

The Research on the Offensive Capability of Chinese Women’s Basketball Guard in 29th Olympic Games

【作者】 刘全

【导师】 袁凤生;

【作者基本信息】 河南大学 , 体育教育训练学, 2009, 硕士

【摘要】 第29届奥运会结束了,赛前被篮球界广泛关注的中国女篮,在澳大利亚籍主教练马赫的率领之下一路连克欧洲劲旅,经过小组赛和复赛总共8场的比赛,结果以5胜3负的战绩,最终排名第四名。虽然与奖牌无缘,但是能取得奥运会第四名的好成绩,中国女篮也是创下了16年来的最好成绩。中国女篮的进步是有目共睹的,但是在比赛中,也暴露了一些问题。从场上位置去分析,中国女篮中锋的技术水平,足以同世界强队中锋抗衡,甚至还占尽优势,但是在前锋和在后卫方面,与世界强队相比,还有一些差距。本文在研究过程中,采用文献资料法、专家调查法、录像观察法、比较分析法、数理统计法等研究方法对29届奥运会女篮后卫队员的进攻技术指标进行了统计、比较、分析(为了更明确的找出中国女篮后卫队员的优点与不足,本文在比较分析中,对一些重要的指标与前三名球队的后卫队员也作了具体的分析),研究结果如下:(1)中国女篮后卫队员与对手后卫相比在身高上有一定的优势;在年龄上与对手后卫相比稍年轻,缺少大赛经验,在比赛的关键时刻,不能很好的控制比赛节奏,失误、违例的次数比较多;在体重上也不如对手,力量素质不足,对抗能力弱。(2)中国女篮后卫队员的摆脱获得球能力好于对手,推进速度也比对手快。(3)中国女篮后卫队员的得分能力有了较大的提高,但得分手段单一,投篮方式简单,应变能力不强,投篮技术水平的发挥和投篮命中率不太稳定,缺乏强对抗下的得分能力。(4)中国女篮后卫队员支配球的能力差,具体表现在传球的技术不过硬,传球的方式不多,传球速度较慢,过早地暴露传球的意图,助攻传球或有攻击性的传球的次数不多,面对积极的防守队员时,失误较多。(5)中国女篮后卫队员具有一定的快攻意识和快攻能力,但在面对紧逼防守时组织发动快攻的能力较差。再者,在快攻发动过程中由于过分求稳,而错失了许多快攻机会。(6)中国女篮后卫队员只侧重个人攻击力,缺乏组织进攻能力。在进攻区域方面,也有一定的局限性,进攻范围较小,无球配合意识稍差,组织参与进攻战术配合能力低,成功率更低。(7)中国女篮后卫队员心理素质不稳定,遇到对手紧逼防守时,不能很好地控制比赛节奏,难以组织全队流畅的进攻,也影响了个人技术水平的发挥。本文针对研究结果,依据篮球运动的基本理论,结合中国女篮后卫队员的实际情况,提出了提高后卫队员进攻能力的改进意见和建议,为我国女篮的发展提供参考。

【Abstract】 The 29th Olympic Games have ended, before the game by the basketball widespread attention’s Chinese women’s basketball, Under Australia Head Coach leads to defeat completely the European match, passes through the group match and the intermediary heat altogether 8 competition, the result by 5 win 3 defeat successes, places 4th finally. Although does not have the good fortune with the medal, but can make the Olympic Games 4th good progress, the Chinese women’s basketball has also set the record of for 16 year best total of points. The Chinese women’s basketball’s progress is obvious to all, but in competition, also has exposed some questions. The position analyzes from the field, the Chinese women’s basketball center’s technical level, contends with sufficiently with the world strong team centers, even also occupies the completely superiority, but in the vanguard and in the guard aspect, compares with the world strong team, but also has some disparities.This article in the research process, used literature research techniques and so on material law, expert investigation method, video recording method of inspection, comparison analytic method, mathematical method of average to carry on the statistics, the comparison, the analysis to 29 Olympic Games women’s basketballs guard member’s attack technical specification, (for more explicit discovered Chinese women’s basketball guard member’s merit and insufficiency, this article in comparative analysis, has also made concrete analysis to some important targets with first three team’s guard members), the findings were as follows:(1) the Chinese women’s basketball guard member and the match guard compare in the height have certain superiority; Compares in the age with the match guard slightly young, lacks the big game experience, at competition’s critical moment, cannot the very good control competition rhythm, the fault, the case of breaching the rules number of times be quite many; Is also inferior to the match in the body weight, the strength quality is insufficient, resistance ability is weak.(2) The Chinese women’s basketball guard member gets rid obtains the ball ability well in the match, the advancement speed also compared to deft.(3) Chinese women’s basketball guard member’s score ability had the big enhancement, but the score method is unitary, the shooting way is simple, strain capacity is not strong, the shooting technical level’s display and the shooting average are not too stable, lack under the strong resistance score ability.(4) the Chinese women’s basketball guard member controls the ball ability difference, the concrete manifestation in the technology which passes a ball is not perfect, the way which passes a ball are not many, the passing a ball speed is slow, premature exposes the intention which passes a ball, the secondary attack passes a ball the number of times which or has aggressively passes a ball not to be many, when facing positive defensive player, the fault are many.(5) The Chinese women’s basketball guard member has certain quick attacks realizes and quick attacks ability, but when faces presses hard on the defense organizes ability which the launch quick attacks to be bad. Furthermore, in quick attacks in the launch process, because strives for excessively steadily, but the error many have quick attacked the opportunity.(6) The Chinese women’s basketball guard member only stresses individual striking power, lacks the organization attack ability. Is attacking the region aspect, also has certain limitation, the attack scope is small, non-ball coordination consciousness misses slightly, the organization participates in the attack tactic coordination ability being low, the success ratio is lower.(7) The Chinese women’s basketball guard member psychological quality is unstable, meets when the match presses hard on the defense, can well control the competition rhythm, organizes the entire unit smooth attack with difficulty, also has affected individual technical level display.This article in view of the findings, based on cage game’s elementary theory, unifies the Chinese women’s basketball guard member’s actual situation, proposed enhances the guard member to attack ability the improvement opinion and the suggestion, provides the reference for our country women’s basketball’s development.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 河南大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2009年 11期