

An Ecofeminist Analysis of Lady Chatterley’s Lover

【作者】 程建丽

【导师】 段晓英;

【作者基本信息】 河北师范大学 , 英语语言文学, 2009, 硕士

【摘要】 戴·赫·劳伦斯是二十世纪英国文坛最有争议的作家之一。在他所有的作品中,《查太莱夫人的情人》是最受非议的一部。小说关注的不单单是梅勒斯和康妮的爱情故事,而更在于通过努力,探索出一条使西方文化摆脱传统社会和伪善习俗的途径。本篇论文试从生态女性主义的角度对这部作品重新进行阐释,揭示出蕴含于小说中的生态意识,女性意识以及作者包括对人类在内的所有生物之间的关系等一系列问题的深刻思考,展现了劳伦斯作品的时代性。生态女性主义批评理论的运用拓宽了对该书研究的视角,同时也有助于对作品有更加全面深刻的认识。全文共有五个部分,包括绪论和结论部分。绪论部分简明扼要的介绍了作家,作品,《查太莱夫人的情人》的文献综述以及生态女性主义的理论综述。通过回顾劳伦斯对自然与女性的观点,读者清楚得出劳伦斯对男性与女性,人类与自然的关注与生态女性主义理论不谋而合。生态女性主义批评指出,女性与自然是交织相融密切联系的,这种联系包括符号上或象征的、经验上的地位上的联系,第一章具体分析《查太莱夫人的情人》中女性与自然的这三种密切联系,致力于强调女性与自然相互表征,相互支持;经历相同的困苦与耻辱重负;承受同样低等、隶属地位。第二章分析重点集中于瓦解父权制的压迫。首先自然对人的报复解构了父权制统治工具一机器的压迫。通过细致全面的描写,劳伦斯前瞻性地揭示了如果人类只以自我为中心,忽视自然及自然中的生命,最终必然会导致自然的惩罚。其次,对制统治逻辑的解构主要是通过康妮个人的反抗来实现的,康妮抛弃行尸走肉,毫无人性的丈夫和伪善的蔑克里斯而大胆追求充满生机活力的守猎人梅勒斯恰如其分的表现了劳伦斯的人性信条:劳伦斯认为妇女经过不懈地努力,敢于同没落的社会抗争,就会获得伊甸园式的新生活。第三章通过生态女性主义多声对话理论和爱护关爱理论的分析试图证实劳伦斯的理想社会是一个具有女性原则和生态原则的全面性、多样性的社会。劳伦斯为康妮和梅勒斯这对情侣找到了摆脱机械化、工业化和对人的异化的天堂。康妮和梅勒斯在大自然的庇护下寻求到了真爱,并从肉体的接触中找到了激情活力并以此延伸包括一切的爱护行动。基于此实现了自然、女性、男性关系的探索和融合。结论部分在综上所述的基础上,肯定了劳伦斯的生态女性主义意识,分析了不足之处也指出了生态女性主义对现实的指导意义,并提出一些操作性强,效果则显的方法来改善男性、女性以及自然之间的关系。

【Abstract】 D. H. Lawrence is one of the most controversial writers in the twentieth-century English literature. Of all his fictional works, Lady Chatterley’s Lover has incurred the fiercest censure. It concerns not just with the love affair between Connie and Mellors but with the author’s effort at figuring out a way for western culture to wean themselves away from conventional social and hypocritical sexual mores.This thesis aims to reinterpret the book through the viewpoint of ecofeminist criticism, revealing its ecological meaning, the feminist consciousness and the author’s profound reflection on the relationship between living things which include human, animals and plants. The adoption of ecofeminist literary criticism has broadened the investigative perspective and helped to gain a more comprehensive understanding of this novel. This thesis is composed of five parts including the introduction and conclusion.The introduction sketches briefly the novelist, his major works, and literature review of Lady Chatterley’s Lover together with a brief review of the theory of ecofeminism. By reviewing Lawrence’s ideas about nature and woman, readers can see that Lawrence is a writer who is much concerned with the proper relationship between man and woman, human and nonhuman world which bears the same relation with ecofeminism.In chapter one, the author will focus on three kinds of links—the symbolic, experiential and the status, to point out that nature and woman are interconnected and closely related. It works to emphasize the identification of woman and nature—they are mutually represented, mutually supported, experience the same hard humiliating burden and bear the same inferior and subordinated position.In Chapter Two, the analysis is centered on dismantling the patriarchal oppression in the novel. First, the revenge of nature deconstructs the patriarchal means of domination—machine. By careful and comprehensive depicting, Lawrence reveals that if human beings are too self-centered and contemptuous over nature and other beings in nature, human beings will inevitably be punished by nature mercilessly. Second, the deconstruction of patriarchal logic of domination is analyzed mainly through Connie’s personal rebellion. Connie boldly casts off her deadness and inhumanness husband and the hypocrisy of Michaelis to pursue the living and warm-hearted gamekeeper Mellors for happiness which coincides with Lawrence’s life tenet: that Eden-like life can be achieved by women if they persist in their struggle against the impotent social life to strive for a new independent rebirth.Chapter Three, by means of ecofeminist multivocality dialogue and the ethic of care analysis, tries to prove that Lawrence’s ideal world is a holistic and diverse world with feminine principle and ecological principle. Lawrence finds the paradise for his pair—Connie and Mellors escaping from the social mechanism and industrialization, dehumanization and deterioration. They find their passionate love under the shelter of nature, become energetic, vital and confident from their physical contact and extend their care practices to include everything. Therefore the exploration of the fusion of the ideal relationship among nature, woman and man can be fulfilled.The conclusion part, by making a summary of the thesis, gives the affirmative as well as the deficient evaluation about Lawrence’s ecofeminist consciousness. It comes to point out the significance in applying the theory of ecofeminism to our lives and some feasible and effective ways to be taken to improve the relationship among nature, woman and man.

【关键词】 生态女性主义自然女性解构融合
【Key words】 ecofeminismnaturewomandeconstructionfusion