

On the Study of "2+1" Cultivating Model of Vocational Education

【作者】 林仁昌

【导师】 邱永渠;

【作者基本信息】 福建师范大学 , 教育经济与管理, 2008, 硕士


【摘要】 随着我国改革开放的不断深入,经济结构出现大幅度的调整,高新技术更加广泛地渗入到社会各个领域,社会对专业技术人才需求发生新的变化。专业技术人才培养任务主要落在中等职业学校肩上,而中等职业学校传统的培养模式已经不适合当前的社会发展需要,培养模式改革迫在眉睫。本文立足于福建理工学校试行“2+1”培养模式的实践经验,首先阐述了中等职业学校“2+1”培养模式的内涵及意义,接着介绍选择合作企业、加强教学组织、加强实践管理、构建教学质量监控体系。然后分析实施“2+1”培养模式时出现四个较突出的问题:传统办学理念阻碍了模式的实施,企业参与不热情阻碍了模式的推进,“双师型”教师紧缺影响了模式的实施,学生实习期间离岗现象影响“1”的实施。最后针对实施“2+1”培养模式的问题提出解决的对策,重点强调当前环境下应如何改变观念,加强校企合作,加强“双师型”教师队伍建设,加强教育教学改革,提高学生对顶岗实习的认识以及完善保障机制。本文主要采取了文献法、访谈法来研究实施“2+1”培养模式。

【Abstract】 With the policy of opening and reform,the economic structure has changed greatly and high technology has influenced the society deeply, which leads to the readjustment of the technicians needs.Thus secondary vocatioanl schools are responsible for the training of professional specialists, but the traditional cultivating model of vocatioanl schools are not suitable for the requirement of sbcial development and calls for innovation.On the basis of the case of "2+1" cultivating model in Fujian Science and Engineering School,the paper introduces the implication and siginifance of "2+1" model and explores how to choose cooperating enterprise,strengthen teaching organization,improve the practical management and set up monitoring system of teaching quality.Four prominent problems are delivered:the traditional ways of education deters the implement of the model;the enterprises need promotion on their support of the new model; the shortage of teachers who are good at practice and theory affects the new model;the vocational school students would not finish their internship. Some solutions are put forward towards the problems with the stress on how to change ideas and encourage school-enterprise cooperation,how to change the curriculum system and teaching and how to cultivate teachers practically and theoretically.Lastly it is important to make students know the necessity of internship and perfect the system of "2+1" model.The methods,such as literature reference,case interview are used in this paper.

  • 【分类号】G718.3
  • 【被引频次】4
  • 【下载频次】368