

Residence Spatial Expansion and Its Human Settlement Environment Problems of Dalian

【作者】 许妍

【导师】 李雪铭;

【作者基本信息】 辽宁师范大学 , 自然地理学, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 城市居住空间是城市社会的基本空间类型和重要的功能空间,随着大城市居住郊区化的发展,居住空间扩展越来越受到学者们的关注。改革开放以来,大连市经济持续高速增长,城市规模扩展迅猛,城市空间形态已形成强核多中心的组团状结构模式,土地利用结构随之不断调整与优化,居住空间扩展步伐加快,居住郊区化现象明显。与此同时,大连城市建设的进一步推进和“西拓北进”战略的实施,引起居住用地新一轮的时空演变。文章在对大连居住空间扩展进行测度和总结的基础上,针对居住空间扩展、居住小区建设和蔓延的影响因素、作用机制进行探讨,并指出居住空间扩展中存在的人居环境问题,最后提出调控的对策建议。针对城市空间拓展的定量测度这个核心,从宏观和微观两个层面来进行。首先,以大连城市居住用地分布状况为研究对象,运用分形理论等数学方法,从时间和空间两个角度定量刻画1980年代以来大连城市居住用地的宏观演化特征,并在此基础上探讨大连城市居住空间扩展的基本规律。其次,随着住房制度改革逐渐深化和房地产业的蓬勃发展,居住小区时空复杂性日益突出,大连城市居民的择居行为和居住区位都在不断发生变化。因此,在宏观居住空间扩展的基础上,基于现有统计资料,结合实地调查和电话访查收集到1998-2006年居住小区的相关数据,运用GIS强大的空间分析功能,从微观层面进一步揭示大连市居住小区十年来的时空发展规律及布局特征。结果表明时间序列上居住小区开发具有阶段性特征;居住小区在空间结构上表现出沿老城区呈圈层形态向城市边缘区蔓延的同时依托交通轴线呈扇面形态向内陆腹地延伸并形成相对集中的组团空间结构。在对居住空间扩展进行定量测度之后,进一步分析了影响城市居住空间扩展的因素及其作用,为揭示存在的人居环境问题并提出相应的对策措施打下坚实基础。城市居住空间是城市地理学和城市规划学研究的重要内容之一。本研究不仅对大连的城市规划,改造和综合发展具有重要意义,而且对大连市房地产开发商及住房消费者也有重要的参考价值。

【Abstract】 The urban residential space is basic spatial type of urban society and important function space. With the development of the metropolitan suburbanization, the Expansion of Residential Space receives more and more scholar’s attention. Since the reform, with the rapid development of Dalian’s economy, the city size expands; the urban space form develops gradually into the polycentric group structure, land use structure is also adjustment and optimization along with it, the step of urban space expansion speeds up, the phenomenon of the housing suburbanization is obvious. Along with the further advancement of Dalian urban construction and the implementation of strategic that expansion towards the West and North, it will certainly cause the space and time evolution of residential land in new turn. The article summarizes and measures the housing space expansion of Dalian, and on the base of this has discussed the factors and the function mechanism that influence the housing space expansion, the housing plot construction, finally proposes coordinate direction and the countermeasure.For the core of urban space expansion measurement, the article carries on research from macroscopic and the microscopic two stratification planes. Firstly, attempting to use fractal theory math methods, this article studies on the distribution of residential land to quantitative portrays the evolved characteristic of residential area from time and the spatial angel since the 80’s of the 20th century, and discuss the basic laws of residential spatial expansion. Next, along with the reform of the urban housing system deepening gradually and the vigorous development of real estate, the spatial-temporal complexity of housing plot is prominent day by day, and Residents’ concept for housing and housing location in Dalian has unceasingly changed. Therefore, in the foundation of the macroscopic housing space, based on the existing statistical data and combined with the correlation data of housing plot during 1998 to 2006, which have collected by on-the-spot investigation and telephone inquires, utilizes the GIS formidable space analysis function, further promulgates the chronicle and spatial development order and distribution characteristics of housing plot for ten years from the microscopic stratification plane. The result indicated the phase characteristics of the housing plot’s construction. In the spatial structure, housing plot spread along the old urban to the fringe area with the circle level shape and meantime expand into the interior center along with the main traffic road by fan shape as well as form relative centralism group spatial structure. The distribution of housing plots display four distribution characters that conclude the urban fringe layout, traffic road layout, and layout approaching hi-tech garden and natural resources as well as near university layout .At last, the article discusses the problem of human inhabitation environment and relative countermeasure during the housing spatial expansion.The urban residential space is the important context of urban geography and urban planners. This research is not only the important significance for the urban plan, innovation and integrative development, but also has the big guidance significances for the real estate developer and housing consumer.
