

Research on Maintenance Technique of Cement Concrete Pavement of Rural Road in Jilin Province

【作者】 刘春宇

【导师】 郭学东;

【作者基本信息】 吉林大学 , 道路与铁道工程, 2009, 硕士

【摘要】 水泥路面俗称白色路面,又称为刚性路面。由于具有水稳定性高,高温稳定性高,使用年限长等优点,所以成为我国广大农村地区普遍采用的一种路面结构形式。随着“建设社会主义新农村”口号的响亮提出,政府加大了对农村基础设施建设的投资力度。随着农村公路总里程的不断增加,对农村水泥公路的养护工作也被重视起来。无论是新建公路还是旧路,进行必要的维修养护,对于延长使用寿命和提高服务质量都是十分必要的。导致水泥路面破坏的原因是多方面的,主要分为主观原因和客观原因两大类。主观原因有:结构设计不合理、现场施工不规范、材料选择不标准和养护管理不及时等。客观原因有:车辆荷载作用和气候环境变化等。在造成路面破坏的众多因素中,客观因素是人为难以改变的,而主观因素中的前三项都是在水泥路面建成之前发生的,控制起来也相对较为困难。只有养护管理,发生在水泥路面建成以后,是对恶化的水泥路面使用性能的缓解和使用寿命的延长,是我们比较容易控制的。通过合理的维修养护工作,能够有效的将水泥路面维持在一个较高的服务水平上,并延长其使用年限。本文以吉林省的长春、白城、辽源、白山、通化等地区的农村公路调查为依托,在大量实地调研及广泛收集资料的基础上,剖析了吉林省农村公路的养护现状,在对现有路段路面使用性能进行评价的基础上,参照《公路技术状况评定标准》(JTG H20-2007)中关于公路技术状况评价的结论,构建了农村公路路面技术状况评价的主要框架。分析了吉林省农村公路水泥路面的主要破坏形式及其成因,并针对吉林省的气候环境特点及交通荷载情况,结合实际调查中吉林省农安县伏龙泉镇所有自然村环村水泥公路路面的病害情况,提出相应的病害养护和维修方案。

【Abstract】 Since 2000, the Jilin Province basis country regarding the countryside industry restructure to the depth advancement’s policy, has sped up the countryside cement highway construction achievement the rural economic development, the promotion poor area casts off poverty and set out on a road to prosperity, the improvement general farmer populace produce the living condition the important task, has integrated“four vertical three horizontal two links export the net”the transportation overall plan the countryside cement highway construction, and proposed“guarantees first unimpeded, latter on standard, on rank”the guiding principle, instructs the entire province countryside highway construction.By the end of 2007, the Jilin Province rural road total course amounts to 73471 kilometers, 91.3% organic villages have passed the road, 98.9% villages and towns and 75.7% organic villages have passed the cement (asphalt) the road. in 2008 completes asphalt road, the cement road 9500 kilometers, the entire province rural road total course amounts to 82971 kilometers. Will plan to 2012, Jilin Province will accumulate invests 16,300,000,000 Yuan to use in the countryside highway construction, and will complete the countryside cement (asphalt) the road 35000 kilometers, will realize all villages and towns and 95% above administrative villages passes the cement (asphalt) the road, will have between the condition administrative village to exchange the road. Rapidly expand’s rural road our province countryside and the countryside, the countryside and the city connects, to the regional economies development, to the city and countryside material cultural exchange, to improved the people to produce, the living condition to play the positive promoter action.Along with road railway track in use’s increase with period of revolution’s extension, definitely will bring the highway maintenance resilience increase. In recent years, after many roads completed, the volume of traffic explosive growth, the vehicles large scale, the overload is been serious, influences and so on travel channel, caused the road surface to receive the stern test in the use process. After also many roads complete, is open to traffic soon, because cannot meet the vehicles general need, has had the early destruction, maintains the resilience to be getting bigger and bigger, to maintains technical the request to be also getting higher and higher. May estimate that our country highway construction by the construction primarily, will transfer the construction and the maintenance with emphasis develops simultaneously, then transforms for maintains primarily.Cement concrete pavementpopular name white road surface, is also called the rigid pavement. Because has the water stability to be high, the high temperature stability is high, the service life long and so on merits, the cement concrete pavementis one kind of pavement structure form which our country general countryside area uses generally. While“the build socialism new countryside”the slogan proposed resoundingly that the government has enlarged to the countryside infrastructural facilities investment efforts, particularly takes seriously extremely newly built to the countryside cement road with the maintenance work. Regardless of being the newly built road or the old road, carries on the essential service maintenance, and improves the grade of service regarding the extension service life is very essential.Causes the cement pavement failure the reason is various, mainly divides into the subjective reason and the objective cause two broad headings. The subjective reason includes: The structural design is unreasonable, scene construction not standard, choice of material not standard and maintenance management not prompt and so on. The objective cause includes: Vehicles load function and climatic environment change and so on. In creates the pavement failure in the numerous factors, the objective factor is artificial changes with difficulty, but in the subjective factor’s first three items are before the cement concrete pavementcompletes occurs, controls relatively is also more difficult. Only the maintenance management, occurs after the cement concrete pavementcompletes, is to the worsened cement concrete pavementoperational performance alleviation and the service life extension, is we quite easy to control. Through the reasonable service maintenance work, can effective maintain the cement concrete pavementin a high service level, and lengthens its service life.This article take local and so on Jilin Province’s Changchun, Baicheng, Liaoyuan, snow-capped mountain, Tonghua rural road investigations as a backing, in massive investigates and studies on the spot and in the widespread collection material foundation, analyzed the Jilin Province rural road’s maintenance present situation fully, in carries on the appraisal to the existing road section road surface operational performance in the foundation, refers to "Road Technical position Evaluation Standard" (JTG H20-2007) about the road technical position appraisal conclusion, has constructed the rural road surface technical position appraisal main frame. Has analyzed the Jilin Province rural road cement concrete pavementmain destruction form and the origin. And aims at Jilin Province’s climatic environment characteristic and the transportation load situation, unifies bends down the Longquan Town all natural village cement concrete pavementplant disease situation to the Jilin Province Nong’an County, proposes the corresponding plant disease maintenance and the service plan.This research in the road with the performance evaluation target, proposed suits the Jilin Province rural road technical position the evaluation model and rural road technical position evaluating indicator MQI. Can make the correct analysis based on these targets to our province rural road’s technical position. In maintains in the technical countermeasure, has introduced the new patching material polymer modification at on the main plant disease’s patching material from the dense concretes and the KG patching material, And carried on the corresponding economic efficiency to analyze.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 吉林大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2009年 09期
  • 【分类号】U418.6
  • 【被引频次】5
  • 【下载频次】294