

Study on Vibration Propagation Characteristics of Soil Layer under Excitation of Subway

【作者】 刘金

【导师】 陈长征;

【作者基本信息】 沈阳工业大学 , 机械制造及其自动化, 2009, 硕士

【摘要】 地铁作为一种城市交通方式,其优势显而易见。近年来,我国地铁运输系统迅猛发展。但是,随着地铁建设的大力发展,一些负面影响也同时产生。其中,地铁运行诱发的振动对环境的影响问题尤为显著。在运营过程中会产生严重的振动和噪声,并诱发沿线临近建筑物的振动和二次结构噪声,这对人们生活学习产生了一定的影响,地铁振动已成为一种振动公害。本文在对国内外相关研究内容进行分析的基础上,分析并研究了地铁运行诱发邻近建筑物的振动特性和规律,并且对地铁荷载引起的环境振动的研究现状进行了总结与研究。然后借鉴国内外相关研究成果,以分析地铁诱发土层振动特性为目的,对地铁运行时土层-隧道进行了建模和分析。得出地铁运行诱发沿线基础土层振动的特性与规律.论文中还阐述了数值模拟过程中一系列的理论知识和解决方法,包括方程的建立,算法的了解,单元的选取,土体边界的模拟,阻尼的确定等,为文中的的数值模拟打下基础。本文采用有限元计算软件ANSYS,建立了二维土—隧道模型,分析了多种工况下(不同土层材料密度特性情况下)的动力响应,得到了地铁轨道交通运营诱发的地层及地表的不同振动特点,可为地铁运营诱发的环境振动以及地面建筑的防振减振控制提供参考。并且以北京地铁5号线的隧道尺寸和土质特性为研究背景,分析采用不同断面结构时(矩形隧道、圆形隧道)的不同的振动特点。用有限元软件对圆形隧道和矩形隧道在相同荷载作用下的动力响应进行计算。并将这两种断面的有限元计算结果进行比较和分析,为以后的工程设计提供依据。

【Abstract】 Subway transportation system,one of main city traffic methods,has many obvious advantages. In resent years, subway transportation systems have been developed rapidly in China.However,with the development of subway construction, some negative effects also appear.One of the serious problems is the impact of vibration induced by subway train to environment. Subway is a kind of powerful and rapid traffic way in big city and very effective to alleviate the traffic pressure.but subway can produce serious vibration and noise in its operation ,and bring out sub-structural noise and vibration of building along the line .this is a kind of serious pollution to urban environment,and sometimes affects the people’s working and living condition neaeby. This vibration is called a social effects of pollution and should be controlled.Based on interpretation and analysis of home and foreign relevant research,for the purpose of reducing the vibration of adjacent buildings induced by subway,the characteristics of buildings vibration induced by subway are studied.Based on the research work before, firstly, The research results and situations about environmental vibration indueed by loads on subways at home and abroad have been summarized.Then,based on the relevant research production,we analyze the characteristics of adjacent buildings vibration induced by subway.A series of theoretieal knowledge and resolving methods in the process of numeric simulation has been represented,including the establishment of the function,the comprehension of the arithmetic,the choice of the elements,the modeling of the soil’s boundary, the confirm of the dam Pete. This work offers a concrete basic for the following chapters.Using the Finite-element software ANSYS,two dimensions soil-tunnel model is established, and the dynamic response are analyzed in situation.At last,the characteristic of subway vibration is concluded,which could be used for for reference in vibration control and buffer design of the ground structure.Most importantly,by using the Tunnel Size soil and characteristics of Beijing subway line 5. two-dimensional dynamic finite element model has been derived in the circular tunnel and the rectangular tunnel. we also compare and analysis the two models which can be used in tunnel engineering design.
