

Design Target and Feminine Style of the Automobile’s Model

【作者】 任旭

【导师】 傅黎明;

【作者基本信息】 吉林大学 , 设计艺术学, 2009, 硕士

【摘要】 本文通过设计心理和科学的对消费者心理研究分析发现,当代优秀的轿车造型设计缜密的考虑了消费者的心理因素和情感因素,并且从消费者的心理活动去策划汽车轿型的设计。我们生活在一个个性张扬的新时代,越来越多的人开始崇尚彰显自我的生活方式及自我的价值观等,从而导致整个社会都更加需要注入情感。情感化的工业设计开始遍布我们的日常生活,而消费者也在市场中寻找能表达和替代他们当下的情感的工业产品,来抒发和实现自我,展现自我。因而,在使用的产品上来体现个性化、情感化、多样化。当技术发展完善时,其使用功能的开发已经不再是轿车设计的重点,而是将情感关注提升为焦点,优秀的轿车设计能增进人对轿车的情感体验,增加人与人及人与轿车之间的情感交流与沟通,并且丰富人生的阅历。

【Abstract】 Designed by modernist order to promote rational, precision, and the new modernist design, through the emphasis of shape and color to convey the essence of the design up-to-date. The industrial design of today’s more required such as "experience", "feel", "emotional" elements such as, product design than the functions are easy to meet, designers will pay greater attention to cultural, psychological, emotional experience and emotional exchanges. If we decide by the function and form of the model of the design known as the masculine design, and the flexibility of the new design, emotion and more shows on the feminization of the characteristics of the design.The main research content of this article is designed to promote the psychological impact and how to design cars, especially the design of the psychological impact of the design of the feminization of car design. In this paper, starting from the design arts psychology, consumer psychology and products contact between the delicate, with a focus on consumer psychology and the feminization of the design of car design, emotional design on the impact of motor vehicles, as well as the design focus on the psychological model of women in the car the impact of design and effect.Feelings of many designers to be more and more attention, concern about the vehicle design, and ultimately, we will certainly be concerned about the feelings of users. Starting from the emotional experience, the feminization of the design of car design are discussed in this article the main opinion, this article in order to "shape the design of the psychological impact of the feminization of car design" as the starting point of this argument, the user detailed psychological analysis, from a psychological and scientific elaborate on the point of view. Product design aesthetic of property and symbols begin to convince the consumer guide, a modern form of car designers pay more attention to the mobilization of the user’s emotional experience and meaning of symbols for the different needs of different groups of people shape the design of the car, to the car to give a personal emotion. Cars came to the conclusion that the design should be concerned about people’s feelings, so that the car design more humane care, which in the neutral or long-term design of the lack of human warmth of the return of human nature, people and nature return to harmony.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 吉林大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2009年 09期
  • 【分类号】U462
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】234