

The Study on the Simulation of Lunar Rover Interaction with Lunar Soil on the Basis of Soil Bin Test

【作者】 彭剑波

【导师】 李因武;

【作者基本信息】 吉林大学 , 仿生科学与工程, 2009, 硕士

【摘要】 月球车(月面巡视器)是月面探索的主体,是一种高度精密和智能的机器系统,其通过性能的优劣将极大地影响月面探测的稳定性和可靠性。因此必须在月球车登月之前进行通过性能的研究。虽然月球上低重力和特殊的月壤环境难以在地面上模拟,但随着虚拟现实技术和仿真技术的发展,利用虚拟样机能够模拟月面车辆与月壤的相互作用,从而为登月工作做准备,在模拟中发现并解决问题。考虑到月球车与月壤的直接作用的部件为车轮,因此本研究工作从车轮与月壤相互作用入手,分别制备模拟月壤、一系列的刚性轮以及月壤—车轮测试系统。其中:模拟月壤以辉南县的火山灰为主要原料,辅之少量赤铁矿砂,使其物理性质同美国航天局制备的JSC-1模拟月壤相近,且主要参数范围在真实月壤参数内;制作14个结构参数不一的试验用刚性轮,利用月壤—车轮测试系统,采用正交设计和土槽试验的方法,实现对刚性轮的水平位移、垂直位移、扭矩、转速、滑转率等参数的测量,得到不同刚性轮的牵引性能。在获得以驱动轮牵引性能参数后,利用CAITIA三维软件进行土槽测试系统建模,并将模型导入SimDesigner软件中,同时将相关模拟月壤参数导入虚拟样机中。对月球车的刚性轮与月壤相互作用过程进行动态仿真,从车轮接触应力和位移矢量等方面,分析月球车刚性轮的通过性能,并与实际刚性轮试验进行对比。在仿真研究的基础上创建六轮摇臂月球车实体模型。在计算机环境下进行月球车在月面行驶时的牵引通过性能研究。土槽试验和仿真分析研究结果为月球车移动机构的设计和性能分析提供参考。

