

Research on Maritime Administrative Admission Law System

【作者】 王旭

【导师】 李志文;

【作者基本信息】 大连海事大学 , 国际法学, 2009, 硕士

【摘要】 行政许可是任何社会存在和发展不可缺少的制度,海事行政许可依然,它也必须根据经济社会发展的需要与时俱进。随着中国加入WTO,海事行政许可法律制度改革虽然取得了很大成绩,但总体上尚未完全摆脱“探索中徘徊”的状况。因此,必须以贯彻实施《行政许可法》为契机,继续深入推进海事行政许可法律制度改革。本文尝试运用行政法学的基本原理和行政学、政治学、经济学等学科的有关知识,采取比较、实证、借鉴的研究方法,兼顾理论和实践两个层面,对海事行政许可法律制度改革进行较为全面的研究,并为海事行政许可法律制度改革提出若干对策建议。本文共分四章论述:第1章是海事行政许可的基本理论。本章主要阐述了海事行政许可涵义、特点、范围,海事行政许可与一般行政许可的关系,海事行政许可法律制度的价值取向和理念以及入世对我国海事行政许可法律制度的影响。第2章是我国海事行政许可法律制度的立法现状、问题及成因分析。本章在揭示我国海事行政许可立法现状的基础上,对我国海事行政许可法律制度存在的缺陷及成因进行了分析。第3章是国外海事行政许可立法借鉴。本章分析了美国、日本、韩国海事行政许可法律制度改革的实践,总结出对中国海事行政许可法律制度改革可以借鉴的经验,如强化对海事行政许可的控制与监管、重视对成本和效益的经济分析、改革要以市场为基本导向等。第4章是我国海事行政许可法律和制度的完善。提出统筹规划并成立专门机构,完善海事行政许可法律和制度,创新海事行政许可实施机制以及建立海事行政许可改革评估和监控机制。

【Abstract】 Not only administrative admission is a necessary system for the existence and development of any society,but also is the maritime administrative admission which should keep pace with the times to meet the needs of society and economic development.With China’s entering WTO,though maritime administrative admission law system reform has achieved some results,in general it is still in the situation of exploration while standing still.Therefore the implementation of Administrative License Law can provide the opportunity to promote the reform of maritime administrative admission law system.This paper fully deals with maritime administrative admission law system reform and puts forward some suggestions through using the basic principles of administrative jurisprudence and the knowledge of the related subjects of Administration,Politics and Economics,adopting the research methods of comparison, demonstration and reference,and balancing theory and practice.This paper is divided into four chapters:The first chapter is the basic principles of maritime administrative admission.It mainly elaborates the meaning,feature and scope of maritime administrative admission, the relation between maritime administrative admission and common administrative admission,value orientation and concept of maritime administrative admission law system,and the influence of China’s entering WTO on maritime administrative admission law system.The second chapter is the legislative status quo,problem and cause of maritime administrative admission law system.Based on exposing the legislative status quo,it analyzes the defect and the cause of the law system.The third chapter is the reference of maritime administration admission legislation from foreign countries.It analyzes the practice of maritime administration admission system reform in the U.S.A,Japan and Korea and sums up the experiences for the reference of China’s maritime administrative admission system reform,such as strengthening the management and supervision,emphasizing economic analysis of cost and benefit,and keeping market oriented. The forth chapter is the improvement of maritime administrative admission law and system.It puts forward suggestions of the overall plan and setting up of specialized agencies,the improvement of maritime administrative admission law and system,the innovation of implementation system of maritime administrative admission,and the setting up of evaluation and supervision system of maritime administrative admission reform.

【关键词】 海事行政许可研究
【Key words】 MaritimeAdministrativeAdmissionResearch
  • 【分类号】D922.1
  • 【下载频次】193