

The Research on the Rise of Strange Recording Novels in Wei and Jin Dynasty and Pei Songzhi’s San Guo Zhi Zhu

【作者】 张智强

【导师】 韩云波;

【作者基本信息】 西南大学 , 中国古代文学, 2009, 硕士

【摘要】 志怪小说的创作真正成为一种社会风尚,出现于东汉末年至魏晋时期。汉末的应劭著《风俗通义》一书,对志怪小说的产生起到了一定的指导作用,奠定了以后志怪小说创作的基础。魏晋时期的《列异传》、《搜神记》、《博物志》及南朝宋初的《幽明录》,则宣告了志怪小说的创作达到了巅峰。而志怪小说的“史”的身份也在宋初裴松之的《三国志注》里面得到了最辉煌的体现。志怪小说在当时可以用“史”的形态表达著者的意识,与“史”几乎无异。然而自此之后,志怪小说的创作却逐渐陷入低谷。唐初刘知己的《史通》对裴松之的《三国志注》提出了严厉的批评,这直接导致志怪小说脱去了“史”的外衣,而逐渐衍化成一种独立的文体。裴松之的《三国志注》在志怪小说史及至整个小说史中的地位,长期以来被漠然以视,这实在是不恰当的。全文共分三章:第一章论述历来研究者对魏晋志怪小说兴起的研究情况,指出其取得的成果和研究的空白。裴松之没落士族的身份,使其在奉诏为陈寿《三国志》作注时自然会更多地融入其个人感情。“注”,历来作为“经”的附属物而存在,裴松之将之大胆改造创新并形成了独特的史注风格,但他也因此而饱受后人指责非难。第二章分析裴松之在为《三国志》作注时引用的数十则志怪故事,指出其援引原则及目的。裴松之在引用这些志怪故事时并非不加择汰而盲目采用的,他审慎地辨析论证,既竭力将历史事实清晰地还原,将自己的意识观点镌入这些注解之中,又在一定程度上再献了魏晋至宋初志怪小说的流传情况。第三章应劭的《风俗通义》确定了后世志怪小说创作的范围,其后魏晋时期的志怪小说创作蔚成风尚。裴松之受诏注《三国志》,也无法无视这些志怪小说。志怪小说与史的结合,充分表明了志怪小说的历史价值。刘知己的《史通》对其提出批评,正是志怪小说的性质逐渐与“史”剥离,成为一种独立文体的必备前提。所以,裴松之《三国志注》在志怪小说史上的意义和地位是非凡的,应给予足够的重视。

【Abstract】 Between Han dynasty to Song dynasty in China,the production of strange recording novels had come into a fashion.The book Feng Su Tong Yi written by Ying-shao who lived in later Han dynasty promoted the flourishing of strange recording novels,and established the foundation of the production of strange recording novels from then on.The book Lie Yi Zhuan" and Sou Shen Ji and go Wu Zhi and You Ming Lu written by Pei Song-zhi who lived in early Song dynasty indicated that the production of strange recording nove had achieved the top.And the historial character of strange recording novels also incarnated in Pei Song-zhi’s San Guo Zhi Zhu.Strange recording novels can conveyed writter’s really meaning which was according to history.But from then on,the production of strange recording novels gradually relapsed into dreariness.Liu zhi-ji who lived in early Tang Dynasty sharply criticized Pei Song-zhi’s San Guo Zhi Zhu in his book Shi Tong,and it induced the fading of historial character belong to strang recording novels,and gradually trunde to a new absolute literature style.It’s impertinent that Pei Song-zhi’s San Guo Zhi Zhu has been ignored in the history of strang recording novels even the history of whole literature history.The full text is divided threechapters:Chapter 1:Narrate researchers’ conclusions about Wei and Jin Dynasty’s strange recording novels,and point out the vacancy in it.The identity of unperson nobel of Pei Song-zhi induced that he put his personal sentiment into his work.The note which exit as the appendant of history all the while was rebuilded take upon by Pei Songzhi himself.The pattern of Pei Song-zhi’note was new and became one uniquely kind of history note.But Pei Song-zhi also got a great deal of criticism by later historian.Chapter 2:Analyse the strange recording histories which were cited by Pei Song-zhi’s word when he interpreted San Guo Zhi,point out his principle and purpose.Pei Song-zhi discriminate and demonstrate the stories exert himself in his work,he selective cited the stories in order to revert the history act,and reappeared the prevalence of these strange recording novels.Chapter 3:The book Feng Su Tong Yi written by Ying-shao promoted the flourishing of strange recording novels,and established the foundation of the production of strange recording novels from then on.Pei Song-zhi couldn’t ignore these strange recording novels.The coalition between strange recording novels and history sufficiently behaved it’s historial value.The criticism about it by Liu Zhi-ji in his book Shi Tong proper became the certainly presupposition of getting into a new absolute literature style.Pei Song-zhi’s San Guo Zhi Zhu has uncommon significance and status so that we must pay sufficient attention to it.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 西南大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2009年 10期