

【作者】 张瑞

【导师】 刘洪珍; 郭成吉;

【作者基本信息】 曲阜师范大学 , 运动人体科学, 2009, 硕士

【摘要】 1研究目的通过让大鼠服用中药复方制剂,比较各组大鼠在不同状态下心肌组织各生化指标的差异,探讨了运动导致心肌损伤的机理及游泳训练、中药复方制剂在保护大鼠心肌组织氧化应激损伤中起到的作用。为更好的指导运动训练、促进运动疲劳的恢复、及为复方中药制剂的开发提供理论支持。2研究方法8周龄雌性Wistar大鼠140只,体重约200g,随机分为4组:A(安静组)、B(服药组)、C(运动训练组)、D(运动训练+服药组)。A、C组正常进食和饮用凉开水,B、D组以用复方中药制剂代替凉开水饮用。C、D组持续8周游泳训练,尾部负自身体重3%的重物,第1周训练时间为30min,之后每周递增10min;第8周增为100min:8周后每个组再分安静、力竭即刻、定量运动1h、力竭恢复12h、力竭恢复24h 5个亚组,于相应时刻断头处死;取心肌待测MDA、总Ca2+、LD含量及LHD、SOD、Ca2+-ATPase、Na+-K+-ATPase活性。所有数据用SPSS12.0统计软件进行T检验,显著水平为p<0.05。3实验结果3.1安静状态MDA含量训练+服药组显著低于其它3组(P<0.05),服药组显著低于安静组(P<0.01);SOD活性训练+服药组活性显著高于其它3组(P<0.01),服药组和训练组显著高于安静组(P<0.05),Ca2+-ATPase的活性,训练+服药组显著高于安静组和服药组(P<0.05),服药组显著高于安静组P<0.05。3.2力竭后即刻MDA含量安静组显著高于其它3组(P<0.01);SOD活性,训练+服药组显著高于其它3组(P<0.01),服药组和训练组均显著高于安静组;总Ca2+含量,安静组显著高于其它3组,(P<0.01),训练+服药组显著低于服药组和训练组(P<0.01);Ca2+-ATPase活性,训练+服药组显著高于其它3组(P<0.05),服药组显著高于安静组(P<0.05);LD含量,训练+服药组显著低于安静组(P<0.05);LDH活性训练+服药组显著性高于安静组和运动训练组(P<0.05),同时还极显著高于服药组(P<0.01)。3.3定量运动1小时MDA含量训练+服药组非常显著安静组(P<0.01),训练+服药组还显著低于训练组(P<0.05);SOD活性训练+服药组显著性高于安静组和服药组(P<0.01),训练+服药组SOD活性也显著性高于训练组(P<0.05),服药组显著性高于安静组(P<0.01);训练组显著性高于安静组P(<0.05);总Ca2+含量,服药组和训练+服药组显著低于安静组(P<0.01),训练+服药组总Ca2+含量也显著低于服药组(P<0.05),训练+服药组也非常显著低于训练组(P<0.01);Ca2+-ATPase活性,各组都显著高于安静组(P<0.05),训练+服药组也显著高于训练组(P<0.05);Na+-K+-ATPase、LD、LDH各指标各组之间并无显著性差异(P>0.05)。3.4力竭后恢复12小时MDA含量训练+服药组显著性低于安静组P(<0.05);SOD活性服药组和训练+服药组两组显著高于安静组(P<0.05);训练组显著高于安静组(P<0.05),训练+服药还显著性高于服药组和训练组(P<0.05);总Ca2+含量,服药组显著低于安静组(P<0.01),训练组显著低于安静组(P<0.05),训练+服药组显著低于其它各组(P<0.01);Ca2+-ATPase活性,服药组和训练+服药组均显著高于安静组(P<0.01),训练+服药组活性显著高于训练组(P<0.05);Na+-K+-ATPase活性训练+服药组也显著高于服药组和训练组(P<0.01),训练+服药组显著高于安静组(P<0.05);LD含量训练+服药组显著低于安静组(P<0.05),训练+服药组也显著低于训练组P<0.01;安静组LDH活性极显著性低于其它各组(P<0.01),而其它各组之间未出现显著性差异(P>0.05)。3.5力竭后恢复24小时MDA含量训练+服药组显著低于安静组(P<0.01);SOD活性各组均显著高于安静组(P<0.01),训练+服药组也显著高于服药组(P<0.01),训练+服药组还显著高于训练组(P<0.05);总Ca2+含量各组均显著高于安静组(P<0.01),训练+服药组还显著高于服药组和训练组(P<0.01);Ca2+-ATPase活性训练+服药组活性显著高于安静组和训练组(P<0.01),服药组显著高于安静组(P<0.01);Na+-K+-ATPase活性训练+服药组显著高于安静组和服药组(P<0.05),训练+服药组活性还显著高于训练组P<0.01;LD和LDH在各组之间未出现显著性差异(P>0.05)。4结论4.1 8周游泳训练可能通过运动预适应机制提高大鼠心肌组织抗氧化能力,减少脂质过氧化反应;对维持心肌细胞内环境稳定性,保持大鼠心肌细胞膜完整性,保护心肌组织起到了积极的作用。4.2复方中药制剂在主动清除大鼠心肌内自由基,减少脂质过氧化反应,提高大鼠心肌组织抗氧化能力;维持心肌细胞内环境的稳定性,有效抑制心肌细胞内钙超载的发生,保护细胞的完整性起到积极作用。4.3有氧耐力训练与复方中药制剂的联合使用对于保护大鼠心肌免于氧化应激损伤及促进损伤后的恢复都起到了更为积极的作用,比单纯使用一种方法的效果更为明显。

