

Comparative Analysis and Strategy Reseach on the Situation of Application of Blocking in Men’s Volleyball Matches between Chinese and Foreign Teams

【作者】 闫彦峰

【导师】 李心华;

【作者基本信息】 苏州大学 , 体育教育训练学, 2009, 硕士


【摘要】 近年来,随着世界排球运动的迅猛发展和排球运动技术水平的不断提高,中国男排的进步速度明显落后于世界排球运动前进的脚步。其中,拦网能力薄弱是中国男排目前比较突出的问题之一。拦网是排球六大基本技术之一,是防守的第一道防线,也是主要得分的手段之一。拦网能力不足,就会在网上激烈的攻防争夺中处于不利地位,就会被动挨打。对于现代男排而言,网上争夺的成败直接影响着比赛的输赢。因此提高中国男排的拦网水平是提高中国男排整体水平亟待解决的主要问题之一。本文采用文献资料法、录像观察法、数理统计法、比较分析法等研究方法,对2006年世界男子排球锦标赛和2008年奥运会男子排球赛上中国男排与其它参赛队比赛时的拦网运用情况和拦网运用的效果进行了比较分析和研究,找出中国男排拦网运用中存在的不足,并分析了影响中国男排拦网水平的不利因素,得出以下结论:1.中国男排拦网运用总数比对手少,拦网总体效果比对手差。2.中国男排集体拦网运用比例比对手少,拦网效果不如对手,尤其在2008年奥运会世界男子排球赛中,三人拦网技术运用效果与对手存在显著性差异。3.在对不同进攻形式的拦网运用情况方面,在2006年世界男子排球锦标赛中,中国男排拦网技术主要运用在拦对手强攻上,其次为拦快攻和拦后排进攻,而在2008年奥运会世界男子排球赛中,拦后排进攻的比例超过了拦快攻的比例,拦强攻仍然占最高比例。对手在两大赛事中拦网技术都是主要运用在拦强攻上,其次为拦快攻和拦后排进攻;在拦网效果上,中国男排拦对手快攻在2008年奥运会世界男子排球赛每局平均得分略好于2006年世界男子排球锦标赛,但在拦对手强攻、后排进攻方面,效果不如对手。4.在对不同位置的拦网运用情况及效果方面,在2006年世界男子排球锦标赛中,中国男排拦网技术主要运用在拦对方四号位进攻上,其次为拦二号位进攻和拦三号位进攻,而在2008年奥运会世界男子排球赛中,拦二号位进攻的比例超过了拦四号位进攻的比例,拦三号位进攻所占的比例仍然处于最低。对手在2006年世界男子排球锦标赛中拦网技术主要运用在拦中国男排四号位进攻上,其次为拦三号位进攻和拦二号位进攻,而在2008年奥运会世界男子排球赛中,拦二号位进攻的比例超过了拦三号位进攻的比例,拦四号位进攻所占的比例仍然处于最高;在拦网效果上,中国男排在两大赛事中拦对手四号位和二号位进攻方面,效果不如对手,尤其在拦四号位方面与对手差距明显。5.中国男排队员平均年龄偏低,网前拦网队员身高不具有威慑力和体重偏轻是影响中国男排拦网水平的基本因素。6.中国男排队员观察、判断不准,移动速度慢,取位不准,起跳和手型不正确,同伴协同配合不佳是影响中国男排拦网水平的重要因素。最后提出以下对策:1.发现人才,培养人才。2.提高拦网技术,协调集体拦网配合。3.坚持技术训练和力量训练两手都要抓,两手都要硬。4.注重对比赛即时信息的科学采集与分析,运用高科技提高拦网水平。5.坚持走出去和请进来相结合。

【Abstract】 In recent years, with the rapid development of world volleyball game and the constant improvement of its playing skills, the growth rate of Chinese men’s volleyball team obviously lags behind the world’s pace, among which the most serious problem is the weak ability of blocking. Blocking is one of the six skills in terms of playing volleyball, the first line of defence and one main approach to getting scores. Lacking of blocking ability leads to a definite disadvantage in fierce attack-and-defend games, resulting in a negative position. For modern men’s volleyball, the performance in blocking part effects srtaightly the outcome of a match. In this case, it is a critical point to enhance the blocking ability of Chinese men’s volleyball in order to improve the entire volleyball level.With the research methods such as literature review,video observation,mathematical statistics and comparative studies,this thesis has carried out comparative analysis and research on the practical use and effect of blocking of Chinese men’s volleyball team and other teams both in 2006 world men’s volleyball Championship and in 2008 Olympic men’s volleyball competition, thus discoverding the shortages lying in Chinese men’s volleyball blocking , analyzing the adverse factors impacted the level of Chinese Men’s Volleyball blocking, reaching the following conclusions:1.The total number of using blocking of Chinese men’s volleyball less than the opponents, the overall effect of blocking worse than the opponents.2.The proportion of using collective blocking of Chinese men’s volleyball less than the opponents, the effect of blocking worse than the opponents’,especially, in 2008 Olympic men’s volleyball competition , the effect of three blocking technology compared with rivals, there was a significant difference.3. In the parts of the using block to different attack forms, Chinese Men’s Volleyball blocking technique mainly used in rivals’power attack,followed by fast offence and back court attack in 2006 world men’s volleyball Championship, however,the proportion of blocking back court attack more than fast offence,blocking power attack acounted for the highest proportion in 2008 Olympic men’s volleyball competition. The opponents’blocking technique in the two events mainly used in power attack,followed by fast offence and back court attack ; In the parts of the blocking effect to different attack forms, Chinese Men’s Volleyball’average score by set in blocking the opponents’fast offence in 2008 Olympic men’s volleyball competition a little better than in 2006 world men’s volleyball Championship, However, In the parts of blocking the opponents’power attack and back court attack, the effect worse than the opponents’.4. In the parts of the using block to different locations, Chinese Men’s Volleyball blocking technique mainly used in rivals’attack in Position 4,followed by Position 2 and Position 3 in 2006 world men’s volleyball Championship, however,the proportion of blocking Position 2 more than Position 4, blocking Position 3 is still at a minimum in 2008 Olympic men’s volleyball competition. The opponents blocking technique mainly used in Position 4,followed by Position 3 and Position 2 in 2006 world men’s volleyball Championship, however,the proportion of blocking Position 2 more than Position 3, blocking Position 4 still acounted for the highest proportion in 2008 Olympic men’s volleyball competition. In the parts of the blocking effect to different locations, Chinese Men’s Volleyball worse than the opponents in blocking the attack in Position 4 and Position 2 in the two events,especially, there was a significant difference in blocking the opponents’attack in position 4.5. The average age of the Chinese Men’s Volleyball players lowed,the average height was not a deterrent and light weight were the fundamental factors that influenced the blocking level of Chinese Men’s Volleyball.6. Chinese Men’s Volleyball players’observation, judgement was not right, moved slowly, taked place was not right, the take-off and hand-type is not correct, and peer poor coordinationwith were the important factors that influenced the blocking level of Chinese Men’s Volleyball.Finally, the essay comed forward the following strageties:1.Tap intellectual resources, cultivate people with talent2.Improve the technique of blocking , coordinate the cooperation of collective blocking3.Firmly insist on training both volleyball technology and athletes’physique4.Focus on scientific collection and analysis on the up-date information of matches, improving basketball skills through science and technology5.Persist in the collaboration of‘going-out’and‘bringing-in’

【关键词】 中国男排拦网运用对比对策
【Key words】 Chinese men’s volleyballblockapplicationcomparestrategy
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 苏州大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2009年 09期