

【作者】 荆洋

【导师】 孙晋海; 曹莉;

【作者基本信息】 曲阜师范大学 , 体育人文社会学, 2009, 硕士

【摘要】 在当今科学技术高速发展的今天,世界在某种意义上正变得越来越小,世界人民之间的交流也正变的越来越频繁。体育作为一项被世界人民所能共同喜爱的活动,在世界人民的大交融中发挥着越来越重要的作用。交流是人和人在一起共同发展的前提条件,只有交流才能促进事物的完善,只有交流才能激发事物的潜能,只有交流才能升华事物的本质。人类一直在不断的探索中进行着交流。体育是人类的一种行为,它也需要交流。体育交流则作为一个载体,正被世人直接参与者。笔者在查阅了相关体育对外交流的文献发现在这方面的理论性的研究还不够系统,论文完成期间正好赶上北京奥运会的举办,发现世界人民的体育交流在当今社会意义重大,在整理相关文献和阅读大量的书籍、报纸、网页之后,从理论的层面,运用系统的科学方法整理我国体育对外交流的发展现状和发展对策。本研究运用文献资料法、专家访谈法、问卷调查法、对比分析法、历史比较法和逻辑推理法等科研方法,从竞技体育的对外交流、社会体育的对外交流、学校体育的对外交流、体育产业和体育文化对外交流等方面对我国体育对外交流的现状进行全面的论述,并针对现状对我国体育对外交流的发展对策进行了研究。通过研究得出以下结论:1我国体育对外交流正借助于北京奥运会的东风在世界体育领域发挥着越来越重要的作用,我国体育的国际地位也得到很大的提升,我国正从一个传统的世界体育大国真正的向一个世界体育强国递进。2我国的社会体育和学校体育正在通过自身的方式,与世界性的社会大众体育交流融合,并在世界范围内占有越来越重要的地位。其中社会体育作为我国现阶段体育事业发展的重点,具有重大的战略意义。3体育文化和体育产业作为体育的衍生品,在人们的日常生活中发挥着重要的作用,它们的科学快速的发展会给商品经济社会的今天注入极大的活力。目前,二者正处在快速发展阶段,我国已在通过多种交流方式加快其快速发展步伐,它们的发展未来光明。4加快我国体育对外交流快速发展,能为我国的体育事业和由它衍生来的很多事业带来更多的帮助和更好的保障,提供的体育对外交流的发展策略方案具有科学的和实用的价值,这些方案的顺利实施影响着我国体育对外交流的发展。5依托模式化建设,促进我国体育对外交流的发展是一条正确的系统地策略,如何把这条策略经营好,制定好,实施好,对我国体育对外交流具有重大的意义。6品牌的打造在体育事业中有着重要的作用,在世界体育品牌充斥在我们周围的今天,打造我们自己著名的品牌是体育对外交流工作一项最直接的、最有效的一种策略,无论是优秀的运动员品牌、优秀的文化品牌还是优秀的体育企业品牌,都是体育对外交流的先锋队、排头兵。

【Abstract】 With the rapid development of science and technolodge nowadays,the world is becoming smaller and smaller to some extent,and the communication between the peoples of the world has become more and more frequent.Sport,as an activity enjoyed by the people of all over the world, plays an increasingly important role in the largest fusion of the world.Communication is a premis for man’s development,only communicaton can make things perfect,can spir the potential of humankind,and can advance the essense of things.Humankind has been communicating in constent exploration.Sport is one of the human activities that need communication.And as an intermedia,sport is being participated by the world.After accessing to much relevant foreign communicational material,the author finds the systematic study on this area is not enough.This thesis coincides with the holding of Beijing Olympic Games.The author finds that the international communication in the area of sports has a great meaning in nowadays. After organizing much relevant material,reading many books,watching much newspaper,and surfing on the internet,the author studies the current situation and development strategies of Chinese foreign exchanges on sports in a systematic and scientific way.This thesis,using many different methods,such as the method of using literatures,interviewing experts,questionnaires, historical comparative analysis,and logically reasoning etc,elaborates the current situation of Chinese foreign exchanges,on sports thoroughly from the aspects of the foreign exchanges of competitive sports,social Sports,sports at school,the sports industry and sports culture.And in accordance with the current situation,this thesis studies the strategies on the development of foreign exchanges of sports,reaching the following conclusions:1.With the help of Beijing Olympic Games,Chinese sport is increasingly playing a more and more important role in the area of sports of the world.The international status of Chinese sport is upgraded a lot.China is transiting from a big traditional sports country to a really powerful sports country.2.The sports both at school and society in China are exchanging and fusion with the popular sports of all over the world through its own way,and sharing a bigger and bigger proportion in the world.Social sports,as the development priority of our sports cause at this stage,has a great strategic significance.3.As the derivation of sports,sports culture and sports industry have a high value in people’s daily lives.The scientific and fast development of sports culture and sports industry will infiise a great vigor for today’s social merchandise.They two are in a rapid development stage. Through varies communlcatlonal methods,China is developing rapidly in those areas,and will have a bright future.4.Speeding up the development of Chinese international communication of sports will help and guarantee the development of our sports cause and the defivational causes of it,and provide many scientific and useful plans in the development of foreign communication of sports. The smooth implementation of it determines the development of Chinese foreign exchanges of spoi’ts.5.Based on modelized construction,promoting the development of Chinese international communication of sports is a correct and systematic strategy.And how to manage,formulate,and implement this strategy well has a great significance on theoretical study of Chinese international communication of sports. 6.The building of brand plays an important role in the sports cause.Nowadays world is filled with various sports brands,so building our own well-known brands is the most direct and effective strategy of Chinese international communication of sports.Regardless of the excellent athletes brand,excellent culture brand,or excellent corporate brand are the vanguard of the international communication of sports.
