

Research on the Spatial Structure Optimization of Tourism System of Dalian City

【作者】 王恒

【导师】 李悦铮;

【作者基本信息】 辽宁师范大学 , 人文地理学, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 旅游业是全方位、综合性、多层次、多功能的朝阳产业,已成为世界上“最大的产业”。经过30年来的不懈努力,大连市旅游业发展取得了辉煌的成绩。2007年大连市接待海外游客84万人次;接待国内游客2480万人次;完成旅游总收入325亿元,约占全市国内生产总值(GDP)的10.83%。全市旅游经济指标呈现出持续增长态势,创近年来最好水平。空间结构是指社会经济客体在空间中相互作用所形成的空间集聚程度和集聚形态。空间结构研究既是区域科学研究的主要内容,也是旅游学研究的重要问题之一。为充分利用大连市丰富的旅游资源,实现区域合作,促进大连市旅游经济的可持续发展,本文将大连市旅游系统空间结构作为研究重点。笔者在概括总结旅游空间结构理论的基础上,采用定量分析和定性分析相结合的方法对大连市旅游系统空间结构进行了较为全面和具体地研究,其中包括对旅游资源系统、旅游交通系统以及旅游市场系统三大组成部分的研究,分析得出其目前存在的诸多问题。针对这些问题,进一步提出大连市旅游系统空间结构优化的战略和措施。

【Abstract】 The tourism industry is an omnidirectional, integrated, multilayer, multifunctional“Sunny Industry”, and it has been“the biggest industry”in the world .With the unremitting effort of 30 years, Dalian City makes a great progress in tourism. In 2007, the number of overseas tourist to Dalian City is 840,000; the number of domestic tourist to Dalian City is 24,800,000; the tourism gross income is 32.5 billion Yuan which is about 10.83% of the GDP of Dalian City. It is the best achievement that the tourism economic index of the whole city is increasing constantly in recent years.Spatial structure refers to the degree and the conformation of spatial conglomeration which comes into being with the spatial interrelation of social economic objects. The research of spatial structure is not only the main matter of regional science, but also one of the important problems of tourist science. To fully utilize the ample tourist resources in Dalian City; achieve the regional cooperation; promote the sustainable development of tourist economy, this paper choose the spatial structure of tourism system of Dalian City to be keystone of the research.Base on the foundation of generalizing the theory about the tourist spatial structure, the author makes a comprehensive and idiographic analysis of the spatial structure of tourism system of Dalian City with the integrating of quantitative analysis and qualitative analysis. The research includes study of tourism resources system, tourism transportation system and tourist source market system. It is found that there are many problems with the spatial structure of tourism system of Dalian City. Aim at these problems, this paper puts forward some related strategies and measures with the spatial structure optimization of tourism system of Dalian City.

【关键词】 大连市旅游系统空间结构优化
【Key words】 Dalian Citytourism systemspatial structureoptimization