

Study of Primary School Home-school Cooperation Platform Based on Social Software

【作者】 岳盼盼

【导师】 瞿堃;

【作者基本信息】 西南大学 , 教育技术学, 2009, 硕士

【摘要】 小学教育是个系统工程,由学校、家庭和社会三方面共同组成,要促进学生身心健康发展,家庭和学校两方面必须相互支持、相互配合,家庭和学校通力合作。我国历来重视家庭和学校合作教育,也出现了多种合作教育方式,如家长会、家访、家校通讯等。随着信息时代的到临,博客等社会性软件正在改变着我们的生活环境和学习方式,也为学校开展家校合作提供了新的契机。本文尝试将社会性软件的理念与技术引入到家校合作中,通过家校合作平台的构建与应用,探讨社会性软件在小学家校合作中的应用。本文首先通过文献分析、问卷调查等方式对目前小学家校合作的现状进行分析,针对目前小学家校合作的需求以及现有家校合作平台的不足,结合社会性软件的理念和特点,提出基于社会性软件的小学家校合作模式。依据模式搭建家校合作平台,然后把平台应用于具体的班级家校合作活动中。最后对平台的使用情况进行分析,验证平台的有效性。本文主要由六章组成:第一部分包括研究问题的提出、国内外家校合作的研究现状以及社会性软件的研究现状、研究的目的和内容、过程和方法以及论文的框架结构。第二部分,概述家校合作的定义、内涵、类型以及实现形式,并阐述家校合作的必要性。分析目前小学家校合作中存在的问题,并探讨信息技术尤其是网络技术给家校合作带来的影响。第三部分,概述社会性软件的定义、特征和分类,并对社会性软件的典型代表在教育中的应用进行探讨。在对目前家校合作存在问题进行分析的基础上,结合社会性软件的特点,构建基于社会性软件的小学家校合作模式。第四部分,在上述模式的基础上,依据平台的设计思想和原则,设计平台的功能模块,最终搭建基于社会性软件的小学家校合作平台。第五部分,将平台在合作学校中进行试用,在试用的过程中不断采集案例,并在试用结束后对教师和家长进行问卷调查,对试用结果进行分析。

【Abstract】 Primary education is a systematic project,including schools,families and the community.If to promote st physical and mental development of students,families and schools must be both supporting,helping each other and co-operating.Our country has always attached importance to cooperative education between home and school,also appeared in a variety of cooperative education, such as Parents’ meeting,home visits,home-school communications.With the information age to the clinical,blog and other social software will change our live environment and learning styles,also provide a new opportunity to home-school cooperation.This article tries to introduce the concepts and technology of social software into home-school cooperation.Through the the creation and application of home-school cooperation platform to explore the the role of social software platform in home-school cooperation.In this paper,through literature analysis,survey,etc.to analyze the current status of primary school home-school cooperation,in view of the current demand for primary home-school cooperation as well as the existing shortage of home-school cooperation platform,combined with the concept and characteristics of social software,to bing up the model of primary home-school cooperation.Home-based model to build the platform,then put the platform in home-school activities.Finally,We analyze the use of the platform,verify the effectiveness of platform.This article mainly composed of six chapters:the first part,including of the problem research,the home and abroad research about home-school cooperation,social software research,objectives, contents,process and methods of the research as well as the thesis framework.The second part,we overview the definition,content,type and form of implementation of home-school cooperation,, and expounded the necessity of home-school cooperation.Then,Analyze the current problems in home-school cooperation,and explore the impact of information technology,especially network technology,of home-school cooperation.The third part,overview the definitions,characteristics and classification of social software,and explore the use of the typical representative of social software in education.Then built a primary home-school cooperation model,that based on the problem of current home-school cooperation software,combined with the characteristics of social software,PartⅣ,based on the above model,the design concepts and principles thought of platform, design platform functional modules.Selecte of Comsenz company’s core Products Discuz!(BBS), as well as Supesite polymerization system which consistent with the concept of Web2.0 Community portal.Eventually built a primary home-school cooperation platform based on social software,by secondary development,PartⅤput the platform into cooperation schools to carry out trial run.In the course of the use,collecte the cases continuously.After the use,teachers and parents conducted a questionnaire survey,carries on the analysis to the test result.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 西南大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2009年 10期