

The High-performance Control of PMSM Based on DSP

【作者】 张益男

【导师】 刘国海;

【作者基本信息】 江苏大学 , 控制理论与控制工程, 2009, 硕士

【摘要】 永磁同步电机具有体积小、效率高、功率因数高等明显特点,从70年代末开始,得到了从事电机及其驱动系统研究的学者和研究人员的广泛重视。可以预见,随着永磁材料价格和电动机制造价格的降低,电力电子器件及高速微处理器的进步,驱动系统理论研究和实践应用的不断完善和提高,永磁同步及其驱动系统将会得到进一步的发展和应用,在某些场合将逐渐取代现有的普通电励磁电机及其驱动系统。本文通过大量的文献资料阅读,在对永磁同步电机及其相关技术的发展、现状、趋势有了一个比较全面的理解基础之上,分析了永磁同步电机的基本结构及在不同坐标系系下的数学模型,详细研究了永磁同步电机的矢量控制和直接转矩控制。然后针对直接转矩控制的转矩、磁链脉动大等缺陷,提出了基于SVPWM的永磁同步电机直接转矩控制。并借助Matlab/Simulink工具对这些控制方法进行了仿真实验,验证了它们的可行性。在仿真实验的基础上,建立了基于高速数字信号处理器TMS320C2812 DSP及智能功率模块IPM的实验平台,从硬件和软件角度分别介绍了供电、采样、保护和驱动等电路及原理,详细说明了直接转矩控制系统的软件结构和流程,实现了直接转矩控制系统的全数字化控制。并在该实验平台上实现了三相永磁同步电机直接转矩控制系统实验,获得了与仿真一致的实验结果。

【Abstract】 PMSM has been paid extensive attention by the scholars who are engaged in doing research about motor drive system since the end of the 70s because PMSM has a small size,high efficiency,great power density and so on.It can be foreseen that with the reduce of the permanent magnet material’s price and motor manufacturing price, with the progress of power electronic devices and high-speed microprocessor,with the continuous improvement of theoretical research and practical application of drive systems,PMSM and its drive system will have further development and may take the place of general power excitation motor and control system gradually in some fields.Based on widely reading of references and understanding of PMSM operational principle,the basic structure and mathematical models in the different coordinates of PMSM were analyzed.Besides,Vector control(VC) and direct torque control(DTC) were studied.According to the disadvantages of DTC such as large torque and flux linkage ripples and so on,PMSM DTC based on SVPWM was proposed. Matlab/Simulink was used to do simulation experiments of these control methods,and the feasibility of these control methods was verified.On the basis of the simulation experiments,the experimental platform based on the high-speed digital signal processor TMS320C2812 and intelligent power module (IPM)was established.The electrical circuits such as power supply,sampling, protection and drive circuits and the principles of these circuits were introduced separately from the perspective of hardware and software.Moreover,the software structure and flow of DTC was described in detail,realizing full digital control of DTC system.The experiment of three-phase PMSM DTC system was also done in this platform,getting the experimental results which were consistent with the simulation results.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 江苏大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2009年 09期