

The Comparative Study of Sino-Japanese Tourism Undergraduate Curriculum System

【作者】 冯颖

【导师】 李悦铮;

【作者基本信息】 辽宁师范大学 , 课程与教学论, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 课程设置是教学计划的核心。课程体系完善与合理与否在根本上决定着学校的教学内容和学生的知识结构,从而决定着人才的培养质量。伴随着旅游业的迅猛发展,我国旅游高等教育取得了巨大的成就,为本行业输送了大量的优秀人才。与此同时,我们也要看到,与那些发达国家相对成熟的旅游专业相比,旅游管理专业起步较晚,在课程体系设置方面仍然存在很多的不足。本论文借鉴日本旅游高等教育的经验,以推动和调整中国旅游高等教育的发展。本论文初步尝试对中日两国旅游专业本科课程体系进行较为系统和深入的比较研究。目前计划从本科的课程体系比较这一较新的视角着眼,展开对中日旅游专业本科课程体系的对比。本文的内容主要涉及以下几个方面。首先从旅游专业课程体系比较研究的时代背景着手,阐述进行中日旅游专业本科课程体系比较研究的必要性与研究价值;从教育学的角度,阐明进行旅游专业课程体系比较研究的理论基础;通过对中日四所比较有代表性的高等院校旅游专业本科课程体系的培养目标、现状与特点的分析,探讨中日旅游专业本科课程体系中存在的差异,以及差异形成的原因和差异所产生影响的区别;最后,结合我国社会经济发展需求、科学技术发展趋势以及旅游业的实际情况,在培养目标、课程结构、课程内容、课程实施与组织等方面总结出日本旅游本科教育给我国旅游管理专业课程体系建设带来的启示,以期在我国旅游本科教育蓬勃发展的热潮中探索出科学、合理、国际化和属地化的课程体系,从而增强我国旅游本科教育的生命力。本论文主要采用了比较研究法、文献资料法、抽样调查法、个案研究法、定性分析法和归纳法等方法。首先,从文章大的框架来看,运用了比较研究法。其次,参考了大量的书籍和文献,并从中日两国中选取比较有代表性的四所旅游院校,对它们的课程体系(本科)进行了分别的研究,深入地描述和分析了它们之间的差异。最后,归纳总结出了日本对我国旅游管理专业课程体系建设的启示。

【Abstract】 The curriculum arrangement is the core of the teaching plan. The teaching content of schools and the knowledge structure of students are essentially determined by the curriculum system which is whether perfect or reasonable. Talents’ cultivation quality is further determined by it. With the violent development of tourism industry, the tourism higher education of China has made an enormous achievement and has brought up a large number of outstanding talents for this industry. At the same time, we also find that compared with the relatively ripe tourism majors of those developed countries, the major in tourism management of our country starts later and we still have a lot of deficiencies in the arrangement of curriculum system. This paper uses the experiences of Japan’s tourism higher education for reference so as to guide and adjust the development of China’s tourism higher education.The paper tries to compare the tourism undergraduate curriculum system of China with that of Japan systematically and deeply. At present, I plan to present a striking contrast to Sino-Japanese tourism undergraduate curriculum system to from this newer perspective of the undergraduate curriculum system. The main content of the paper can be illustrated as follows. At first, the paper begins with era background and explains that the necessity and the studying value of the comparative study between the tourism undergraduate curriculum system of China and the tourism undergraduate curriculum system of Japan. In the second place, in terms of pedagogy, it expounds that the theoretical foundation of the comparative study of curriculum system. Moreover, the paper analyses that the objectives of the undergraduate curriculum systems of four representative colleges of Sino-Japanese tourism majors, the current situations of the undergraduate curriculum systems of four representative colleges of Sino-Japanese tourism majors, and the characteristics of the undergraduate curriculum systems of four representative colleges of Sino-Japanese tourism majors and it indicates that the existing differences between the tourism undergraduate curriculum system of China and the tourism undergraduate curriculum system of Japan. It also probes that the reasons why these differences are produced and how these differences influence the developing students. At last, in relation with our country’s economic requirement and social requirement, the trends of Science and Technology as well as the actual condition of tourism industry, the paper shows that Japan brings the enlightenment to China in five aspects of the curriculum objective of tourism major, the curriculum content of tourism major, the curriculum structure of tourism major, the curriculum execution of tourism major and the curriculum organization of tourism major in order that we can explore the scientific, reasonable, internationalized and localized curriculum system in the flourishing upsurge of our country’s tourism undergraduate education and that we can strengthen the vitality of the tourism undergraduate education of China.The paper adopts many methods such as comparative research, literature analysis, sampling investigation, case studies, qualitative analysis and induction, etc. First of all, according to the big frame of paper, it uses the comparative method in the study of Sino-Japanese tourism undergraduate curriculum system. Secondly, I also consult a large number of books and literatures and choose four more representative tourism universities or colleges between China and Japan. Moreover, I carry on an investigation into the tourism undergraduate curriculum systems respectively, describe and analyze the differences between two countries thoroughly. Finally, I conclude and summarize the enlightenment of the construction of the tourism undergraduate curriculum system of our country from Japan.

【关键词】 中国日本旅游专业本科课程体系比较
【Key words】 ChinaJapantourism majorundergraduate curriculum systemcompare
  • 【分类号】F590-4
  • 【被引频次】10
  • 【下载频次】604