【Abstract】 China cruises on the moon surface is divided into three phases.The first phase:Ring detection on the development and launch "Chang’e I" lunar exploration satellite.used the methods On detection around the moon for one year of global,holistic and integrated exploration,and mapped the lunar surface and environment,geomorphology,topography, geological structure and physical and so on."Chang’e I" satellite was around on October 24, 2007 successfully launched.PhaseⅡ:On face detection and a soft landing on the moon surface to launch a soft landing inspection visits,test the lunar soft-landing techniques; develop and launch vehicle inspection,automatic robots.Detect the rock chemistry and mineral composition of the Landing area,high-resolution photography and rock on-site sampling and analysis or detection.This phase is scheduled for completion in 2012.PhaseⅢ: On surface inspection and sampling inspection to return to the development of small sample return capsule,rock drilling machine on table,table on sampler,such as robot arm to collect samples of the return of critical analysis.Inspection of the landing area for the next manned lunar exploration,the establishment of the lunar outpost site selection data.This phase is scheduled for completion in 2017.On the current stage has been completed around,what car to walk the moon,through the performance of institutions,which is a critical significance to the Trucks for the moon landing of the second phase.The average density of lunar material is 3.34g/cm3,Equivalent to the Earth’s density is only 3/5,Moon’s gravity at the equator the Earth’s gravity for 1/6,Soil layer on the majority of relatively soft soil,density of sandy soil on the earth small.Lunar rover will reduce the efficiency of the road.Therefore,in-depth study of special circumstances in the face to detect vehicles on wheels and on the interaction between soil and the role of the mechanism of the way For the development of high traffic through the institutions,in order to protect and improve the reliability of the work of the moon vehicle of great significance. At present,many universities and research institutes to develop a variety of lunar rover prototype,and the walk to match body,However,face detection on vehicles and on the mechanism of interaction between soil and surface exploration vehicles on the performance of the study has just begun,Rare reports of research results.In other words,Just a lot of research is to study the surface,Or only study lunar rover.It is rare to combine the two studies.So This issue will surface on the wheels of vehicles to detect interaction with the soil on the basis of research conducted through the properties of lunar rover simulation.In this paper,the Ministry of Education focused on scientific and technological research projects(Item Number:107035) funded projects,Preparation of the soil used in the trough of the simulation tests on the use of soil,Through on soil-soil trough wheel test system, Trough of the soil test based on,Studied in a simulated rover wheel on the traction characteristics of soil;Analysis of the simulated soil on the pressure,shear,and load-bearing characteristics,and And the establishment of a description of interaction between wheel and soil on the mathematical model, Size of different rounds of the rigid structure of the different parameters through the performance.Finally,the application of CATIA and SimDesinger software test system for simulation of soil,In contrast with the real test,Further build the lunar rover model, Simulation of soil parameters on import into the simulation software to carry out lunar rover simulation analysis through performance.To explore what types of wheels out of the corresponding properties of the moon through a better car.Simulation of soil used in the experiments on the use of the area of Changbai Mountain in Jilin Province Huinan ash as main raw material,Des is a red iron ore,In accordance with the different particle size distribution,Processing and preparation of red iron ore content in five samples,And analyze the performance of its shear,compression performance,particle shape and mineral composition of the basic physical and mechanical parameters.And on soil samples with the JSC-1 lunar soil simulation were compared,Selection of 2 from the sample as a simulated lunar soil.Simulation on soil physical and mechanical properties of soil on changes in scope,and JSC-1 analog,on the nature of soil near,Through qualitative and quantitative analysis of the simulation obtained on soil,Its water content to1.9±0.9%,Also close to zero water content on soil morphology true.Accounting for2.9,Internal friction angle is 32.75°,Cohesion is 1.79kPa,The average diameter is 134.703μm,Median size is 97.386μm,Effective diameter d10 is 25μm,Control of particle size d60 is 129μm, Non-uniform coefficient Cu is 5.16,Curvature coefficient Cc is 0.937.The use of SC-900 using a number of explicit instrument of soil compaction on the simulation of soil on different degrees solid state were measured,the result is With the increase in the number of compaction,Simulation of soil hardness on the increase,Simulation of soil on the surface hardness values than the increase in large deep,This is because the pressure to pass from the top down on the surface soil.on the basis of Jilin University soil-soil trough wheel test system,The soil bin test system is mainly composed of three parts,as follows:fixed soil sin,mechanical systems and measurement and control system.Trough the use of soil testing soil trough system fixed by the trial round of movement forms;used VVVF motor to control the test parameters such as wheel speed;DC servo motor and the EDC controller to control the traction resistance;First through the sensors and measuring instruments and related software systems,linked to traction,the settlement amount of forward speed,wheel speed,wheel torque based on the measurement parameters.Analysis of the driving wheel movement simulated damage on the form of the failure of soil.Of smooth round and round barbed different failure mechanism.And an analysis of structural parameters on the traction wheel performance.With the increase in slip rateλ, Linked to the increased wheel traction,Slip rate between 10-40%,Growth linked to traction, followed by relatively slow changes.When the slip rate<30%efficiency factor when the small but rapidly,When the slip rate of around 30%,the factor to achieve maximum efficiency,Gradually reduced until the slip rate of 100%.Increasing the wheel width, diameter,linked to the efficiency coefficient of traction and can be a corresponding increase in.Increasing round of barbed height,will be linked to increased traction;Slip rate in less than 20%,the efficiency coefficient with a high degree of thorns round of increases, However,when the slip rate greater than 20%,the efficiency coefficient with a high degree of thorns round of decreased.Round thorn density increased,the linking coefficient of traction and then to increase efficiency at a certain peak and then decreased.In this study,use CATIA software modeling on the basis of the use of simulation software to deal with SimDesinger.Use CATIA software construct 14 rigid wheel models, and the soil bin systerm.In the soil bin test systerm,tested the different wheels’traction performance.Changed the different slip rate than compute the traction torque,we find the slip rate have little impaction to traction,this is different with the test have done.The reason is in the test before,the lunar simulant is particle.But in computer simulation,the lunar soil simulant was treated as whole bady,in another way is elastomer.in order to solve this problem,we changed the friction coefficient to assort with the condueiton of reality test.Then finded the friction coefficient between lunar soli simulant and smooth rigid wheels should be 0.6,and the none smooth wheels’ friction coefficent should be ablout 0.9.Based on the test the none smooth rigid wheels’ traction torque is bigger than the smooth one,on the condition of the same friction coefficent.At last,test the displacement of rigidwheel in the direction of vertical.the conclution is the No.8 wheel has the best traction ability.the result from the simulation has some different with the test have done before,but the results is also can accepeted.NO.8 rigid wheel as the driving wheel,then construct the SIX-WHEELED ROCKER LUNAR ROVER.in the environment of SimDesigner,test the traction ability of the lunar wheel.analyse the displacement of in the direction of vertical.Use this method to valuate the ability of lunar rover.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 吉林大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2009年 09期
  • 【分类号】TP391.9;TP242.6
  • 【被引频次】7
  • 【下载频次】454