

Primary Research into Inhibition Effect and Accelerant of Endophytic Bacteria and Endophytic Fungi of Pterocarya SteonopteraC.DC

【作者】 周旋旋

【导师】 姜华;

【作者基本信息】 辽宁师范大学 , 环境科学, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 植物内生菌分布广、种类多,几乎存在于所有的植物中。将植物内生真菌和内生细菌用于植物病害的防治等研究,越来越多地受到关注。本实验以枫杨为研究对象,分离出了枫杨内生菌,并研究了它们对香瓜枯萎病菌(Fusarium oxysporiumf.sp.melonis.)和白菜软腐病菌(Erwinia carotovora.)两种致病菌的抑菌作用,以及对六种常见农作物种子的促生作用。同时,也对枫杨在园林绿化中的抑菌净化作用进行了初步探讨。1.利用涂布平板法从枫杨叶、茎和根中分离出6株内生细菌和2株真菌。6株细菌分别是:Bacillus circulans.(环状芽孢杆菌)、Enterococcus gallinarum.(鹑鸡肠球菌)、Sphingomonas paucimobilis.(少动鞘氨醇单胞菌)、Burkholderia mallei.(鼻疽伯克霍尔德氏菌)、Enterococcus faecium.(屎肠球菌)和Bacillus subtilis.(枯草杆菌);2株真菌是:Emericella acristata.(无冠裸孢壳菌)和Penicillium minioluteum.(微黄青霉菌)。2.以香瓜枯萎菌和白菜软腐菌为指示菌,进行枫杨内生菌抑菌试验,结果显示:5株枫杨内生菌对白菜软腐菌的生长有抑制作用,2株对香瓜枯萎菌的生长有抑制作用。其中,FY-3菌株对两种指示菌的抑制效果均好,表现突出。3.用8株枫杨内生菌,分别以3种方法(菌体活细胞、菌细胞分泌物和菌细胞破碎液)处理油菜、萝卜、茼蒿、小麦、白菜和生菜等六种作物的种子,进行种子发芽试验,调查不同处理方法对种子萌发的影响。结果显示:经过细胞破碎仪处理的菌液,均好于其它方法,对6种作物种子的发芽普遍具有促生效果;6种作物种子比较,萝卜种子的长势好于其他作物的种子。4.枫杨叶片的挥发性物质,具有抑菌和杀菌作用。无论是嫩叶、新展叶和成熟叶,对4种指示菌(大肠杆菌、金黄色葡萄球菌、枯草芽孢杆菌和酵母菌)都具有抑菌效果。不同叶龄比较,成熟叶的抑、杀菌效果最好。

【Abstract】 Endophytes with many varieties are videly distributed, and almost exist in all aquatic and terrestrial plants. The research was based on Pterocarya stenopteraC.DC Isolateded endophytic bacterias from Pterocarya stenopteraC.DC, analyzing antifungal activity of the endophytic bacterias to Fusarium oxysporiumf.sp.melonis. and Erwinia carotovora and investigating stimulative effect to six crop seeds is the aim of this research.. The rusults were as following:1. there are six endophytic bacterias and two endophytic fungi being isolated from stem of Pterocarya stenopteraC.DC .They are Bacillus circulans. Enterococcus gallinarum. Bacillus circulans. Sphingomonas paucimobilis. Burkholderia mallei. Enterococcus faecium. Emericella acristata. Penicillium minioluteum.2. . Fusarium oxysporiumf.sp.melonis. and Erwinia carotovora. were selected as sensitive bacteria to the study,and the rusults showed that amang 8 strains of endophytic bacteria ,there are 5 strains having antifungal activity against Erwinia carotovora and 2 strains having antifungal activity against Fusarium oxysporiumf.sp.melonis. The antifungal activity of FY-3 is the best.3. 8 strains endophytic bacteria were cultivated in distilled water, in centrifugal machine and cell fragmentation machine. The disposaled water was used to cultivate cole, radish and other four kinds of crop seeds.The research showed that through cell fragmentation machine, the seeds’s growth were better than other methods. Compared with the other seeds, wheat seed grows the best in distilled water. Radish seed is the best in centrifugal machine and cell fragmentation machine. These six strains seeds get a great growth in cell fragmentation machine. It is presumed that the composed cell supstances have accelerated effect to the seeds.4. It is proved that Pterocarya stenopteraC.DC leaves are provided with antifungal activity.Be tested leaves no matter young or old both have antifungal activity.During these strains, the full-blown leaves’s sterilization ability is the best. The Pterocarya stenoptera C.DC leaves have intense sterilization to G+,G-and Microzyme.
