

The Involvement and Defence of Human Nature

【作者】 李琰

【导师】 陈子平;

【作者基本信息】 苏州大学 , 中国现当代文学, 2009, 硕士


【摘要】 戴厚英凭借一部《人啊,人!》蜚声文坛,发出20世纪80年代的最强音——呼唤人性、人道主义。她的创作包含着对现实人生的体验,对社会历史的理性思考,对于人的认识和理解、希望和不满,并渗透着对自我意识的推崇、自我反思与剖析、无意识的寻根情结以及对爱的强烈呼唤,这使她的作品受到众人的瞩目。从她的作品中可以观测到作家一生的历程、思想转变的脉络,以及介入社会的独特方式。“知识分子三部曲”是对“当代政治对人性的压抑”的反思,展示出当代知识分子的不幸命运,倾诉了个人的情感,呼唤“人的觉醒”以及人道主义的回归,彰显了作家的个性自觉,并且凸显出哲学意识。乡土情结决定了戴厚英紧抓住民间风俗人情这一脉,积极地从淮北平原求取其文化的精魂,并将其贯穿有关创作的始终。20世纪90年代,戴厚英更多的是以审视批判的眼光对社会及个人进行最后的反思。本文从戴厚英人生旅途中独特的感知、情感的倾诉、寻根创作的探索以及她对精神家园的坚守四部分,对其思想和创作历程作一系统而又概要性的把握和剖析。

【Abstract】 Dai Houying,with her best acknowledged book Human and Humans! has won great renown in literary circles and sent out the strongest voice in the 1980s-a call for human nature and humanitarianism. Her works arouse great attention for their coverage of realistic life experience,rational meditation of social history,and recognition,understanding,hope and dissatisfaction of humans as well as a penetrating thought of self-awareness,self-reflection,self-analysis,unconscious root-seeking complex and an intense call for love.Dai’s course of life,changes of thoughts and unique ways of involvement in society may be observed from all her works. Trilogy of intellectuals has reflected the“contemporary political suppression of human nature”and shown the tragic fate of contemporary intellectuals. It focuses on an individual’s feelings, calls for the“human awakening”and humanitarian return in which the writer’s personal consciousness is manifested and the philosophical feature of the book is highlighted. Her local complex has determined her writing focus throughout her creation on the local customs and practices in the Huaibei Plain,from which she actively draws on the essence and soul of its culture. In the 1990s,she has done more detailed and critical reflections on human individuals and society.This paper seeks to outline and systemize Dai’s thoughts and creative process in four parts,from her unique perceptions in her life journey,emotional talks,explorations of root-seeking creation to her defence of her spiritual home.

【关键词】 戴厚英情感倾诉人道主义寻根
【Key words】 Daihouyingemotional talkshumanitarianismroot-seeking
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 苏州大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2009年 09期