification checks and“praise plus appraisals”feedbacks. The good commands of these methods will facilitate the teaching processes and the second language acquisitions.

【关键词】 教师话语性别语言教学
【Key words】 teacher talkgenderlanguage teaching