

【作者】 汤红莺

【导师】 殷际英; 孙亚敏;

【作者基本信息】 北方工业大学 , 机械工程, 2009, 硕士

【摘要】 汽车线束犹如人体的中枢神经系统,在整个汽车中的作用是不言而喻的,其制作过程一定要符合其特定的工艺流程。随着对汽车的安全性,舒适性,经济性和排放性要求的不断提高,汽车线束变的越来越复杂,但车身给予的空间却越来越小。因此如何提高汽车线束的综合设计性能,以及汽车线束制造厂家如何做好线束后期设计和制造显得尤为重要。对线束工艺进行系统性的研究和改进,可以在形成规模效益和有效提高利润率等方面起到重要的作用。线束装配是劳动力密集型工作,很多作业由手工完成。特别是对于比较复杂的汽车线束,为避免装配错误,提高生产效率,在设计线束的生产工艺时,通常将线束分解为若干个小单元,然后按照一定的作业顺序将其重新组装在一起。上海莱尼目前所使用的预装结构,均是手动式的,需由人工来完成电线的升降。为了提高产品的产能和质量,降低产品成本,满足市场的需求,必须寻求一种适应大批量生产的自动化预装结构。自动化的预装结构在欧洲线束行业已经取得了进一步的提高,而国内在这方面的应用较少:但是,随着我国现代工业化水平的不断提高,自动化的预装系统必然得到越来越广泛的应用。本文以上海莱尼的预装系统为研究对象,着眼于提高产品质量,生产效率等,设计一套自动化上线的预装系统,切实解决该公司在提高企业竞争力上遇到的困难。本文主要进行了以下研究工作:论文首先结合线束生产中的各个因素,分析了预装的要求,以提高预装上线的效率为目的,综合设计了上线系统的结构。其次按照预装工位特点和要求,选择了相应的电机,同步带和带轮,滚珠丝杠螺旋传动等机构,并设计了双剪式升降结构。然后分析了双剪式升降结构的力学特性,研究了该结构的节点内力分布和整体变形分布在载荷作用下的特性。双剪式升降结构的等效抗弯刚度是结构展开角的函数,与结构中剪式单元数量和结构的长度无关。展开角相同时,不同长度(单元数不同或杆件长度不同)的升降结构具有相同的等效抗弯刚度。等效轴向刚度是结构长度和展开角的函数展开角相同时,等效轴向刚度与结构长度的平方成反比。最后用Pro/E软件对组成零件进行实体三维建模,建模过程中采用了易于掌握的自底而上的装配方法,即首先建立好各个零件的三维实体模型,然后将这些零件进行装配。

【Abstract】 Automotive wire harness, just like the nerve center system of a person, which plays a key role in a car, its manufacture must conform to specific processes. With the development of safety, comfort, economy and emission performance, automotive wiring harness become more and more complex, while the space left get smaller and smaller. It’s very important how to improve the design and manufacture of comprehensive wiring harness. Therefore, the systematic research and improvement on manufacturing processes can play an important role in economies of scale and increasing profit margin and so on. Assembling wiring harness is labor-intensive work, many processes are manual. Especially for much more complex car wiring harness, in order to avoid assembly errors and increase manufacturing efficiency, wiring harnesses are always divided into a few of small units when design the process, and then assemble them together in specific order.Shanghai Leoni Electrical System currently adopts pre-block method; the lift and drop of wires are done by hand.To meet market requirement, increase output with high quality and decrease cost,a new type of automatically pre-block method is desired to adapt to mass production, which is making progress in Europe wire harness industry, so far much less in China, but it will be adopted more and more popularly with the advancement of our Chinese industrialization.This thesis regard the pre-block system of LESS as the research object, focus on improving products quality, manufacturing efficiency, design an automated wire-lifting pre-block system, and earnestly resolve difficulties the company encountered in improving the competitiveness.This thesis covers research as below:Firstly, this paper analyze the requests of pre-block together with every factor of wire harness manufacturing for increasing the process efficiency, and then design the structure of this wiring lifting system.Secondly, according to the feature and requirement of pre-block station, choosecorresponding motor, synchronous wheel, ball bearing and guide screw etc, and design scissors-type lifting and dropping structure.Thirdly, analyze the mechanical properties of the lifting and dropping mechanism, research the force distribution inside nodes of scissors-type folding structure and the characteristics of overall deformation distribution under load. The equivalent bending rigidity of scissors-type folding structure is a function of spread angle of the structure, and is nothing to do with the length of the structure and the amount of scissors-type units. The folding structure has the same equivalent bending rigidity provided with same spread angle even though with different length and different amount of units. The equivalent axial rigidity of the structure is a function of the length and spread angle, which is reversely proportional to the square of thestructure length, when at same spread angle.Finally, use Pro/E software to create three-dimensional entity model for components, a kind of from bottom to top assembling method easily to master is adopted, in other words, to create three-dimensional entity model first and then to assemble them together.
