

Karst Vulnerability of Mountain Ecosystems and Management Measures for the Evaluation Study

【作者】 王静

【导师】 谢世友;

【作者基本信息】 西南大学 , 自然地理学, 2009, 硕士


【摘要】 生态环境日益恶化是全球尤其是发展中国家所面临的极其紧迫而严重的问题,我国的三大脆弱环境区——岩溶、黄土和沙漠边缘,生态环境的脆弱形势较其他地区更为严重,生态退化成为制约这些地区可持续发展的重要因素。重庆市南川区是喀斯特地貌发育比较典型的省份之一,属于比较典型的生态环境脆弱区。由于自然和人为等原因,该区存在水土流失严重、石漠化面积扩张、自然植被退化、生物多样性下降、土壤质量降低、人民生活贫困等生态和经济社会问题。因此,评价该区生态脆弱性,对促进该区生态建设、实现经济社会可持续发展具有重要的意义。本人希望通过对该区域的生态环境脆弱性评价分析能够对整个岩溶地区生态环境恢复和重建提供依据。本文以重庆南川区为研究对象,在分析研究区(南川区)的生态环境概况及其生态环境脆弱性的成因和表现特征的基础上,依据评价指标选取的原则确定了生态环境脆弱性评价的指标体系,利用主成分分析法计算出各个指标权重,并结合遥感和地理信息系统手段,以乡镇行政区为评价单元对脆弱度进行定量评价和分析,并提出实现该区生态良性发展的对策和措施。全文共分为以下几部分:第一部分,绪论。包括论文的选题依据及意义,国内外研究现状,主要研究内容、思路及方法。第二部分,主要介绍南川区的自然地理概况,以及南川区的脆弱生态环境特征及其成因机制。南川区脆弱生态环境特征包括:喀斯特地区土壤系统的贫瘠性(脆弱性),水土流失面积大,土地退化严重,乱占滥用耕地,浪费土地严重,石漠化现象严重,并从内外驱动因子两方面出发,对南川区生态环境脆弱的原因进行分析。第三部分,南川区生态脆弱性评价,依据评价指标选取的原则确定了生态环境脆弱性评价的指标体系,利用主成分分析法计算出各个指标权重,并结合遥感和地理信息系统手段,以乡镇行政区为评价单元对脆弱度进行定量评价和分析,将生态环境脆弱性划分为五个等级。第四部分,根据南区生态脆弱性的分析和评价结果,提出了实现生态环境良性发展的对策和措施。考虑喀斯特环境的特殊性,调整土地利用结构,因地制宜可持续的发展经济。增加植被覆盖率,严格控制人口增长,提高人口素质,减缓人口对环境的压力。恢复与治理生态环境,走可持续发展道路是缓解南川区生态环境脆弱程度进一步恶化的必由之路,并对不同程度脆弱区提出了相应的对策。第五部分,结论与讨论。

【Abstract】 The ec-environmental degradation day by day on the earth,especially in developing countries,which has become an urgent and serious problem.In China,the ec-environment of three ec-environmental fragile areas-Karst,loess and the edge of desert are much more serious than other regions.Ecological degradation as a constraint in these areas is an important factor for sustainable development.Nanchuan in Chongqing is one of karst landform growth quite typical provinces,the katst regions in Chongqing are typical ecological environment fragile area because of natural conditions and artificial factors,a series of ecological and socioeconomic problems come into being,including aggravation of soil and water loss,expanse of desertification area, plant degradation,reduction of biological diversity,soil degradation,long-term poverty,and so on.Therefore,it is in great need to evaluate the ecological vulnerability in this region,which can make great sense to accelerate ecological conservation and implement sustainable development.I hope in the region of the ecological fragility evaluation and analysis to the ecological environment of the karst areas provide the basis for the rehabilitation and reconstruction.In this paper,Nanchuan in Chongqing area of study,the analysis of the study area (Nanchuan Area) overview of the ecological environment and its eco-environmental vulnerability and performance characteristics of the causes on the basis of the evaluation index based on the principle of selection to determine the eco-environmental vulnerability evaluation index system,the use of principal component analysis method to calculate the weights of the various indicators,combined with remote sensing and GIS tools to the township administrative unit for the evaluation of the vulnerability assessment and quantitative analysis,and the area to achieve the sound development of ecological approaches and measures.The full text mainly includes the following several parts:The first part is Introduction.Thesis topics,including the basis and significance of research at home and abroad,the main research,ideas and methods.The second part is mainly introduces Nanchuan district natural geographical overview and Nanchuan district fragile ecological environment characteristics and genesis mechanism.Nanchuan district fragile ecological environment features include: Karst regional soil system barren sexual(vulnerability),erosion area big,land degradation serious indiscriminate use of cultivated land,waste land serious rocky desertification phenomenon serious and from and outside drive factor two regard starting on Nanchuan district ecological environment fragile reasons analysis.The third part is Nanchuan ecological vulnerability assessment,based on the principles of evaluation index selected to determine the eco-environmental vulnerability evaluation index system,the use of principal component analysis method to calculate the weights of the various indicators,combined with remote sensing and GIS tools to the township for the evaluation of appraisal unit of the vulnerability assessment and quantitative analysis of the vulnerability of the ecological environment will be divided into five grades.The fourth part is according to the Nanchuan district of ecological vulnerability analysis and evaluation of results of the ecological environment to achieve the sound development of strategies and measures.Consider the special nature of karst environment,adjusting the land use structure,in line with local conditions for sustainable economic development.Increased vegetation cover,and strictly control population growth,improve the quality of the population,reducing the population pressure on the environment.Restoration and management of the ecological environment,the path of sustainable development is to alleviate the ecological environment Nanchuan area vulnerability to further deterioration in the only way,and the degree of vulnerability of different areas of the corresponding countermeasures.The fifth part is conclusion and discussion.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 西南大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2009年 10期
  • 【分类号】X826
  • 【被引频次】6
  • 【下载频次】411