

On Study of Memorial during Han Emperor Yuan and Cheng Periods

【作者】 朱万东

【导师】 胡宝珍;

【作者基本信息】 河北师范大学 , 中国古代文学, 2009, 硕士

【摘要】 治国理念的转变使儒生政治在汉元帝朝成为了现实,随着儒生地位的提高,儒学对社会的影响渗透到社会每个角落。所以本文以汉元成帝时期(公元前48—前8年)奏疏为研究对象,来探究儒学如何影响奏疏。文章主体部分为三章:第一章探讨了汉元成帝时期奏疏产生的时代背景。汉元成帝时期,社会走向了衰落:经济衰退、帝权旁落、官吏贪残不法。这种政治现实使奢侈风俗愈演愈烈。另外汉元、成帝实行儒生政治制度,提高了儒生的政治地位。本文认为以上这些转变的现实是元成帝时期奏疏发生变化的外部条件。第二章探讨了汉元成帝时期奏疏的内容特点和文化渊源。第一节论述了汉元成帝时期奏疏重教化、尚礼制的现象与儒家政治文化理想的关系。通过对儒家政治文化理想的分析,认识到儒家政治的特点是:以教化、礼制作为施政手段,以社会道德文化秩序的完善作为政治的终极目标。由此,指出汉元成帝时期奏疏“德化”、“礼制”主题正是儒家政治文化理想在文章中的演绎。第二节对汉元成帝时期奏疏言灾异的现象进行了剖析。文章在对汉元帝以前天人感应思想梳理中,认识到:董仲舒天人感应思想体系的构建促成了儒学阴阳化,即他把儒家思想融入到阴阳灾异、祥瑞等现象的言说之中。最后指出奏疏言灾异是儒生在帝王专制历史条件下谋求话语权的一种策略。第三章论述了汉元成帝时期奏疏的风格特点。在汉元成帝时期奏疏与西汉前期奏疏风格的比较分析中,发现汉元帝以前奏疏“以气为主”的特点较为突出,自元帝时起奏疏“以理为主”的特点更为突出。认为汉元成帝时期奏疏以儒家义理的阐释为主,行文具有醇厚的特点。最后文章探讨了这种风格转变的原因。

【Abstract】 Conceptional changes on the management of state affairs contributed the realization of the Confucianist politics during Emperor Yuan’s reign in Western Han dynasty.Confucianism became influential throughout almost every hole and comer of the society with the Confucian scholars rising in social and political ranks.This in turn results in the exploration of this thesis based on the Confucian influence by way of Memorials to the Thrones during Emperor Yuan and Emperor Cheng periods(from 48 B.C.to 8 B.C.).And the body of this thesis is divided into three parts:Chapter one is concerned about the background of Emperor Yuan’s reign,which is characterized by declinations in economy,bureaucracy,endangered empery and the monopolization of powers by the relatives on the side of the Empress.This political reality exacerbated the prevailing extravagant vogue.In addition,the governmental implementation of Confucianist administration improved the political status of the Confucian Scholars.The thesis tends to consider that all the above mentioned were the outside factors which had resulted in the changes in thematic concern of the memorials of the time.Chapter two discusses the origin and characteristics of the themes of the memorials of the period.The first section centers on the connection between the subject-oriented emphasis both on rituality and moralization as a literary trend and the Confucian ideal,political and cultural.And the analysis of this ideal will throw light on the features of the Confucianist politics,that is,moralization and rituality are only administrative measures to realize the ultimate goals of the perfection of social ethics and culture.Therefore,the themes are only the deduction of the Confucianism embodied in politics and culture.The second section analyzes the headstream of the memorials focused on contemporary natural catastrophes and anomalies. The pectination of Dong Zhongshu’s doctrine of the interaction between Heaven and man draws forth the conclusion that Dong’s thought is the combination of the Pre-Qin period Heaven and man concepts,Yin and Yang theory,auspices and evil prefigurement;and Yin-Yang,auspices and catastrophes are only employed to blazon forth the Confucianism—or his doctrine of Heaven and man had already blended with the Confucian idealistic system of politics and culture.Hereon the thesis goes further into the investigation of why these are so much argued in memorials—it’s just a strategic deterrent to the absolute monarch under the given historical situations.In this way the catastrophes and anomalies prevailing the memorials are closely paralleled with the blending of theory of Yin-Yang with Dong’s doctrine.Chapter three comes to the stylistic characteristics of Yuan-Cheng memorials in comparison with those of former time of Western Han Dynasty.The findings are that memorials before Emperor Yuan are evidently characterized by the authors’ aspiration in contrast to argument by authors of and after the reign of Emperor Yuan;the memorials to Emperors Yuan and Cheng are generally pure and mellow with the elucidation of Confucianism.The thesis concludes in a discussion of the stylistic changeover of memorials on the whole.

  • 【分类号】I206.2
  • 【下载频次】106