

Repetition That Studies the Old Asphalt Road to Face the Material to Make Use of the Method

【作者】 赵伟

【导师】 戴文亭; 朱跃坤;

【作者基本信息】 吉林大学 , 交通运输工程, 2009, 硕士

【摘要】 本论文主要是研究长吉高速公路旧沥青路面材料的冷再生应用技术研究,用以缓解日益紧张、短缺的筑路材料的问题,降低公路工程的工程造价,降低废料堆放对环境造成的污染。论文研究的主要线路是通过对旧沥青路面材料的分析,选择确定掺配其他材料的种类、数量,使其成为符合公路《路面基层结构规范》的要求,通过对旧沥青路面材料分析的基础上,使其能在更大范围内得以推广和应用。同时根据长春至吉林高速公路养护工程上进行了项目应用试验,并通过实际施工使用形成符合施工生产的实际的配合比和施工工艺指导书。通过对旧沥青路面材料和二灰碎石路面结构在工程造价上进行了技术经济比较分析,能够很大幅度的降低工程造价,并能产生较大的社会效益和环境效益。论文研究中进行了大量的试验、检测,通过大量的试验数据进行分析、论证,得出了切实可行的结论。

【Abstract】 With asphalt concrete pavement surface, no seams, short construction period and easy maintenance but also to the various levels of the road. However, asphalt concrete pavement in the vehicle load, temperature and rainfall and other factors, it will susceptible to be damaged. Used to a certain number of years, it will have a network split, subsidence, rutting, and other diseases over packet. Therefore, we converted the maintenance of roads and highways, it is often the old asphalt pavement removed and then re-used a layer of new asphalt concrete surface. In the demolition of the old road at the same time, it is necessary to have a large amount of waste asphalt concrete, the traditional approach is to the outskirts of the main open-air dumps or landfills. This is not only a large number of land occupiers, but also caused serious environmental pollution, resources become increasingly scarce in today, is also a great waste of resources. How reasonable disposal and waste recycling roads, to enhance environmental protection, sustainable development strategies is an important part of solving this problem is bound to bring great social and economic benefits.In this paper, research combining the Office of Jilin Provincial Department of Education approved the subject "of the old Cold Recycling of Asphalt Pavement applied technology research.", In this paper is to examine the purpose of the study Chang-Ji Expressway old cold asphalt pavement materials, the application of renewable technologies, through the old highway Changji cold asphalt pavement material the use of renewable sources of research, in order to reduce the cost of highway projects , the old asphalt pavement to reduce waste pollution on the environment, to solve the problem of shortage of construction materials. The main thesis of the old route through the analysis of bituminous material, mixed with other materials, making it consistent with the specifications of highway engineering infrastructure road construction materials. In this paper, the old asphalt material to use to carry out cold regeneration, the old asphalt pavement to improve the utilization of materials, to explore the use of additive type and quantity of materials so that the old asphalt material can be in the wider promotion and use. Issues to Jilin to Changchun highway in accordance with the conservation of the application of the pilot project was carried out through the indoor and outdoor experiments, testing a large number of test data derived through the analysis, the final form in line with the actual construction of the production design and technology than with the guidance of the book.The main conclusions are as follows:1.To determine the structure of the old asphalt pavement materials with the ratio of lime: fly ash: waste = 8:24:68 construction as recommended mixing ratio (in response to the practical application of an analysis of the old material to determine the appropriate mix).2. In this paper, based on road construction and structural design requirements for the construction of the pilot, the road structure has good strength and stability. Song Shop coefficient of 1.2 ~ 1.253. To determine the course of the construction method of blending.Feasible.In this paper, through the old road Changji cold asphalt pavement material the use of renewable sources of research material to build roads to ease the current tense situation, reducing the cost of highway projects through the long road of old asphalt pavement Kyrgyzstan cold renewable materials the use of research, a reduction of waste piled up space on the surrounding environment caused by pollution, the environmental governance of our country played a role in promoting good and has broad application prospects.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 吉林大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2009年 08期
  • 【分类号】U416.217
  • 【被引频次】4
  • 【下载频次】182