

The Study of the Curative Effect of Different Acupuncture Schemes on Delayed Onset Muscle Soreness

【作者】 唐虎

【导师】 周军;

【作者基本信息】 首都体育学院 , 运动人体科学, 2009, 硕士

【摘要】 目的:利用延迟性肌肉酸痛(Delayed onset muscle soreness,DOMS)时各相关指标的变化情况,分析针刺治疗DOMS的作用机制,探索出一套简单、实用、有效的针刺治疗方案,以便更好的应用到竞技运动和全民健身中去,减轻DOMS的主观症状,缩短DOMS的恢复时间。并试图从中医经络角度探讨延迟性肌肉酸痛时的指标变化并检验其在实践中的应用价值。方法:采用随机分组法,将22名健康男性受试者随机分成3组:对照组8人(无任何针刺干预)、针刺A组7人(单刺足三里)、针刺B组7人(针刺足三里加血海、伏兔、髀关穴)。蛙跳运动造模,通过对DOMS受试者为期5天,每天1次的针刺干预,分别在运动前、运动后即刻、运动后2、24、48、72、96小时,对受试者WBC、CK、β-EP、IC、PRI及经络等指标进行检测,经SPSS统计分析,比较不同针刺干预方案对DOMS受试者的恢复进度及效果。结果:①与对照组相比,针刺干预能明显加快DOMS时WBC、RBC、CK、β-EP、IC、PRI、JA等各指标的恢复速度,同时,针刺足三里加血海、伏兔、髀关对CK、β-EP、IC、PRI、JA的恢复效果要优于单刺足三里。②经络检测结果与血液指标相一致,具有操作性强,结果快捷等优点,可作为检测DOMS变化的辅助手段。结论:①针刺干预能明显改善DOMS各症状,促进机能整体恢复。针刺足三里加血海、伏兔、髀关穴要明显优于单刺足三里,其可能与加强局部近治效果、表里经配穴、腧穴配伍效应有关。②经络检测简便快捷,结果与血液指标一致性高,可作为检测DOMS变化的辅助手段。③β- EP具有镇痛作用,但在本实验中仅针刺A组在运动后即刻β-EP与PRI相关,说明在本实验条件下β-EP与PRI无相关性。④针刺20分钟后就能改善关节活动角度,但单刺足三里整体恢复效果不够稳定,针刺足三里加血海,伏兔、髀关穴能稳步提高关节角度。建议:①建议今后在选择治疗DOMS针刺穴位时,应注意疼痛部位的局部取穴及表里经配穴的搭配。②建议今后干预方案应注意选穴定位、进针深度、针刺频率及针刺穴位先后顺序的一致性。③建议后续研究中应进行针刺干预前后各指标的检测,加强不同针刺方案即时效应的研究。

【Abstract】 Objective: We employ the change of the indexs to analyze the mechanism of Acupuncture treating DOMS when the body located in DOMS and to explore a simple、practical and effective acupuncturetherapeutic schemes so as to apply it deeply into the competitive sports and national fitness, alleviating subjective symptoms of DOMS, reducing the time of recovery of DOMS. At the same time, we also attempt to study the change mechanism of DOMS and test its value in analyzing DOMS.Method:By randomized grouping, we divide twenty-two male college students into three groups. It follows Control group has eight, Acupuncture A and Acupuncture B has seven each. After modeling, we employ Acupuncture intervention once a day for five days on the experimental objects of DOMS, testing all the indexes before and after each acupuncture intervention , which including the WBC、LC、CK、β-EP、IC、PRI and meridian .In the end, we use the statistical software of SPSS to analyze and to compare the different recovery progress and effect between the different schemes of acupuncture.Result:①compared with the control group, the Acupuncture group accelerate significangly the recovery of WBC、RBC、CK、β-EP、IC、PRI、JA, meanwhile, Acupuncture B group has better than Acupuncture A group in CK、β-EP、IC、PRI、JA.②The detective device of the meridian is simple and fast, all the results are consistent with the indexs of the blood, so it can be used in detecting DOMS as a subsidiary tool.Conclusion:①the change of index of Acupuncture intervention group is much better than control group, Acupuncture intervention can improve the symptoms of DOMS and promote the recovery of the function greatly. On the whole, Acupuncture B group is much better than Acupuncture A group. This may comes from regional treatment, interior and interior meridian and the effect of blended point.②The detective device of the meridian is simple and fast, All the results are consistent with the indexs of the blood, so it can be used in detecting DOMS as a subsidiary tool.③Thoughβ- EP can increase the tolerance against pain, it do not present linear correlation betweenβ- EP and PRI.④Acupuncture can improve JA in twenty minutes, the whole recovery is unstable in Acupuncture A group, Acupuncture B group can improve JA steadily. Suggestion:①We should choose the local points and think about the combination of the interactional meridian around the painful area, when we choose the points to treat the DOMS.②We should pay more attention to the consistency of point location and the depth、frequency and sequence of the acupuncture.③In order to strengthen the study of instant effect between the two different acupuncture schemes, we should test the index twice before and after the acupuncture intervention immediately in the further study.

【关键词】 针刺延迟性肌肉酸痛经络检测
【Key words】 acupunctureDOMSdetection of meridian
  • 【分类号】R87;R246
  • 【下载频次】183