

Research on Damping Spring Characteristic of Dual-Mass Flywheel

【作者】 徐少波

【导师】 江征风;

【作者基本信息】 武汉理工大学 , 机械制造及其自动化, 2009, 硕士

【摘要】 汽车动力传动系统是一个多自由度的扭转振动系统,其扭振及由扭振产生的噪声是影响汽车使用性能的一个重要方面。双质量飞轮作为减小当代汽车动力传动系统扭振的核心部件,其应用日益广泛。减振弹簧作为双质量飞轮的核心部件,其弹性特性直接影响双质量飞轮的性能。目前阻碍国内双质量飞轮技术发展的一个最大的瓶颈就是人们对于减振弹簧的弹性特性研究并不成熟,在减振弹簧的设计理论方面也是一片空白。针对以上现状,本文结合企业实际需求,以一款与VM新型柴油发动机相匹配的长圆弧螺旋式减振弹簧双质量飞轮为研究对象,首先建立了该类型双质量飞轮的振动分析模型,并对该模型进行了强迫扭转振动和自由扭转振动计算。在分析计算结果的基础上,本文提出了减振弹簧的弹性特性曲线的初始模型,为减振弹簧的弹性特性分析以及减振弹簧的结构设计打下基础。其次,本文采用离散化的方法对该类型减振弹簧的弹性特性进行了分析,并推导出其静弹性特性公式。在此基础上,并结合静弹性特性试验数据,本文对减振弹簧的结构尺寸进行了合理的设计计算。再次,本文在建立柔性体弹簧的双质量飞轮虚拟样机模型的基础上,对减振弹簧的动弹性特性进行了仿真分析。仿真分析结果不仅近似地验证了长圆弧弹簧静弹性特性公式推导的正确性,而且对该弹簧的动弹性特性有了进一步的认识和了解。最后,本文对减振弹簧的弹性特性试验进行了研究,提出了一种对减振弹簧的静弹性特性进行试验的方法以及设计了相应的静弹性特性试验台,并把试验得到的结果与理论推导计算的结果进行了比较分析,其误差是合理的,并对误差产生的原因进行了探讨。

【Abstract】 The dynamic transmission system of automobiles is a multi-DOF torsional vibration system. Torsional vibration and noise resulting from torsional vibration are important aspects, which affect automobiles’ performance. The dual-mass flywheel used as a core unit of dynamic transmission system of modern automobiles is widespread increasingly. The damping spring is a major component of the dual-mass flywheel, whose elastic property directly determines the performance of the dual-mass flywheel. The main bottleneck in the way of the development of dual-mass flywheel in domestic is that the research of elastic property of the damping spring hasn’t yet matured and the design theory of the damping spring is unknown.In view of the present situation mentioned above, this paper met the practical requirements of enterprises and took the dual-mass flywheel that matches with a new type of VM diesel engine as the research object. Firstly, the vibration analysis model of dual-mass flywheel was set up, and the model within forced torsional vibration and free torsional vibration were calculated. According to the calculation results, this paper presented the initial model of elastic property curve of the damping spring, which lays the foundation of the analysis of elastic property and the structure design of the damping spring.Next, this paper analyzed the elastic property of the damping spring by discrete method, and deduced calculation formula of the static elastic property. On the basis of calculation formula, this paper combined with test data and designed structure size of the damping spring reasonably.And then, this paper built the virtual prototype model of the dual-mass flywheel, and used the flexible body to simulate the damping spring. A simulation of dynamic elastic property was taken by this virtual prototype mode. The simulation results not only verified the formula of the static elastic property, but also made a further research on the dynamic elastic property of the damping spring. Finally, this paper made an experimental research on the elastic property test of the damping spring. A test method for the static elastic property is presented and the test bench is designed. Comparing the result of test with the result of theoretical-arithmetic deduction, the error between them was allowable. At the same time this paper also discussed the causes of error.
