

Study on Container Ships’ Evacuation of Last Minute in Case of Typhoon for Ningbo Port

【作者】 吴宇

【导师】 戴冉;

【作者基本信息】 大连海事大学 , 交通信息工程及控制, 2009, 硕士

【摘要】 伴随着世界经济贸易的全球化和一体化进程,我国国民经济得到持续,稳定,健康,快速的发展。对外贸易额迅猛增长,更加带动了航运市场的空前繁荣。宁波港是一个集内河港、河口港和海港于一体的多功能、综合性的现代化深水大港。现有生产性泊位305座,其中万吨级以上深水泊位60座。最大的有25万吨级原油码头,20万吨级(可兼靠30万吨船)的卸矿码头,第六代国际集装箱专用泊位以及5万吨级液体化工专用泊位;已与世界上100多个国家和地区的600多个港口通航。随着集装箱吞吐量迅速增长,外贸集装箱近远洋航线密度不断加大,宁波港口已成为我国主要的集装箱干线港。宁波港口生产保持强劲的增长态势,2007年集装箱吞吐量完成934.97万标箱,同比增长32.28%,居中国大陆港口第四位,连续10年保持30%以上的增长速度,预计2008年将突破1000万标准箱。集装箱吞吐量快速增长使宁波港口集装箱码头通过能力严重不足的矛盾日益突出。鉴于上述问题,本文根据宁波港水上防台监督管理规定,对宁波港及周边环境的水文、气象资料、集装箱船舶的泊位分布、避风锚地的位置、集装箱船舶的撤离路线、以及影响宁波港水域的台风进行认真的分析。考虑泊位允许作业的最大风速、波高;港口集装箱起重机允许作业的最大风力;集装箱船舶的抗风等级、条件;集装箱船舶在大风浪中的操纵性能;台风中心位置,预计登陆地点;台风中心强度,10级、7级大风圈的范围;台风的移动路径、移动速度;集装箱船舶安全撤离到海上所需要的时间等因素,提出宁波港台风来临时集装箱船舶最晚撤离方案。本方案能在台风来临时,在保证船舶安全撤离的前提下,大大的减小集装箱船舶的运营周期,产生巨大的经济效益,对提高宁波港集装箱年吞吐量具有现实意义。

【Abstract】 Along with the globalization of the international economic trade and the economic integration,it gives steady,lasting and fast development to our national economy.And the booming of foreign trade amount further brings the prosperity for shipping market.Ningbo Port is a multi-purpose,comprehensive,modern and deep-water port integrated with inner harbor,estuary harbor and sea port.The number of existing operational berths is 305,in which 60 ones are for more than 10 thousand tons.The greatest cruel oil terminal is for 250 thousand tons,while the ore receiving terminal is for 200 thousand tons(also available for 300 thousand tons);there are also the international container ship berth of the sixth generation and the 50 thousand-ton liquid chemical product berth:and all the berths above has opened up to more than 600 ports of more than 100 countries and regions.As the container throughput and the route intensity of foreign container trade are growing rapidly,Ningbo Port has become the main container trade port.Ningbo Port enjoys a favorable trend of growing in operation,and the throughput of containers in 2007 is 9349.7 thousand TEU,year on year growth of 32.28%,ranking the fourth of all the mainland ports.For 10 consecutive years,it has kept a growing rate of more than 30%.The contradiction between the rapid growing of throughput and the fixed receiving capacity is becoming increasingly acute.In view of the problem above,according to the anti-typhoon supervision and administration regulation of Ningbo Port,this text analysed the hydrological data, climatological data,distribution of the container ship berths,typhoon shelter anchorage and the typhoons which can affect Ningbo waters.Taking into account of the workable maximum wind speed,wave height,the maximum wind force which can be stood by port based container cranes,wind resistance level of the container ship,the characteristics of container ship’s maneuvering in heavy surf conditions,the typhoon central position,expecting landing spot,typhoon central force,10 Beau and 7 Beau of wind circle,the track and speed of typhoon,the time needed for container ship’s emergency evacuation,the ship evacuation of last minute plan due to typhoon was raised.With this plan,when typhoon is coming,by the promise of guarantee of safe evacuation,the operation period of container ship can be greatly reduced,bringing along with enormous economic benefit,which makes practical meaning for the container ship growing throughput of Ningbo Port.

  • 【分类号】U698.91
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