

The Study on Li Zhiyi

【作者】 孙烨

【导师】 王洪;

【作者基本信息】 吉林大学 , 中国古代文学, 2009, 硕士

【摘要】 关于李之仪生年主要有1046、1047和1048年三说,笔者认同李之仪生于1048年,卒于1128年的说法。其首次结识苏轼及出任监内香药库的时间,一向不明,经过考证,应分别为元丰八年和元符元年。苏轼对李之仪的影响极其深刻。《姑溪居士全集》中收苏轼有关的作品四十余首;《苏轼文集》和《苏轼诗集》中收与李之仪有关的作品二十余首,特别是在遇赦北归的一年时间内,苏轼给李之仪的信笺就有七封。李之仪与苏轼的交往可分为三个阶段:首先,从元丰三年至元祐元年为二人书信交往阶段。有苏轼《与李公择书》、《答李端叔书》、《次韵答李端叔》等作品为佐证。其次,是两者交游阶段。定州任职前,李之仪与苏轼共见过两次面,第一次是元祐元年,苏轼任起居舍人时,李之仪在枢密院任编修官;第二次是元祐二年,受驸马王诜之邀,同游西园;第三次为定州幕府,此期间是两人交往最为密切的一段时间,二人均留下了很多宝贵的作品。第三阶段是元符三年至建中元年的书信交往、诗词唱和阶段。李之仪《读东坡诗》、《跋东坡大庾岭所寄诗》、《和东坡赠岭上老人》及苏轼《答李端叔十首》中大部分信件,皆为此时所作。李之仪94首词,其词风不拘一格,既有婉约词的创作,又不失浑浩清旷,并可分为爱情词、咏怀词和景物词三类。

【Abstract】 In recent years, many literary scholars focus on researches about Li Zhiyi. Not only because he is one of students who study from Su Shi with a rough life, but also his outstanding achievement in the field of poetry. It is a lacking situation about researches on Li who is regarding as an important literati in the Northern Song period, because only about 30 academic materials which written by some researchers could be found, also most of them discuss Li’s works. In all the researches there are 8 articles which relate to Li’s life and 18 ones focus on his works, also others are talking about Li’s friendship. The issues of this thesis are researching about Li’s life, works and relationship with Su Shi, also the author will give details base on resources and points from researchers before.This article divides into three parts:Chapter one is about the research of Li’s life. In the late-1980s, Zhang Zhongmou published the first paper about Li Zhiyi which is named as "Life of Li". It shows Li was born on 1046s and died on 1125s, also with Li’s whole working experiences.After that, Mr. Zeng Zaozhuang and Wang Zhaopeng wrote articles with different standpoints and not all the points were the same even similar, the biggest one could be in a 10 years difference. For example, Zeng’s final point is between 1048s and 1128s; Wang Xing and Wang Zhaopeng considered that the dead year should be in 1118s.The author draw a table about this question base on all kinds of points from different researchers. And the author believes that the born and dead years of Li should be in 1048s and 1128s. Then, there is a research about Li’s whole life. Moreover, this part includes some unidentified time of Li’s working experiences in SiMing, GaoLi, also the meeting with SuShi and work in NeiXiangYaoKu, the research shows that these time should be close to the numbers which followed by 1073s, 1084s, 1085s and 1098s.Chapter two: As a student of Su, Li Zhiyi got great regard and emotion, also, Su wrote a good poetry to praise him. The relationship between them can be teacher and student also friends. Su affected Li on his life and style of his works largely. These can be found from their words. The author has arranged all the 70 works between the both, and did research on the time of each article to make their relationship clear. There are three steps in it: first is the association with letters, as the lost of Li’s works, only Su’s <For Li Gongze>, <Answer for Li Duanshu> and so on exist; The second one is the real association which includes the meeting in DingZhou 1086s and 1087s’.; The final step is the discussing between Su and Li’s in the field of poetry. The study about the relationship between Su and Li benefits on the research of Li Zhiyi and is also good for the deeper research on Su’s thinking and writing.Chapter three describes Li’s works include 728 poetries, 715 essays and 94 words. As the special style of Li’s works, most researchers put attentions on his articles and do researches. For example, Zhang Hong, Men Ligong, Xu Anqi works on Li’s words; Sun Chao, Han Hua, Li Juan focus on Li’s poetries. There is a table about all the conclusions by the author. His strategies include features of rich connotations, fresh and subtle conditions, elegant and peaceful environment. The author writes base on his <Ba Wu Si Dao> and with his theory to discuss. Moreover, the author analyses Li’s emotion from three angles: Love, YongHuai and JingWu, also put his living background together to discuss.

【关键词】 李之仪生平苏轼词作
【Key words】 Li ZhiyiBiographyWorksSu Shi
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 吉林大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2009年 09期
  • 【分类号】I206.2
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】220