

Study on the Scope of Compensation for Damages of the CISG

【作者】 申婕

【导师】 陈立虎; 沈同仙;

【作者基本信息】 苏州大学 , 国际法, 2009, 硕士

【摘要】 《联合国国际货物销售合同公约》(英文简称CISG)是国际统一合同法领域最具影响力的法律文件之一。损害赔偿是公约违约救济体系中最重要的违约责任承担方式,但对于具体的损害赔偿范围,《公约》并没有作出明确规定,导致在实践和学理层面均产生了激烈的争议。“营业额减少”损失、精神损失、律师费损失是《公约》之下损害赔偿颇具争议的三种形式,如何对其加以准确理解,不仅关系到损害赔偿制度的正常运行,更涉及到《公约》的解释和发展机制。本文逐一分析了“营业额减少”损失、精神损失、律师费损失三者在《公约》体系下所处的地位。在结合第7条和第74条的基础上,本文认为“营业额减少”损失和律师费损失应当纳入公约的损害赔偿调整范围;而精神损害赔偿则被排除在《公约》的调整范围之外。通过对三种损害赔偿形式的考察,可以发现,公约的发展机制既要保持稳定性,又要灵活的适应经济社会发展的需要。《公约》发展机制的核心条款是第7条,如何在保证《公约》统一解释的前提下,通过作为《公约》基础的一般原则来平衡地发展《公约》,是一个统领全局的问题。必须在综合考虑相关因素的基础上,科学地发展《公约》。

【Abstract】 The United Nations Convention on Contracts of International Sales of Goods(CISG) could be considered as the most influence power in the international uniform contract law area. In the remedy system of CISG, compensation for damages is the most important liability for breach of contract. However, to the scope of compensation, this convention does not define what is included in the "loss", thus a furious debate was emerged. The main dispute is on the interpretations of three forms of compensation for damages: lost volume, spiritual loss and the attorney fees. How to define these "loss" is not only related to the operation of compensation for damages, but also comes down to the interpretation and development of this convention.This article analyzed the loss of turnover, spiritual loss and the attorney fees respectively. According to the Art.7 and Art.74 of this convention, the author concluded that the loss of turnover and the attorney fees should be included in the "loss"; the spiritual loss should not.Art.7 is the core clause of the development mechanism of this convention. Bases on the uniform interpretation of this convention, the development of this convention is to be settled in conformity with general principles. So, the author thinks in order to develop the convention we should based on the consideration of related factors.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 苏州大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2009年 10期