【Abstract】 1 Objective:The main purpose of this paper is to observe the influence of the compound prescription of Chinese traditional antioxidial medicne on the enzyme activity or some contnet of the rats cardium and serum from different group rats,discuss the merchanism of the cardium antioxidial injury and how can the medicine to protect the cardium from injuring.In order to provide some scientific theory basis of training and explore some chinese medicine bavery for protecting the cardium from injuring.2 Method:120 female Wister rats were randomly selected and divieded into 4 groups:A(the peachful control group),B(the peathful group to fill medicine group),C(movement training group),D(movement training plus medicine group).The A,C group drink water freely every day,while the B,D group drink the chinese medicine bavery institute water.And,the C,D group LDst 8 weeks swimming train with a load about 3%of their own body on the tile:at the first week,the training time is 30 minutes every day;the second week,is 40 minutes...;like this the training time is 10 minutes more than the before week.So the training time is 100 minutes at the 8th week every day.After 8 weeks,divid each group into 5 subnits stochastically:the peachful group,the quota load 1 hour group,the strength using up group,the 12 hour recovery group after strength using up,the 24 hour recovery group after strength using up.The activity of the SOD、LDH、Ca2+-ATPase、Na+-K+-ATPase from cardium and the MDA、total Ca2+、LD content from cardium were measured.All data count uses the software with SPSS12.0 to carry on the T-test,the obviouse standard is P<0.05,the very obviouse standard is P<0.01.The software with Word 2003 to picture.3 Results:3.1 In quite stae,in the tissue of cardaic muscle,the MDA content of group C is very obviously lower than group A(P<0.01);group D is higher than the other groups.The activity of SOD in group B and C are both higher than group A(P<0.05);group D is very obviousyly higher than the other groups,P<0.01;the activity of Ca2+-ATPase in group C is higher then group A(P<0.05);group D is higher than group B and C(P<0.05).3.2 At the immediate ends of exhaustive exercise,in the tissue of cardaic muscle,the content of MDA in other three groups are very lower than group A obviously,(P<0.01);the activity of SOD in the group B and C are both higher than group A(P<0.05);and group D is very obviously higher than the other three groups,(P<0.01);the content of total Ca2+ in the other three groups are very obviously lower than group A(P<0.01);and group D is the lowest.the activity of Ca2+-ATPase in group B is obviously higher than group A(P<0.05);and group D is the lowest in the four groups.the content of LD in group D is obviously lower than group A(P<0.05).the activitity of LDH in group D is obviously higher than group A and C(P<0.05),also very obviously higher than group B(P<0.01)..3.3 In the quota load 1 hour conditon,in the tissue of cardaic muscle,the content of MDA in group D is lower than group A and B obviously;the activity of SOD in group C is very obviously higher than group A(P<0.01);group B is obviously higher than group A,(P<0.05);also,group D is the highest in the four groups;the cotent of total Ca2+ in group B and D is very obviously lower than group A(P<0.01);also,group A is lower than ther other two groups.the activity of Ca2+-ATPase in other three groups are higher than group A,P<0.05,and group D is the highest among the four groups.3.4 In the condition of 12 hour recovery after strength using up,in the tissue of cardaic muscle,the content of MDA in group D is obviously lower than group A,P(<0.05 );the activity of SOD in group B and D are both higher than group A,(P<0.05);also,group D is obviously higher than group B and C(P<0.05).the content of total Ca2+ in group B is very obviously lower than group A(P<0.01);group C is obviously lower than group A(P<0.05);and group D is very obviously lower than other three groups;the activity of Ca2+-ATPase in group B and D are both very obviously higher than group A(P<0.01);and group D is obviously higher than group C(P<0.05);the activity of Na+-K+-ATPase in group D is obviously higher than group A,P<0.05;however,group D is very obviously higher than group B and C(P<0.01);he content of LD in group D is obviously lower than group A,and very obviously lower than group B.the activity of group A is very obviously lower than the other three groups(P<0.01),but,there is no difference among the three groups..3.5 In the condition of 12 hour recovery after strength using up,in the tissue of cardaic muscle,the content of MDA in group D is very obviously lower than group A(P<0.01);the activity in the other three groups are very obviously higher than group A,(P<0.01);group D is also lower than group B and C;the content of total Ca2+ in the other three groups are very obviously higher than group A,(P<0.01);and group D is very obviously lower than group B and C(P<0.01);the activity of Ca2+-ATPase in group B is very obviously higher than group A, (P<0.01);group D is very obviously higher than group A and B,P<0.01;the activity of Na+-K+-ATPase in group D is obviously higher than both group A and B(P<0.05);also,group D is very obviously higher than group B(P<0.01). 4 conclusion4.1 The 8 weeks cyclical aerobic endurance swimming training may improves rats antioxidant capacity in myocardial tissue,To maintain the integrity of myocardial cell membrane;and play a important role in the progress of protectiing myocardial tissue.4.2 The antioxidant compound chinese medicine can clear the free radicals in rat myocardium, reduces lipid peroxidation,improves rat antioxidant capacity in myocardial tissue;there is conducive to the maintenance of myocardial cells within the environment of stability, effectively;so that,it inhibites the occurrence of calcium overload,protects the integrity of the cells;and play a postive in the recovery progress of myocardial injury after exercise.4.3 Aerobic endurance swimming training with the compound of the joint use of antioxidant compound chinese medicine is very positively from oxidative stress injury and to promote recovery after injury;of course the jiont use is more effective than simply a method.
