

The Research of the Prostitutes’ Images in Qing Dynasty Classical Chinese Novels

【作者】 苗本凤

【导师】 赵杏根;

【作者基本信息】 苏州大学 , 中国古代文学, 2009, 硕士

【摘要】 清代文言小说中青楼女子形象纷繁复杂。本文采用传统的“知人论世”方法,把清代文言小说中的青楼女子形象分为清初、清中叶、清晚期三个时期进行研究。鲁迅先生曾经在《中国小说的历史的变迁》中说:“作者对于妓家的写法凡三变,先是溢美,中是近真,临末又溢恶。”清初文言小说中青楼女子形象负载了社会政治主题,文人笔下塑造了许多坚守民族气节的青楼女子,这是清初文言小说中青楼女子形象的主流,这些高风亮节坚守民族气节的青楼女子形象不免存在“溢美”之辞。清中叶,文言小说中青楼女子形象的政治色彩消失,在清政权的统治之下,汉族文人士大夫治国平天下的政治抱负难以实现,许多文言小说作家把目光投向了同为弱势群体的青楼女子,开始关注她们悲苦处境,尤其是青楼女子的“不遇”与汉族文人士大夫“不遇”情怀产生了强烈的共鸣。这一时期,文言小说中青楼女子形象的塑造相对而言属于“近真”范畴。清晚期,文言小说中青楼女子形象地域背景集中在上海,上海独特的发展优势,让生活在上海大都市下的青楼女子形象发生新变,她们自主意识觉醒,崇尚金钱,追求自我。这一现象是为男性群体所不能容忍的,因此这一时期文言小说青楼女子形象的塑造,就主流而言,属于“溢恶”范畴。由于历史、性别等因素的局限,在任何一个时期,男性笔下的青楼女子形象难以避免地被打上男权意识的烙印。清代文言小说中青楼女子形象的流变,与鲁迅先生“溢美”、“近真”“溢恶”的著名论断,是相一致的。

【Abstract】 The image of the prostitutes is numerous and complicated in classical Chinese novels during the Qing dynasty. And in this paper it is divided into three parts, that’s the prostitutes of early Qing Dynasty, the middle Qing dynasty and the late Qing dynasty, judging from comment the man by his life and surroundings, a traditional approach. Lu Xun, in his masterpiece the Changing of Chinese novels, once said that there have been three changes regarding on the author’s method of writing for the prostitutes: first, flattery, then, be close to truth, and last, belittled. In the early Qing Dynasty, prostitutes of the classical Chinese novels were shaped by the writers to stick to the national integrity, which were the spoken person of the society and policy. This was the current of that time. The result is that the prostitutes were flattered. In the middle period of Qing Dynasty, the political aspiration of the scholars could not to be realized under the rule of Qing. Many authors began to pay close attention to the misery of the prostitutes who was a disadvantaged group either. Especially, the prostitutes had the same experiences not to be appreciated which had struck a responsive chord in the hearts of the scholars. So the prostitutes no longer been flattered, instead, they were described close to reality. The place that prostitutes lived is Shanghai, which has been developed in the Late Qing. Owing to the development, the prostitutes have changed a lot. That’s own-autonomous consciousness awaken, they advocated money, seek to self-actualization. However, this was not accepted by the man, so they were belittled which against the main current. Because of the limitations of history, gender and so on, at any time, the prostitutes’image described by men is difficult to avoid marking their own right brand on. The flowage of the prostitutes‘image in classical Chinese novels of Qing Dynasty were consistent with the inference of Lu Xun“flattery”,“be close to truth”and“belittled”.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 苏州大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2009年 09期