

Study on the Powertrain Parameters Metching and the Energy Management Strategy Optimization of a HEV

【作者】 刘朋

【导师】 郭孔辉;

【作者基本信息】 吉林大学 , 车辆工程, 2009, 硕士

【摘要】 随着保有量的增加,汽车带来的环境污染和能源短缺问题日益明显。与传统汽车相比,混合动力汽车在降低燃油消耗和减少二氧化碳排放方面具有很大潜力,因而成为各汽车企业当前研发的热点。本文依托某国内企业利用现有车型(JU-1)开发混合动力轿车(JU-1A)的国家“863”项目,就其动力系统参数匹配和能量分配优化两个问题进行了探讨。在进行JU-1A动力系统参数匹配时,提出了一种在动力性、经济性和动力系统构型约束下确定动力系统参数的思路,即首先满足动力性约束,由此确定发动机的型号;然后根据节能的要求确定采用的节能方式,进而确定动力系统的参数(主要是电机和电池的参数)。由于JU-1A的能量分配策略相对简单,而且在进行NEDC循环工况仿真时,通过制动能量回收的电量多于驱动力矩不足电机助力时所消耗的电量,因此为了保证SOC波动范围的稳定,并为动力电池回收制动能量留有余地,设计适当的SOC削减策略就显得非常重要。针对SOC削减策略的设计要求,本文提出了滑动助力门槛曲线的SOC削减策略,各助力门槛曲线通过优化的方法确定。这种方法在JU-1A的连续NEDC工况仿真中,实现了对SOC波动范围的很好控制。对于这种方法对复杂循环工况在线适应性不足的问题,本文也提出了将滑动助力门槛曲线方法和模糊方法结合起来的改造构想。仿真计算结果表明,通过以上工作,所设计的混合动力轿车JU-1A很好的满足了最初的设计要求。

【Abstract】 With the increasing world’s economy, more and more conventional cars appear in developing countries. The increasing number of cars intensifies the environment and energy crisis. Hybrid Electric Vehicle (HEV) is the vehicle that is powered by internal combustion engine(ICE) and motor together. It makes full use of the two power sources and can optimally match their power, so that it enlarges the overall system efficiency very much. So, HEV has incomparable advantages of traditional internal combustion vehicles in fuel economy and emission.The research in this article, answers“powertrain parameter matching”and“optimization of the energy distribution control strategies”questions when a car company starts to develop Hybrid Electric Vehicle,is based on group projects about Hybrid Electric Vehicle research. The main content and conclusions as follows:In chapter one, the developing history and the function of Hybrid Electric Vehicle are firstly introduced. And the developing history and developing trend of powertrain parameter matching and energy distribution strategies are introduced in detail. The main content of this thesis are listed.In chapter two, a vehicle model for the powertrain parameter matching and energy distribution control strategies is built based on ADVISOR (Advanced Vehicle Simulator). At first the simulation software ADVISOR is introduced; then the main powertrain part modules are analyzed; at last, the basic energy distribution strategies are designed. Finally, a HEV simulation model is built up, which offers a platform for the following research.In chapter three, the question“powertrain parameter matching”is researched. At the beginning the principle of powertrain parameter matching is raised. Then, according to the definite dynamic request, the matching calculate is carried on. After powertrain parameter matching, the fuel economy of the HEV has a great leap.In chapter four, another question“optimization of the energy distribution strategies based on Genetic Algorithm”is researched. At first, Optimization of variables is selected after discussing the energy distribution strategies. Through the introduction of Genetic Algorithm and setting the key variable of Genetic Algorithm, an optimization question based on the Genetic Algorithm is established. After optimization, the fuel economy of the HEV is improved obviously.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 吉林大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2009年 09期