

The Predict of Groundwater Resource and the Study of Development about Yangzhuang Water Source in Shandong Province

【作者】 苏秋实

【导师】 王立本;

【作者基本信息】 山东师范大学 , 环境科学, 2009, 硕士

【摘要】 水是人类社会最重要的自然资源和战略资源。水资源紧缺已成为影响21世纪经济社会可持续发展的主要因素,是我国迫切需要解决的重要问题之一。地下水资源是我国北方地区水资源的主要组成部分。开展地下水资源全面科学的调查、分析、预测研究,对于合理开发利用地下水资源,保护和节约用水具有重要的现实意义。羊庄水源地位于山东省枣庄市和滕州市交界处的羊庄盆地,是两市地下水资源最为丰富的地区。羊庄盆地是一个完整的水文地质单元,边界条件明确且补、径、蓄、排条件完善,是北方典型的岩溶水源地。在充分收集和分析羊庄水源地地形、地貌、气候、水文、水文地质条件等资料的基础上,系统地阐述了研究区内主要地层的岩性,分析了地下水的赋存条件、分布规律,以及地下水的补给、径流、排泄规律和地下水动态特征。在上述研究的基础上,建立地下水流系统的数学模型,采用GMS5.0(Groundwater Modeling System)软件中的MODFLOW模块对研究区进行二维模拟。计算区面积约137km2,采用有限差分法,进行矩形剖分。模拟期为2004年一个完整的水文年,每个应力期为一个相应的自然月,由模型根据迭代的误差标准,自动控制时间步长。2004年1月1日至2004年6月30日为模拟识别阶段,2004年7月1日至2004年12月31日为模型验证阶段。对所建立的地下水数值模拟模型分别从水文地质参数、过程曲线以及流场等多方面进行了识别和验证。通过模型的识别与验证,模拟效果良好,表明所建立的数值模型比较客观地描述了地下水流运动特征,因此可以作为地下水流的预测模型。根据已掌握的地下水动态观测资料,结合国民经济发展的远景规划,选取了2005年水位资料作为初始水位。以2005年枯水期末,即4月10日的观测水位作为初始水位,划定了三个预测时段,水位预报期为2006-2015年。模型预测结果表明:2010年以前,羊庄水源地地下水的总补给量大于开采量,岩溶水系统处于均衡状态,整个研究区域地下水流场的变化不大。直到2010年,地下水水位标高略有下降,羊庄水源地周围呈现降落漏斗的趋势。随着羊庄水源地增加开采量及龙山头水源地的投入使用,预测到2015年羊庄水源地周围将形成一定范围的地下水降落漏斗,中心最低水位标高在36m左右,降落漏斗面积约为0.21km2。此外,龙山头水源地周围开始呈现降落漏斗的趋势。通过调查、搜集资料,分析羊庄水源地地下水资源开发利用现状及近期、远期开发利用规划,揭示地下水开发利用过程中存在的采补矛盾、水质污染等问题。以保护水源地,实现地下水资源可持续利用为目标,提出了水源地开发利用保护措施,完善岩溶水系统增源增采措施;调整产业用水结构、严格控制地下水开采;发展节水灌溉技术、创建节水型农业;加强管理,监控水环境变化等,为羊庄水源地地下水资源的合理开发与科学管理提供决策依据。

【Abstract】 Water is the most important natural resources and stratagem resources society. The lack of water is becoming an urgent problem in our country because it has greatly influenced the development of economy in 2lth century. Groundwater resources are an important part of the whole water resources in the north of China. By the general and scientific investigation, analysis, predict and research of groundwater resource, it has important practical significance to rational exploit, protecting and saving groundwater.Yangzhuang water source was located in Yangzhuang basin at the junction of Zaozhuang City and Tengzhou City whose groundwater resource was the most abundant in the two cities. Yangzhuang basin was a complete hydrogeological unit with clear and fill the boundary conditions, perfect supply, runoff, deposit and drain terms. Therefore, Yangzhuang water source was the typical of the northern karst water. Based on the collection and analysis of materials such as landform, terrain, climate, hydrology and hydrogeology, elaborated the stratum lithology systematically of the study area, analyzed the occurrence condition distributed rule of groundwater and analyzed the rule of supply, runoff, deposit and drain of groundwater and its dynamic characteristics.Based on the above research, the author built the mathematic model of groundwater flow system, simulated the groundwater flow by the MODFLOW part of GMS5.0(Groundwater Modeling System).The area of the calculated zone is 137km2, the software used the finite difference method to calculating, gridding by rectangle. The simulation period was from 2004.1 to 2004.12, every time interval is a month, and the time step automaticly controlled by the iteration of error standard of the model. The time from 2004.1.1 to 2004.6.30 is used to diagnosis the model and the time from 2004.7.1 to 2004.12.31 is used to verify the validity of the model. Identify and test the established numerical simulation model of groundwater from the aspects such as hydro-geological parameters, the process of curve and the flow field, etc. The results were very good through identification and confirmation of the model. The numerical model can be used as the prediction model of groundwater flow because the numerical model established objectively and described the movement of groundwater flow characteristics.According to the available groundwater material, combined with the vision of national economic development planning, the author selected the data of 2005 as the initial water level. Choosed the observed water level of 2005.4.10 as the initial water level and defined three prediction periods, the water level forecast for the 2006-2015 period. Model prediction results showed that before the year 2010, groundwater recharge was greater than the total production in Yangzhuang water source and karst water system in a balanced state. The groundwater flow field changed little in the whole study area. The groundwater level decreased slightly and around the water source appeared a funnel trend until the year 2010. With the increasing exploitation of Yangzhuang water source and the Longshantou water source put into use after 2010, the author predicted that around Yangzhuang water source would form a certain range of funnel, the center elevation of the lowest water level would be about 36m and the area of the funnel would be 0.21km2. In addition, the surrounding of Longshantou water source was predicted to appearing a funnel trend.Through investigating and collecting data, we can analyze status of Yangzhuang water source and exploitation scheme from the near future to forward. The result proclaimed problems about the water pollution and conflict between exploitation and supply. In order to protect the groundwater resource, put forward the development and utilization of water resources protection measures, including improving the karst water system by increasing the groundwater supply and drain, adjusting the water resources use in different industry,srtictly controlling the exploitation of groundwater, developping water saving irrigation technology, establishing water saving agriculture, strengthening management, monitoring changes in water environment and so on to provide strategic decision and basis on reasonable exploit and scientific manage of Yangzhuang water source.
